[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpLOvY_MVcs[/youtube]
A few things come to mind on Father's Day.
By no means is this anywhere near an all encompassing list.
By no means does this make me a perfect Dad, far from it.
The gist is that I am always striving to become better.
Things to do on Father's Day:
1) Remember that the day is NOT all about you. It's about how lucky you are to be a Dad. Tell the right people how lucky you are and how much you love them.
2) Do something that makes you stronger. Yes, that means to train and lift something heavy, even if it's just one exercise, lift something heavy. Your family needs you to be strong in mind, body & spirit.
3) Pick one thing that you really need to improve upon in your life that will in turn give your family a better life.
4) Start writing your goals. I always have a note pad handy in various places (Office, Car, Gym) and write down my goals for life, lifting, business, etc. I also write down the action steps I will take and need to take to achieve success. Review these goals and action steps daily, then, DO it.
5) Stronger & Better Than Yesterday. Every day have the goal to be better. Improve at work, improve in training, improve your health, etc. Every day that we don't improve we lose that day. For EVER.
6) Say I Love You. You can never say this enough. When you say it, mean it, LIVE it.
The 6 things above are not from me to you, as I stand high and might on my soap box. These are also things I will be doing, side by side with you, working harder to improve as a father, husband and a MAN.
My fellow Dads of Underground Strength Nation. Please add your "Things to do on Father's Day" in the comments section below.
Thank You.
Live The Code
PS: Seriously. As a Dad, stay connected with me, let me train you week after week, month after month via The Underground Inner Circle. When you sign up (Less than 10 bucks a month) I hook you up with 12 Kick Ass Gifts. Click HERE For More Info.
6 Responses
excellent points. Not only for fathers day. Especially point 6 and point 4 are strong. Man, its so important to show love for the ones closest to you.
Although I’m repeating myself – for me this has become one of the strongest sentences in the last years: “without your polis YOU are nothing!”. For me personally this sums it up pretty much.
Also writing down your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals is so important if you want to get somewhere. One cant emphasize that enough. Time is limited for us on this earth – make it happen!
Generally for me EVERY day is fathers day because being a father is the greatest thing that has ever happend to me. So, no special need to celebrate it because I’ve been blessed.
Sven I am psyched these points resonate with you, homie!!!
Happy Father’s Day big Zach! Really isnt every day Fathers and Mothers Day?!
Live the Code and make sure you teach the code to your children. Too many times the role of father and mother are blurred and people loose grip with what we truly are-teachers! Teach them to live, love and act!
I waited eight years to open my gym because I wanted to raise my boys. Now that they are older they come with me to my gym. When I came to the cert it was only my second time being away from them in eight years and it was tough. But worth it!
Have good day Dads!
EVERY day brother!!!! SOOOO psyched 4 U and your gym! Looks like a Monster Factory!!
yr place looks awesome! It seriously rocks!
If you pursue yr business the same way, you’ll come out on top!
Had a great “core” training session today:
1a)deadlift medium weight submax reps
1b)ropeclimbs submax
2a) front squats medium weight submax reps
2b) ring pushups
2c) heavy kettlebell turkish getup
3a) trx handwalks to handstand (killer)
3d) basic yoga movements
medium paced run
A while ago I started to mix gymnastic movements within a workout instead of doing them separately. Workouts have become much more interesting and mobility has increased. Lifts have gone way more smothly.
Have an awesome day.