Here and there I've given insight into my workouts but not in detail.

Yes, LOTS of videos but I wanted to share some details and if you dig it, maybe I'll update once a month.

By the way, I hope you're diggin' the new Blog face lift πŸ™‚

You can see there is now a section to your right which has a list of "Popular Posts". If you wanna show some LOVE, use the search bar on the right, search for terms or articles and hit the Facebook LIKE button, share via Twitter and so forth πŸ™‚

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This past weekend we finished the final USC Cert of 2011.

Not sure how, but every crew excites me more and more than the last crew, each time, bringing greater energy and camaraderie to the table.

It always amazes me.

This cert was EXTRA special as I had 3 BadAss Coaches roll in from the #ATX.

This is their 3rd time going through the USC Cert and they LIVE the CODE!

They train hard, they live hard and they show others how to live the code as well.

USC is growing and our team is building with those who walk the talk, plain and simple.

Son we'll be holding Certs in various areas of the USA and yes, some will be held without me. But, those who run each cert will be from those that Live by the Code & Die by the Code.

These are tried and true Undergrounders who have a passion for old school strength, a passion for helping other Strength Coaches, a passion for helping others become Strong as well as sharing the business strategies you need to follow your passion.

Too many people hate what they do and are miserable every Monday morning. F**K that! Been there, done that and damn was that A PAINFUL WAY TO LIVE.

I felt like it was more like dieing a slow death, NOT living. I vowed to NEVER go back to those days again and this is what drives me and inspires me to help others do what they love, especially if that passion is in the real of lifting heavy shit and helping others get STRONG, both physically AND mentally.

Our 3 Coaches were bad ass, check some pics:

Above, BIG Mike Gregory

Above, Jennifer Cardella

Above, Travis Holley

OK.... Here are the details regarding the next USC Cert - More details regarding our expansion to hold certs outside of NJ plus video highlights from this past weekend are coming soon!

On to my training log.....

After cranking 3 months of 95% Bodyweight Bodybuilding work I was feeling VERY hungry to attack the barbell. My garage gym is almost set and videos will come soon. My training is getting LOTS of time spent on my warm up as well as soft tissue work. I now crank soft tissue work EVERY day, several times a day, even if it's NOT a training day, I get it done.

Yes, I know, it's NOT the fun stuff and many see this as being "ghey" but if you wanna get stronger, you get healthier. Period. Speaking of which, if you're in NJ, check our upcoming seminar HERE.

I'm feeling waaaaaaay better than I have in ages.

I won't lie and tell you that bodyweight training helps your squat, dead and bench. Specificity is the rule. I felt more athletic, healthier and was pain FREE for those 3 months and it was exactly what I needed.

The constant focus on heavy lifting from age 13 to this day caught up to me, and, it was a blessing in disguise, forcing me to train smarter. Now, a healthy blend of Bodyweight Bodybuilding and my usual training style is back on track and I'm loving it.

Above, Jen C KICKIN' ASS with 40 lb chain push ups!

Check the last 2 WOs I did.

Friday was programmed by Travis, Saturday was organized together by the crew at The USC Cert. I'll get those videos up shortly.

Friday / Travis Holley / Strictly Strength Workout

1A) Box Squat 5 x 5

1B) Muscle Clean ANY Object (D Ball, Sandbag, Kettlebells) 5 x 10

1C) Mixed Pull Ups x 15 (Only on Sets 1, 3 & 5)

1D) Mixed Push Ups x 15 (Only on Sets 1, 3 & 5)

That Friday WO was awesome, my legs are STILL sore after 4 months of NOT box squatting!

Saturday Workout was LEGIT as I tore into the new dumbbell we got in, the OLD school York DBs! I LOVE these! We did this workout as a Group, Underground Strength Coaches getting after it!

1) 1 Arm DB Clean & Press 5 x 3 - 5 reps: 40, 60, 80, 100, 80 lbs

2A) Medicine Ball Push Up Complex 4 x 12-15 reps

2B) Rope Climbs or Mixed Pull Ups 4 x submax reps

3A) Jumping Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 10 / 10

3B) KB Swings 3 x 10: 70, 80, 106

With my garage gym workouts I'm focused on the barbell lifts, sprints and ring work for bodyweight training.

If you dig these training log updates please let me know.

Also, please help out and share your favorite articles, videos, audios on the blog. This Blog has info going back for a solid 4 or 5 years now so your help will be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advanced!

QOD (Question of the Day): How has your training evolved the past few months? What are you doing for greater health AND strength? Drop a comment below and share!



17 Responses

  1. Can’t wait to see your garage home gym! It’ll probably give me some ideas for mine πŸ™‚

    “How has your training evolved the past few months?”

    Started doing push presses instead of military presses during recovery day (I’m doing Texas Method btw).

    Also on my “bench” recovery day, I’ve substituted weight dips for bench presses.

    And front squats instead of low-bar back squats on recovery days as well.

    “What are you doing for greater health AND strength?”

    Trying to get more sleep, and adding complimentary, fundamental exercises to my training.

    1. @Callie: Callie thnx for stopping by and diggin’ it!!!
      How r u??

  2. Scott Bertrand says:

    Hey Zach! I like the training log update its always cool to see what others are doing!

    β€œHow has your training evolved the past few months?”

    I have a plan now and im sticking to it. In the past I was a consistant overtrainer! I have been following Wendlers 5x3x1 for the past 4 months and have been smashing rep PRs and getting stronger every workout, with no platue in sight! Ive been supplementing with dyanamic lifts, repetition, bodyweight, and crossfit style circuts depending on the day. I feel healthier and stronger than I have in a while!

  3. Great post. Thanks. My programming is staying mostly the same (don’t want to be a program hopper).

    My diet had change majorly this past month. I am desperate and determined to loose the last 30 pounds that is dragging me down, especially when it comes to body weight workouts and conditioning. I am adding more fruit and vegetables and cutting way back on grains, pastas, dairy, and other calorie dense food. I am only doing this until the unneeded fat comes off.

    Hoping to add a Kettlebell to my home gym this Christmas.

    1. @Michael: Mike

      I would read Robb Wolff’s Paleo Solution

      You will actually wanna lay low on fruits w/the sugars, veggies can stay high, fruits in moderation!

      Keep me posted, bro!

      1. @admin: I am always honored when you reply to my question. I will look into that. OK on the fruits. I will also look into that you mentioned to another. Thanks Zach.

    2. @Michael:

      Alright Michael,

      You might know this already but upping your fruit intake probably isn’t the best idea for dropping those 30lbs of fat. Fruit is filled with a sugar called fructose which is stored in the body as liver glycogen. The problem is liver glycogen capacity is quite small and eating a substantial amount of fruit will likely lead to a ‘spill’ effect..i.e fat gain.

  4. Sean Butler says:

    I have been doing much more heavy lifting, trying to get my numbers up. I have also added heavy Olympic lifts to my routine. Lastly, I do short (<10 minutes) metcons after my workouts. A typical day would be:

    A. Power clean 5×2
    B. Deadlift 3×3
    C1. GHR 4×12
    C2. Bent rows 4×8
    Metcon: AMRAP in 10 minutes of
    -6 Handstand pushups
    -12 Pullups
    -24 lunges

  5. Zac,
    Thanks for the motivation to keep pursuing my goals. I am in the process of making the transition from my normal career to that of helping people with their training goals. It’s a lot of hard work, but the rewards will be worth it.

  6. Peter Bolsius says:

    Hey Zach.
    did a day’s training with John Legg at underground strength gym melbourne. a fantastic day. since following the underground style of traning i’ve gotten stronger but my body composition has changed dramatically! i’ve got abs man and i’m 49 years old!!!!!! love ya work. so do the young guys workin out with me. they are makin some crazy gains and changes in body comp.
    cheers Peter

  7. Dustin W. says:

    As I hit the big 36 in November (one day before the National Day of Metal) I have really taken a few lefts, rights and 180s from I use to do for training.
    Heavy Statics
    Strongman training
    Max reps in a set time, max sets in a set time, best time for sets/reps.
    Kill it! All in a quest for glory! Not money or fame, but death in combat! Me verses the steel-I can only hope when the time comes for me to leave it is with a bar in my hands cranking a PR in deadlifts.
    “Death smiles upon us all, All a man can do is smile back”-Gladiator

  8. Hey Zach,

    I did the Underground Warm-up followed by Jen C.’s awesome double dumbbell complex warm-up followed by the Saturday workout again this afternoon – whew! That kicked my butt! Great stuff. πŸ™‚

    Also added in some yoga postures as cool-down work to help abate that residual muscle tension and stretch everything out. Good times!

  9. Saw the picture of one of the female trainers doing it Underground style with the chains. Now THAT’S some REAL WOMAN POWER!!!! Not some mamby-pamby aerobics class….

    A level to aspire to…. πŸ™‚

    1. @Leia: Tell me about, I’ve been strength training for a little over a year now and that picture was exactly what I needed to step up my game. Who says chicks can’t kick ass?

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