Check out the final video of my buddy Smitty's Underground Bodybuilder Workout.
Some very cool stuff here and this is the type of training that can pack on muscle and strength at break neck speed. Check the vid and pls. leave a comment or ask your questions below.
Check out and you'll get Smitty's 16 week Underground Muscle Building program complete with workouts, proper progressions, exact sets and reps and most importantly yet often overlooked, recovery and health related training.
Without your health, you have nothing. Many of you who have been in the iron game for a long time know exactly what we're tlaking about here. Injuries will hold you back, set you back and anger you.
BUT, learning how to properly train helps you avoid any of these issues and lessen them to a much, much greater degree.
In Strength,
PS: Check it out, - a trusted resource and a guaranteed resource for adding functional muscle, serious strength and transforming you into a Beast in 16 weeks. Get ready to work though, noone said it would be easy.