Lift STRONG Fundraiser – The Tire Flip


Let the games begin.

Here is the beginning moments of The Lift STRONG Fundraiser, and yes, there will be MORE footage to come!

You saw high school athletes, collegiate athletes and NJ state troopers competing in the above video, tearing it up.

This was an AWESOME event and together we raised $ 1,476 - ALL of which went towards

I would love to see all gyms and strength clubs holding some form a fundraiser every year going towards a foundation of their choice which helps do good in this world.

Would love to hear your comments so feel free to post them below or ask your questions bruddahs.



PS: A few BIG announcements and happenings here at The Underground HQ:

1) The first ever USC Gym License is going down this weekend, July 18 - 19, you can still sign up & I suggest taking action FAST before your territory is taken! Sign Up HERE

2) In a few days I will announce the special, 1 day Underground Strength Coach Certification, set to roll for Saturday, August 22nd with an optional Friday afternoon drop in to see how I run the biz and train with my athletes! This will go FAST so watch your e mail closely!

3) The Lost Secrets of Strength Seminar w/Joe DeFranco and I was off the hook and it's about to be ready, hot off the press, for YOU! Limited to 100 copies or 5 days availability, and then I'm taking this bad boy down! Stay tuned - it's jam packed with the best of the best in training and real world biz information, reserved ONLY for Serious Strength & Conditioning Coaches.

PPS: There are extra dates listed for The USC Gym License at the bottom of this page and you can secure your spot ahead of time, click HERE and check it out!

2 Responses

  1. Chris Dwelle says:

    Zach, you have again inspired greatness! I will be holding our first annual Lift For a Cure benefiting the Maine Cancer Foundation some time in early October. Maybe you could write a post on how you organized such a great event?

  2. Chris – will do bruddah, I gots 2 get that kinda video together!

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