Liftin’ UP AND Livin’ it UP! Are You?


Yo Dudes.....

I've said it enough times around here that hopefully you get my point.

Lifting is not just about getting stronger, bigger, faster and ripped.....

Remember, I'm a Soul Lifter, so I train the way I feel and I'm always aimed at feelin' good.

Life is supposed to be FUN.

So check out how I get a lil' crazy before the crew from Blair Wrestling Team stopped by the Underground Strength Gym with my homeboy Pauly Reddick.

Pauly Reddick was highly impressive with his air guitar as his hands went crazy.

Notice my style, slappin' da bass mon!!!!

This weekend is gonna be a CRAZY FUN weekend for me and the bruddahs rolling up to The Underground Strength Gym in good ol' Edison, NJ.

I'm holding a full weekend Underground Mentorship - Certification, the next one coming up is around the corner, November 14th and will be a 1 Day Mentorship - Certification.

Get In on The FUN Here!

One Dude just signed up yesterday from Texas! Less than 48 hrs to go and he went for it!

I LOVE seeing that!

The people who take action with SPEED and decisiveness will WIN and be way ahead of those who wait for their so called "better timing".

There is no perfect time or better time except for NOW.

Months from now you'll either be a few months older OR you'll be smarter and cranking away on your new fitness business or new Underground workout.

For me, Life has never been more FUN since building my own business.

I have more time to train, more flexibility in my day, more time with my family and friends and the freedom to what I want, when I want.

Deep down I always wanted to do something which allowed me to make a difference, and most jobs hold you back and have waaaaay too much yellow tape, too many rules and God for bid you have FUN!!

Do it your way, train hard, live hard and have FUN!



PS: If you wanna do what you love, then don't wait, get your ass to the Underground Mentorship on November 14th, sign up HERE.

PPS: Got more thoughts on life, love, FUN, Freedom and the pursuit of happiness? Drop a comment below and be heard!

14 Responses

  1. definitely crazy, lol just kiddin zach u da man

  2. Walter Dorey says:


    Love the old VH! Brings back lots a mems…

    Rock crankin’ and metal clankin’

    Gotta get your mind in the game if ya want to win, like a large rock resisting the raging torrent, unmovable…

    Tear it up!


  3. You give lessons on that Air Guitar?? Yup my hubby does indeed like the hair bands and air guitar…but I married him anyway;) See you soon- call Adam Toohey fuzzleduck for me..I know he’s showin up soon to learn from you Zach, Crush it Son!

  4. love the craziness and funness
    old school rules!

    keep it up man


  5. Zach my man!
    Diggin’ the air guitar…almost as good as my air drums! lol
    Question for ya…do you follow any sort of deload training protocol or do you just back off the weights pure and simple? How do you prevent over training?
    Thanks bro!

  6. I have a question about training for a baseball player. I play baseball and pitch and I wanted to know if your underground training routine and the workouts you have been posting would help me perform better and stay injury free?

    Thank you

  7. Walter…trianing to old school Van Halen does RULE!

  8. Sarah!!! ha ha will do

    Yea man, would love to see what skills Chris has on air guitar, this could be a future band in the makin’ fo sho!!

    Would be a wild tour bus, no doubt!!!

  9. Luis, thnx bruddah!!!

    old school tunes

    old school liftin!

  10. Matt, I personally deload whenever I feel the need to, for my athletes, we hit 2 -3 hard weeks, 1 lighter week

    But, sometimes they need to deload, or 1 kid needs to deload so we listen to the body and follow suit bruddah!

  11. Matt & Baseball – hells yea they will help, BUT, I would add some specific movements to take care of the shoulders for prehab / rehab

    and, would lessen overhead work and be careful w/certain lifts such as benching, squats using a safety bar would be favored, lots of unilateral work, etc.

    so yes, it will kick ass, BUT, I would make specific changes to meet your demands bruddah!

  12. Love the show man, really got me motivated to have fun and push hard in the gym. Im a highschool wrestler and my question is about nutrition. What kind of food should I be eating during tournaments? Usually I just eat a whole bunch of fruit, water, gatorade and a sandwich. I know this is wrong for a 8-10 hour tournament, what do you suggest?

  13. Nat

    GREAT question!

    Two things you wanna keep in mind when eating before matches & during tourneys.

    1) Don’t try something new which may have a possibility of wreaking havoc on your stomach and making you perform like shit

    2) sometimes, the simple foods, easy to absorb and digest work best.

    Some fruit, small sandiwches on dark bread, etc.

    I know Scott Winston always had a peanut butter & honey sandwich before matches and at tournaments.

    For some, peanut butter might kill the stomach, for him, the bread was his carbs and the peanut butter sustained his energy via the fats, oils…

    Be smart Nat!


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