I train because I love it. Period.
It's in my DNA.
I can lift barbells, kegs, do powerlifting, strongman training and kettlebell training.
Hell, I can sprint in the sand, swim in the ocean and do push ups - I LOVE it all.
It's my therapy.
It's a place and time where I lose myself and find myself. Kinda like a surfer who experiences the same thing every time he paddles out to catch waves.
Check out this OLD video (music stops mid way thanks to you tube :)....
But, it's me, training in the field, just like I did back in the day BEFORE I even owned a gym.
Watch the video, enjoy a protein shake (or a Beer) if you like 🙂
When you're done, let us know WHY you train. I'm killa psyched to see why you do what you do!
Don't forget, let us know WHY you do what you do!
I can't wait to see your comments and a glimpse inside your heart and soul!
Peace Bruddahs and Ladies!
PS: I also wanted tell you, and it's something I don't do enough...not because I don't feel it, but because I am sooooo freaking psyched to deliver killa shizza info to you.
I wanted to say, Thank YOU!! I am honored BIG time and Humbled Beyond words that you visit my blog, post comments and share your thoughts and stories with me. Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!
101 Responses
I train because it’s one of the things that I fully control in my life. It’s a time where I can decide what it is I want to accomplish and then go hit it. I also look forward to the workout high I get at the end. It’s an awesome feeling and is what keeps me coming back for more training.
Zach the “Man”
Awesome workout routine. This blog and your emails are the highlights of my day. I can’t wait to see what advice, insights, and enlightenment you are going to share each day.
I train for the same reasons given, but also because like you I love to challenge myself, not only with the physical aspects of more weight, more reps, etc. but also to develop that “Warrior Mentality and Spirit”
Working on making my own sandbags, got a couple of old surplus duffle bags. No kettle bells, but I am looking into filling up some .50 caliber ammo cans with sand for a twist.
I also do the tire flips, sledge hammer routines, got the tire for free from the tire repair shop, old grader tire. Pushes my 56 yr. old body pretty hard.
Log cleans and presses, log lunges with twists, no stones yet, but 80 lb redimix bags work pretty well.
Recovering from a severe hamstring tear, so lower body has been kind of mellow lately, but soon will be recovered and back to the Circus Maximus and the Gladiator games.
Keep sharing my brother, you are inspiring this old warrior!
Strength in Honor!
COL (Ret.) Gilbert N. San Roman
Zach, good stuff, I just had some awesome feedback on the same question a few day back at my site, here’s the list I posted!
– To continually push myself and improve
– Lead by example – as a personal trainer I think its important to be able to do what you are teaching.
– In order to stay stronger than my youngest brother. I just can’t have him beating me…must be a brother thing.
– Release stress from the day.
– I like it…
A lot of the last one…
Joe Hashey
It is my medicine and therapy all in one. It is my passion and the only thing that keeps me sane. I could go on but if you’re following Zach then you under stand why or at least you should.
Peace Out
Where to start bro! One thing that I always preach is training saved my life, it helped me get my act together and get out of addiction(now lifting is my addiction). I have found out more about myself and life while under the bar. I continue to find out more and more. Its my own place to get away from everyone and everything, I feel the gym is my home. I love being there if its by myself or if its with all my clients.
Training is me its in my life forever because it makes me feel alive.
Oh I gotta copy Joe and throw in my url haha http://www.BodySynergyTraining.com
Damn, Joe stole all my answers… except for the reason for staying stronger than my brother … its really just so I can kick his ass whenever I wanna!! Something wildly satisfying in that!!
luv ya Zach. Keep ’em coming!
Why do I train?
As Louis Armstrong Said about Jazz, If you have to ask you will never understand.
Of course you do understand, so you know.
You know that in this world of strife, stealing and uncertainty a workout is our chance to grab a hold of life and exert our will with power and purpose.
Many gave up before they even tried to be successful at anything but each lift, sprint, and throw confirms that we are here, we are strong and everyone else had better get the hell out of our way.
That and to look good for the beach 🙂
Coach, I can’t express enough my gratitude for your existence. It is not lame, I am a believer. I own The Speed School.net, and live the dream of changing lives every day as you do. Heart and fire drives the beast inside. Those who persevere,will be champions. Proverbs 27:17, As iron sharpens iron , so one does another. Thanx
G’day Zach, Mate the reason I train apart from leading by example (as a trainer/coach) is the feeling you get when you know you have pushed yourself to the limit and you are absolutely busted. Plus I know IT IS a brother thing! Cause it is nice to stronger than both my older brothers.
But I think Joe summed it up best with
“I like it”.
1. To let out aggression and stress, endorphins, and love the feeling of soreness and exhaustion.
2. To get stronger physically and also have a better physique.
3. Many health benefits from exercise.
4. Most important to improve mental power, focus, capacity, confidence, and mindset.
Because I finally realize I can DO ANYTHING I WANT TO DO Z-BOY! It took me 50 years to understand that and I am greatful that I did. It’s NEVER TOO LATE! Damn that YOUTUBE gave me goosebumps.. another reason I Train.. I LOVE how I get so revved up inside…I never knew I had that kind of Power or PASSION inside of ME.. LOL… who knew and then I meet people like YOU and JOE HASHEY (if even just over the internet) and it drives my passion even further! I train because I LOVE TO KICK MY OWN ASS… I love to have others KICK IT..and most of all… dammit.. because I CAN… it’s that old SAYING.. “WE HAVE THE POWER” and there is just no STOPPING ME NOW! I lived my whole life until 3 years ago watching from the OUTSIDE.. now I’m jumping in with both feet..i’m pushing sleds and tires and doing burpees and swinging KBs and busting my ass and digging deep inside myself to see what really is there! It’s all sooooo damn GOOD!
Evan that’s some good stuff. As for why i train it’s cause i love to cause it’s my way of live and so i look and feel each and every day. By the way i’ll see you in january in tampa.
Peace out bruddah
Coach Z!
I train to disappear. When I am training I am so entrenched in to what I am doing that the world around me melts away and ceases to exist. I train alone and prefer it this way. This is my time to focus and get inside my own head space.
I find during this time I problem solve and brianstorm and replenish my creative self; this is where I find my enregy for my clients.
I train simply because I can and I enjoying testing my limits.
i train because i love to feel the sensation of feeling strong, confident , to push my self to my limits , cause when i am at the gym , i am there to sweat blood to give the best of me,when i start to listen to my ipod and train, for that moment i can forget all the problems that i have
thats why i train
Great stuff bro!!!I don’t ever wanna hear another person say “i can’t train ‘cus the gym cost too much”BUllSHIT!!
Keep it real brother
oh yeah i train so i can crush my competition,be it on the field,on the stage, at work,or any social encounter.I alway wanna feel strong and confident.
I just love it…period. I love getting stronger and faster, trying to beat what you did the previous week. I had small man complex when I graduated high school at about 123lbs soaking wet, and i needed to do something about it. Now its a passion to train!
this is get down to basics training using objects that surround us. makes me think how little i really do compaired to your strength and endurance training. also how little training most steroid boys are doing at conventional gyms…. if we can get motivated “to move” ,we can put together a circuit-type workout with car pushing ,pull ups at the park, farmers’ walk, sand bag lifts,etc and more with everyday objects all around us.
why do i train? i simply dont know, everytime i get under the bar it another world its just me and that obstacle, its a place where i can see myself inside out, where i can see what can of character have i build, its a place to get uncomfortable and go trough the pain because i know it will just make me stronger, its just a place where i feel loved, the weight will never hate you it will always be there for you with a challange, its up to you to take it,battle it, and love the moment, because there is no feeling like it.
simply training makes me feel alive!
i guess there is no perfect way to describe why i train! haha
keep it up Z!
I train for the following reasons:
–I am a powerlifter and I WILL total Elite in the next year..and training is a means to the end..PERIOD.
–To push my body not to the limits but beyond them..and to see just how much I can take and how tough I am mentally to continue to go beyond the threshold..I played 18 years of football and after college I couldnt stand not being competitive at anything any longer so even when I am not competing I have to compete with something, whether its just me and iron or against my training partners.
–To do things the ordinary gym rat who spends 5 days per week working on his arms, can only shake their head at and wonder how the hell I just did that..yes that is the Ego part of it..but without some level of ego you can get complacent with yourself and your goals..the goals MUST be set higher than you ever thought possible..
–I am working to start a gym warehouse and training athletes right now in my small 1-car garage at home…I must be able to show them that what I am asking them to do is easy because they see me doing it..seeing is believing!
–Training is just what I do..without it I would be empty!
—I love to train…simple as that….see all the reasons above 🙂
Your site is awesome. This is my first comment on your blog but I had to comment on this one.
I train because I love it! Feeling strong and fit. I have been training since I was 11 in the garage with my dad. Then school sport and later bike racing. I always include strength work to help my cycling.
I have also been working in the field for about 15 years training clients 1 on 1.
The human body is incredible and pushing it in training just awesome!
Thanks for doing what you do day in and day out!
Simply, because I love it.
I’m not a natural athlete, I have worked for every ounce of strength I have. It all started as an 11 year old, lazy, skinny. I walked into a karate studio and that was it.. the journey began.
Now I love challenging myself against new challenges, each year i try to do something big, if I don;t the year just doesn’t feel complete.
I don’t know why I do it, or why I like it, I just know I can’t ever imagine stopping. The crew that have gathered around me seem to have the same attitude.
Keep on keeping on.
And seeing as everyone else is, here’s my url:
Why I Train?
Becuase I LOVE it
Becuase is reminds how far I’ve Come and How Much Ive acheived, And the iron teaches me that HARD WORK pays off. Training helps me in all aspects of life, to put the mind set of HECK YEAA I CAN DO THIS!! to everything.
Zack – thanks bro!
I train because it gives me control and confidence, even if I don’t have it all right in my head I can focus on my training and my head gets the idea and I end up feeling confident and in control.
Training helps me live up to my standards. I believe we are all supposed to be strong, capable and good looking – thats what we were born to be, training helps me live up to that.
I can’t lie, I do it for all of the things already mentioned. However, I would be lying if I didn’t say I do it to pick up on girls. Now that i am married, it is just as important. Once you reel them in you have to keep them in the boat!
I train for alot of reasons.
First, it is a huge stress relief
Second, Health
Most important, it is inspiring to come up with crazy new workout and equipment ideas for me and my clients, implement them and see the how far the human body can push it’s self.
Thanks for the Great Info and Inspiration
This has changed over time. I played hockey until 2 months ago, and thanks to hockey, I learned to love training.
It started with off-ice work in the gym to improve my performance on the ice. But as I said, things have changed.
I got tired of playing, tired of someone else telling how good I am, what I can do and what I can’t do.
Now I instead focus on the gym and martial arts.
You know, 150kg is always 150kg, no matter what the coach tell you. Either you can squat it, or you can’t.
This is the same when it comes to martial arts. Either you win or you lose.
And you can’t blame anyone else.
And when you make it and squat that 150kg. You know that it was all you. That it was you who went the distance. You who fought with the weights, again, again and again.
Thats why I love training. It’s all you, no one can tell you 150kg is not 150kg.
// Antwon 19 yo.
That’s some good training. Motivating as always. I train to discover what I am made of and to prepare myself to seize the day.
I train because I cann’t not train. I have done it like a lot of you guys, for too long.I have also learned, as now I am 43, that it is the anti aging factor, I can still play, snowboard and do stuff with my kids, that others my age cannt do. Training is mobile meditation for me. Be it kickboxing, running , or lifting, it makes me who I am. I look at me son and daughter , they see my example and (though 10 and 11)want to do stuff, whatever it is, kayaking, gymnastics or swimming and I know I am creating a lasting legacy, of a couple of great , happy healthy kids.I thank my tolerant and fit wife for her support and patience with me over the years and hope we have many more together.Train hard, consistent and smart,for your life.Mitch
* I like [now I’m retired I don’t have to lead by example!]
* I’m determined to meet the challenge of continually improving
* It helps keep stresses at bay and allows me to focus exclusively on the task in hand.
Keep ’em coming Z!
All the best,
I train to fight, I fight to live, and live to fight! Underground strength and endurance is the backbone of our training for the sport of MMA.
A lot of the same reason you do, it is an escape and stress relief. Working out helps me fight the aging process- I want to be in top shape for as long as I possibly can be… but most of all it is great for my overall peace of mind.
Bruddahs!!! F**ing Love U guys!!!!
I read what you write and it’s THE way!
It’s what I feel in my gut, in my soul and in my blood.
I’m honored and crazy psyched to be chillin w/so many of you who are from the same tribe.
I’m away on a lil vaca now BUT I can’t wait to crank the training when I get back 🙂
If you guys havr requests for anything else, I’m gonna unleash hell on it when I get back to the Dirty Jerzee!!!!
Peace Bruddahs and Ladies 4 showin THE Love!!!
In Strength AND Honor!!
Ohhh…. “Mr. None of Your F**ing Business” (Comment # 3)
Mr. Arm Chair Expert, I am sure 🙂
If you ever wanna come to the gym and train, rather than “talk” – just say the word, Son 🙂
Jason Pegg – Haaaaaaa, now you’re fighting the chicks OFF you stud!!!!
ur kickin ur bruddahs ass!!! Niiiiice!!!
I am honored to see the ladies stopping in and seeing how we roll!!!
Thank YOU!!!
I love the Louis Armstrong connection!
and the beach, ha ha!
Col. Gilbert!!! WOW!!
YOU inspire my bruddah!!
You are a bad mofo, period!!!
Keep us posted on the success bruddah!!!
Thank YOU!
123 lbs after high school??
In the previous post, Tyler (the dude squatting 315) also graduated around that weight
Now, he’;s a beastly 185 lbs!!
Antwon, wow, you’re 19 and a pure beast!!!
wish this blog was around when I was your age!!
Mitch, I’m with you bruddah!
Plus, I also have a very understanding wife!!! ha ha
I train because the principals of training can be applied to every other aspect of life. In life we should try to exceed our goals as we do in strength through gradual improvements instead of trying to up and jump on a huge goal. In strength we get injured if we fly too high. In life, life kicks our ass if we do.
Furthermore, in strength we must try to push past what we’ve done before to exceed the goal, which is something we should apply to our endeavors in life.
Finally, strength training gives us the emotional catharsis and the mental stability to fear nothing and the clarity to move on with our goals in the other realms of life.
I train because it is part of me I have been doing it for as long as I can remember.
I think it self medicates and it makes me feels right. Maybe I am more touch with my animal side. But being a lazy weak civilized pile of meat is sickening to me.
i train hard to do my job, so keyboard commando like ‘None o your f’n business’ from post #3 have a free world where they have the rights to free speach…and the nerve to write crap…. Plus it allows me not to be all ripped looking but have functional strength that people under estimate time and time again…
im livin along the same lines as u zach, i just love training, rippin up the sandbags kettlebells dumbbells barbells BW. i look forward 2 my workouts, constantly thinkin up new routines, love trainin outdoors. lately im gettin into joggin w/ a 50 lb sandbag, its a great endurance workout. peace zach love the vids
I train because its what i am.
Training keeps me honest. I can’t lie when it comes to training. It will call my bluff and spit in my face if I ever “half ass” it. Its that personal battle between me and the iron when I train that I love! Training pushed me to higher limits I never thought possible.
Training allows me to grow as a person – not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually. I believe training crosses over into all aspects of live.
I train to stay alive and sane. I train because it calms me down and comforts me. Even in times where it feels as if my hearts going to explode through my chest or my legs are just about to give out and I feel faint or possible vomit – I love it and welcome it!
Training is something I need on a daily basis. It’s my addiction. Like many others out there – I’m addicted to the iron, the pump, the rush, the sweet burn!
Training – it’s good for the heart and soul!
I’ll train till I die!!!
I love it Z!!!
Keep killin it!
Training is my escape and my religion. Me and my buddy have nicknamed his underground gym ‘the church’.
I come out of there feeling twice the man than when I entered.
I am lucky enough to be healthy and it’s a wonderful thing to realise how hard you can push yourself and how resilient the body realise is when you take it out of its comfort zone.
P.S Zach, when are you going to come to england and do some certifications! Would love to see that happen one day. I’ve got a spare room you can stay in! There’s some old York weights under the bed if that tempts you a bit more! haha
Keep up the good work, you inspire us over here.
I train because it sets me apart from everyone else i know. It is what defines me. as irritating as it can be sometimes i like it when people ask me “what’s your secret?” and i try to explain it to them but they never could or would understand, because it is not in them to train like i do. people who train like this are a different breed.
She is my motivation:
I have no clue why I do this to my body! I wish/hope I find the reason but every day my heart starts to race and I feel this burning inside. Then like a moth to a flame I go in the garage or in my basem and load a bar up. Lift till I can’t and move to the next.
Maybe I do it because I was told at a younger age because I was told I couldn’t, or my first strength coach told me I could never lift a certain weight(so I did)n maybe I enjoy people asking me what type of drugs I’m on to get this big. In the end it is who I am. I could be a regular dad with a normal job sucking down beer on a Friday night after a long day. Instead I take a bar load it up with 500 pounds and dealift it until I can’t do another.
Wish I had a clue but in the end I guess it is the same answer I gave my son when he asked why I train when no one else around where we live does.”It’s who I am”
Zach I train because it keeps me young and a good high energy set, gives me a high like no other…
keep up the good work
Coach Dom
why i train????b’coz of the feeling… its tough to explain…. when i’m training i’m like another personality.. away from school work n’ all the other boring stuff… te know in my heart that i’m doing my best to take myself forward… that i have the edge over my competition,.. that in the wild.. i can survive.. b’coz nature’s law is-“let the strongest survive”
I love the results driven philosophy in all areas of life. Too many times theses days we do not hold ourselves accountable to our own results. When I was a Marine we trained fast hard and furious because our lives depended on it, and as a combat vet—they were right. When I was a trader on Wall St. I was paid on a commission basis which was awesome–as long as I produced I earned, no big salary and no results like some guys–u only made big money if you produced. In this new business of training its the same way—I get clients because of the way I look and more importantly the way i train. People see me train and they see the results–its like the old saying “proof is in the pudding”. I have people say all the time when they see a workout on paper that noone can do it–and this comes from people 1/2 my age sometimes–so I say well watch then and then my old ass does it lol. Nothing like seeing guys/girls 1/2 my age standing there with their jaws hitting the floor—I love it.
I lift for peace of mind, its my therapy, I lift because I wont end up like my dad who didnt take care of himself–72yrs old and hunched over and takes 5mins to walk 50 paces. He drank too much, ate the wrong foods too much and didnt exercise—THAT WONT BE ME. I am putting yrs on my life by my current lifestyle. I train for those times when I need it- once a Marine always a Marine– I know if I have go up against a normal man he needs the calvary–I deadlift over 500 clean and jerk close to 300–2 of my better lifts, and i can go all day and all night-my conditioning is on point.
I am now training for competitions—I plan on entering deadlift meets and Olympic lift meets in my 40’s–again results driven. I train for results and am always trying to better mine–goals goals goals–kepps us honest and young.
Thanks Zach
Stay Strong
I train because I can.
I train because It makes me feel good.
I train because I want to learn new skills and see how far I can go.
I really like some of Joe Hashey’s reasons and a few others.
I think as a fitness professional it is of PARAMOUNT importance to lead by example and get UNDER THE BAR.
My athletes respect me so much more because I put myself through the same grueling workouts that they go through. How can I be an effective strength coach if I am not constantly trying to get BIGGER and STRONGER myself?
Training to me is a METAPHOR for LIFE….
I simply want to be the best I can be. Whether it is powerlifting, being a strength coach, or being an effective educator, I want to get a little BETTER each day. In life and training there are GOOD days and BAD days, but every day if you DO YOUR BEST and GIVE 100% every time you are going to get BETTER.
ATTITUDE is EVERYTHING! You need to have the right MINDSET to get BETTER. Stay POSITIVE and BELIEVE you are MAKING PROGRESS and you will!
I read books on training, watch instructional videos, meet with strength coaches, go to seminars, practice my techniques, and seek out the best methods for recovery. You can’t make EXCUSES. You have to FIND A WAY to GET IT DONE. FIND A WAY TO WIN!
Training gets me STRONGER both PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY. I seek out the BEST training partners I can find and learn from them. I don’t want to be the STRONGEST in my group I want to be the WEAKEST and then CLIMB to the top.
In life and in training you get better by surrounding yourself with POSITIVE people. People who will SUPPORT YOUR GOALS. Good Training PARTNERS will put you in your place when YOU ARE NOT PUSHING HARD ENOUGH or WHEN YOU ARE DOING TOO MUCH. They will tell you when your TECHNIQUE is on or when it needs some work.
Training teaches you to deal with ADVERSITY and NEVER GIVE UP. When you feel like you have nothing left to give you have to give that little extra, just like in life.
If you apply these life lessons you can be a WINNER in TRAINING and in LIFE.
I strive to be the best I CAN BE.
That is why I train.
Zach you got me FIRED Up to KILL IT in my workout on Sunday.
Only one word: Energy.
I love the unleashed energy before-during-after workout.
I love the energy to push me over the previous mental & physical limits.
Because it’s real. It cant be faked you cant cheat. in a fake ass world with fake ass people iron always stays honest
Training helps me move forward in life and enables me to deal with all of the stress. I gain strength and vitality but more importantly confidence. My mind is more focussed when I train and my goals are attainable. I want to set a good example for my two year old son and be a good role model for those around me. When I was not training, I was negative and pissed off quite often. Exercise is definitely theopeutic and my ability to teach people the benefits coincide with my philosophy. The bottom line is that training makes me feel great and I don’t ever want to stop. Thanks Zach for that awesome video and this excellent site. We share a lot of the same methods and passion for hard-core training and I hope to make it down to your gym some day. Take it easy bro!
Easy… I’m fighting for my life! The life I want.. the life I have… I was recently diagnosed with embryonal stage III Carcinoma .. and undergoing extremely aggressive chemotherapy and killed my energy .. so I seriously miss my babies :75# Kettlebells, sledgehammer, sandbags heavybags.
BUT everyday I pick that 75# up and set back down.. still can do 3-5 chin ups 2-0-1 style, wall assisted. Pushups 8-12… all numbers pail in comparison before … but I never want to give in to cancer and loose what has become a large part of my life…
Do it hard and heavy and ENJOY it for those who ACTUALLY can’t.. not wont.. lift n push for me. 😉
When This bullshit Is over… oh hell yeah I’m gping full on attack!!!
**wall assisted ELEVATED pushups… in sickness or health my feet never touch the ground! ! 🙂
Had mostly been active for as long as i could remember. I guess i just like to challenge myself. When i was younger i would always be looking at those gymnastics fellas or olympic weightlifters do some ridiculous feats which i thought i could never do. After 10 over years (by then close to 20) of always looking from the sideline, i just thought to myself what was really stopping me from doing the stuff they did. I guess it started from there and i just kept going. I guess i am starting to understand myself better through constant training, not just physically but mentally as well. Frankly speaking, terms like musclehead or all brawn and no brains doesn’t justify it. Sure there so ‘many ways to train smart’ but those ways lack the kind of conviction i see in the underground community. Its that primal feeling which i think is very human that can only be felt from hard training. This has by far been the most inspirational website i have seen and i am glad to be able to see it.
I grew up on a hog farm in western Ohio. Carrying those huge feed buckets to the back lot in rain, mud, snow, ice, etc. Years later, My chiropractor told me that this elongated my muscles similar to childhood Olympic training.
These days, I am working to recover from a chemical/alkaline poisoning that I suffer while working for the State of New York in Albany in 1991. I came back to Ohio in 1998 (the sky is still blue in Ohio.) Back in 2007 I bought an Urban Rebounder mini-trampoline that really helped detox my legs.
I know the value of exercise, grew up doing heavy lifting every day. I was a bit over weight back on 7/22/2010. I hopped on the mini-trampoline and am now down to 224. I am using 10 lbs or 5 lbs hand weights on the trampiline every other day. I recently got Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs ebook and have added ankle to above head 26 lbs in each hand every other day.
I appreciate your emails, though I cannot claim to be a warrior.
To be a state champion.
Because it is something that others do not have the self discipline to do. I like having an edge on everyone else. To know that I do things that they would never even consider. I approach all in life that way….I know that I have prepared better, done more, committed more fully than any other of the m-fers that I am interacting with. It’s a physcological edge that traing provides that sharpens the edge of all other aspects of my life. Another reason is to protect my family. I look around at all the people who do not care to have strong presence and think “they could be victims.” If someone wants to try to prey on me or my family, I have to be able to prevent and protect. Predators don’t “f” with anyone who looks like a hard target. They will prey on the fat and weak. I train for the EDGE in all aspects of life and to maintain my family’s way of life.
i think we all train because that is the one place and time that everything just comes together in our lives !! there is just something awesome about being STRONG !!
We all must accept our true nature.
The common response has been: “Because I like it”
I am right up there with those guys. We like lifting until our muscles fail, doing conditioning until we puke/pass out, using our bodies to their full potential.
I love athleticism, being able to do crazy shit with my body, run, jump, climb. All the stuff we were built for (yes lifting heavy is implied). Being athletic and working hard connects me to who I am, it centers my mind and allows me to push my body and mind relentlessly. Hard sweaty grimy work is it’s own reward, It teaches me how to be a man and gives me perspective on what matters in life.
You got it man, my mom has cancer and she still goes on 3-10 mile bike rides when she can. Stay strong, and keep fighting. My Dad beat stage 4 melanoma as well and he is still a bad-ass mountain soldier. You have the will, and the ability, kill that shit and keep on going!
I train because I -can-. again. For too many years I was limited due to back injuries suffered in military service. I trained, but could never train as hard, for as long, or have the progress and development I craved.
In August of ’07, I had the surgery which changed my life. Three new discs, a titanium cage from S1 up to L2, and a couple of nerve transplants, and I went from only being able to walk with a cane, and being in constant pain, weighing 300+ pounds, to, 3 years later, stepping on stage in a bodybuilding competition at 7% bf at a weight of 206. From not being able to kneel down and get up without help, I’m squatting 315.
I train because I must. I -have- to. The iron calls, and my body must answer. I must move, because I can, again.
Just love it… I love doing something that’ll make me better than I was yesterday… To live it, because if I’m going to be telling people how to do “this” and how to do “that”, I better be living it! I especially love discovering ways to debunk conventional thinking when it comes to all of this stuff (which happens more often than not), and then passing it on to people and seeing amazing things happen.
Well, I train already 30 years. I am in my mid 40’s and I just love it ! It has learned me discipline when I was a kid. Perseverence to achieve goals which helped me a lot on all aspect of life. I cannot miss it! even when I am injured, I will work aroud the injury and recover faster.
It helped me a lot in my work as a military man (already 22 years)
It has made a man from the kid I was. I will train t’ill my last day and I do not regret any trainig session I had. So great to be stronger and in much beter shape than most of men half my age.
Greets from Belgium,
Why am I training?
Because I want to become freakin strong!!
I want to be able to pick up a fuckin car und flip it over.
I don’t train because “I like it”. I train because it has become as NECESSARY to me as the air my lungs need to breath in order to keep me alive.
I train because I want to be able to defend me and my family if I had to.
I train because I don’t want get too comfortable in todays society.
People don’t have to be afraid, there might be a lion around the corner…Safety & Security is taking for granted.
But what if Hell was to break out?!
What, if you got in jail?
Exactly, most people would get burned!
Yeah, I train to be prepared.
Thanks god I do love to train and I embrace the pain that comes withit! 🙂
Free weights & bodyweight all the way!
The reason changes over time. When I was a kid in school, I just wanted to be the best at the sports I played. I hated working out then, but it was a give-take deal. The more I give in training, the better I was in the field, on the court, in the ring, and as a show off, at the party.
Going into the military, it was how I tried to get the positive attention. At this point it was also my stress reliever. Even years on end after this point my 2 favorite things to do is running of just about any type, and push ups of any alteration I can come up with.
Now I do it because it is more of a ritual. Not only do I feel better after I am done, but if I don’t work out for just one day, even if it is just a stretch and light work day, I get pissed to no end. It is like a fun job, a favorite hobby, and daily requirement all rolled into one.
I train with this in mind always.
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” Buddah
So if you BELIEVE that you can do it, you can. If you can’t, keep trying until you can! Also, I just love to sweat..
Hi Zach!
Why? Why Not!!? After swimming since I was six years old , I have swum some 10,000 miles in my life. Still, I am skinny. Time to build my body up! Add some weight. Add some size! I am strong, but nobody notices. Now I can enjoy my own workouts, not listen to everyone at the gym, find my own talents in the basement with my own equipment. Butterfly: I can do prostate dumbell-fly extensions at ninety-degree angles, 45 pounds, for like 100 reps, no problem. Leg lunges? Not something you do in a pool. Can do ten reps, 35 pounds, and feel wasted. So, I am learning what I need to work on, how to balance my muscles, avoid injury, and build up the muscles I have neglected in swimming. Sure, I used nautilus machines and all that in the past. Good for toning, but size? Underground training has let me see how limited they can be. Plus you can go cardio with the weights, too.
Why do I train? I wonder why the hell some people don’t train!
I gotta be honest… when I was a skinny teenager I started training to build confidence and get stronger. But now I’m addicted… I don’t feel right if I don’t train. I need that fix now.
Also, I recently decided to get in better shape as I get older… I’m curious to see how long I can make that happen!
I train like this because I love being in what I call the 95th percentile. Once in a long while I may run into someone who is more fit than I am. But for the most part, I know I can walk into almost any room and look at the guys in it and know “I got you.”
It’s sweatin bullets while flippin tires in 100 degree heat. It’s pulling deads that make you so light-headed you get dizzy and black out on the way up. It’s doing pullups and sled drags till you feel like your back and forearms are going to explode. It’s doing prowlers and sprints til you puke. It’s jogging in the freezing cold while your lungs are on fire. It’s homemade sandbags, bulgarian bags, sleds, and kettlbells. It’s chains, stones and anvils. It’s barbbells and dumbbells. It’s thick bars and sledgehammers. It’s I can move. It’s anything I can’t move…yet. It’s hills and hanstands. It’s stadium steps. It’s bodyweight. It’s anything that works. It’s pounding 2 gallons of water in a workout. It’s the process, not the outcome. It’s doing things I’ve never done before. It’s being an animal. It’s being a warrior. It’s being alive. It’s my therapy, my friend, my true love.
There’s an inner peace when I step into the garage for a workout that hits me like a refreshing breeze. Those who read this and understand are in a special brotherhood, and for those who don’t I pray that you some day will.
First, thank you for the newsletters. Now to your question I train because I enjoy it. I have not come across anything that gives me the mental and physical benefits and satisfaction that lifting weights, swinging kettlebells and indian clubs do. By the way I started lifting and swinging kettlebells when I was 16 that was 50 years ago. Oh and there is another reason I train – everyone ages but I refuse to let age dominate me.
I train because of the opportunity to:
*INSPIRE others
*LIVE longer
*CELEBRATE movement and the human machine
*Show my body RESPECT
*Be BALANCED in mind and body
*BANISH negative external and internal forces
My dad was a strong guy with wide shoulders and a deep chest and bullish strength. he had real world strength from training with the old Bull worker and the contraption with springs between two handles and good old fashioned hard work. But an work accident led to back surgery, so I am motivated to train to strengthen my core and functional strength to injury proof my body. Although, obviously, I need to be sensible and careful. I train because it makes me feel empowered. I love the feeling of killing it in a workout. Sounds corny but I feel like a Spartan 2 super soldier compared to the skinny fat / fat lazy slackers around the place.
HOLY S**T, Bruddahs!!! You guys ARE warriors, even if some of you don’t feel you are, the deep rooted connection you guys have to lifting and tearing through weights.
I could NEVER stop training….ever.
I do this NOW in a different way than when I was younger.
When I was younger, it was all about getting jacked, keeping my edge….
Today, same applies, except I have MORE important goals…. Being a Father and Husband, strong, fit and healthy…
I want Kick Ass Conditioning, I want the mental toughness and readiness to lead from the front, for MY FAMILY.
I am connected to the iron and to BROTHERS if iron…. YOU guys!!!
I REALLY need to get on some form of an Underground Meet Up….
something BIG!
MORE kick ass info to come!!
I train because there is nothing like the feeling of blood coursing through your veins, and muscles pumped to the point of exhaustion. In my job, I regularly drag and lift deer up to 100 yds, lift them solo into the truck. I fight to maintain my edge to chase and catch the pitbull that is terrorizing the neighborhood. I love the challenge of handling gators and pythons. You ever had to catch a bobcat or handle a tiger? I must daily work with animals, and they are the ultimate athletes. Keep it up, Zach! You inspire us all!
Yo Zach!
That’s funny, as soon as I saw the subject of your mail, I knew you would ask this question.
I often ask my selfve “why am I doing this?”. Well, I guess I got the same answer. Because it’s me. Because it’s who I am.
Yesterday on Japanese TV was the “24h program”. It’s a program to raise fund to cure rare sicknesses. They show lots of kids and people with terrible diceases but all of them were fighting. It also made me realise how lucky am I to be healthy and to be able to keep on lifting.
Some TV personality decided to run a 24h marathon and I just thought “I gotta do something next year like a 60mn kettlebell long cycle”.
I saw a big stone on the street, I gotta try to lift it.(http://www.youtube.com/user/Nicodojo?feature=mhum#p/u/3/Jk8k4imv6Tg).
The love for lifting brought me to me dream job, brought me to very cool people. Without lifting I would have lived a boring life with a job behind a desk, wearing a suit.
Voila. That’s why I keep on doign what I do.
By the way, the video you just posted is THE VIDEO that made me change everything in my training and the way I train people. I can’t stop watching it.
Awsome work out routine there thats exacly the kind of stuff that I like to do and I really like the passion you have for what you do and how you share that passion. TpTell youthe truth I’ve not been feeling that kind of passion for a while. I train MMA and because of a few set backs and personal things I’m finding it hard to passionate about what I do and thats why I like to look at your stuff it makes me feel a little better. Thanks
Hey Zach, I train because:
-it keeps life super fresh and exciting because I’m either trying out a brand new workout or attacking a repeat workout/lift and breaking a PR
-I love the mental and physical stimulus from doing new, hard tasks every day
-I wanna be a HUNTER and have that edge on my peers
Wow that was an awesome video there, I could “play” around like that all day, like it was when we were kids doing sh!t we weren’t supposed to :p
Well if somebody who doesn’t train asked me why I train I would probably respond: “What do you mean why I train?? Why don’t YOU train? How can you not train?!!! You realize you’re a MAN, you realize there are WOMEN out there that can do 12 straight pull ups and if your ass is hanging of a building or a cliff you’re a pancake, DO YOU REALIZE YOU’RE A MAN?!!! GO TRAIN! and don’t come back before me until you’re KICK SOME FREAKIN A$$…and then, after you feel it I’ll ask you: Why do you train…and I hope you’ll be as confused as I am right now 😉
I like the challenge and breaking records + the reason Christopher Reed mentioned…during the workout man…there’s just focus focus focus, I will not talk to you during a workout unless you need medical attention 🙂
KICK SOME A$$ ZEE, KICK SOME AAAA$$….and don’t even bother with taking names 🙂
Hi Zac, big fan from the U.K.!
For me , “Repetition x Endurance x Time = Power + Ability”.
i have a screw loose, i’m mentally unhinged. i have allways looked up to strong/powerful archtypes. samson, hercules, conan, musashi. my favourite author writes strong characters (robert e howard) my favourite artist does the same (frank frazetta). being strong is what i am. it defines me. i try to be strong mentally and physically. since i was a skinny kid i tried to be strong and didn’t know how to give up. if it was physical i was trying it. climbing the walls of rock quaries. trying to out race my dad when he drove down the street on the way home. getting the crap kicked out of my by the older kids playing football. trying every move after saturdays mornings black belt theater.
as an adult i go in confidence . i can stand up straight ( a rare commodity these days). i don’t give up. i act like a kid when i go to the park or beach with my kids. my kids love that about me.
now i’m trying to teach my kids that one trait. don’t give up, keep trying.
i wish this stuff had been around when i was a skinny kid too.
Well what can i say i workout because its in my dna my dad was a drill sergent so he made me do pt for 10 years so it just became part of my life and now at 42 i’m stll goning strong.
i need to get rope do you know where can i get some that is not going to cost me a arm and a leg…
First, I trained to lose weight. I dropped 87 lbs. because I was fat, slow, weak, and miserable.
NOW?: To consistently see what I’m made of. And whatever it is, to make sure there’s more of it next time.
You are awe inspiring, man. I love watching your workouts. The reason I workout is because I like the way it makes me feel.
i train to unleash the monster within. the other side of me that i leave caged within that continually battles me to be unleahsed! to be let loose! To be able to wreak havoc on all that stands in its way!Deep withing it continually calls out, “Let Me Out!!!!!” I train to calm my mind and to tame the beast within. It is my escape. it’s a new world created for me. it is wher i feel free to live and be what i am! I train to be the best!
Why, not for the results, not for the chicks (in fact for nobody), not for health ( my doctors is mad about my training), i can list dozen of reason why not to, but instead of all this, i can’t stop, i have to, that’s it, i have to.
I first started training for football and because I knew that no one would try messin with me if I was bigger and stronger then them. Now I still train for football and because I love the feeling of knowing that non of my peers can/will do what I do.
i do it to test myself and to continually strive to get better, and when you take a step back and look at what you have just pressed pulled or pushed what the normal man cannot it makes the hard work and pain worth it
Training is what keeps me alive. It is something that makes me feel so much better about myself. When I take a week or two off, I notice it not only physically but mentally as well. It gives me the confidence I need to push through barriers and struggles. I went through a deep depression 5 years ago and training along with other factors saved my life. It is engrained in me.
Why do I lift heavy, dead-lift, front squat, overhead press; run 10 milers; do yoga; cut quarter acre lawn with a 20 pound weight vest; work at doing a free standing handstand, do shoulder rolls (they’re fun & Zach says do them 🙂 ), all at the ripe young age of 55? Besides the euphoric feeling that I get, I have two reasons:
First reason: A celebration of Life and movement. You see, when I was 9 years old I was hit by a car. The left side of my body to include leg, arm, ribs, collar bone, and fracture skull were broken. Washington, DC General hospital put me back together. Imagine if the hospital did not set my leg correctly. I would not be standing 6 foot 4 inches today. I am thankful for what they did for me. You see, they did not have the technology back then that they have today. God takes care of fools and children. My WHY? To be a living example of the wonders of the body, it is capable of more, the body is meant to be strong and move. Do as Jack says, ‘Move Everyday’.
Second reason: To demystify getting stronger. Everybody wants to be and feel strong; they may not say it, but they do think it. Everyone should know how to take care of their body. My mission is to instruct and empower those who want to get stronger; because it’s not rocket science, it’s just consistent hard work. And when they become stronger, the family gets stronger. Stronger family means stronger neighborhood, stronger city, stronger state, and nation.
Like Zach says… Stronger than yesterday
Thank you