Full Body FREAK Strength Workout, Part II


Let's finish off the Full Body FREAK Strength Workout with some bodyweight circuit training using chains, shall we?

Check it out below:

Three Rounds of chins, dips and squats.

I used 20 lb chains and increased by one chain each set, 20, 40 and 60 lbs total.

Finished the night off with ab work and glute ham raises..... lots of glute ham raises!

Drop a comment with your thoughts or questions BEASTS!


Lead from the Front!


PS: Chains are non rust and freaking awesome, get em' from http://EliteFTS.com

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14 Responses

  1. Fierce!

    Chins and Dips are like Peanut Butter and Jelly, they go so well together.

    BTW Love the new Mural on the wall Zach, very cool and much better than some of those weak motivational posters I see in “gyms.”

  2. killer workout Zach, love it bro!

    where did you get those chains from??

    keep up the great work

    crank it!

  3. z,

    great work !! love to see a man walking the talk …… you are a f***in BEAST


  4. The chains kept coming. That was cool!

  5. Desmond St. Rose says:

    Man, you’re a freaking beast!! Great inspiring stuff.

  6. great training i´m back to powerlifthing again in a great gym with all that i need to do your trainings.
    thanks for your help

  7. Get a clock on those chains…. Flava Flaaavveeee!

  8. acie bryan says:

    maybe my computer was to loud but i about jumped ten feet in the air when i heard that dog bark

  9. Braddah Zach! Awesome sets w/ da Chains!!

    Keep those reps burnin, Braddah!

  10. zach,

    very nice job. you definitely lead from the front.

    grea job!!

  11. Awesome! Gotta get me some chains!
    I would say “I could never do that…” but that would go against everything you say, so “give me a couple of years and I’ll be doing 80lbs!!”

    I would like to know what you’re ab work is though – do you do stability (planks etc), curling ones (hanging knee raises etc) or explosive (sledgehammer work)? and what about the obliques?

    Anyway, keep up the good work – you’re an amazing inspiration

  12. Hey Zach,
    Awesome workout. I really enjoy weighted bodyweight exercises. I was wondering where do you get the chains from and how thick are they?

    Thanks for the great videos.

  13. Man,
    I love getting torn up like this! Simple and highly effective.

    What was your rest between sets on the chin, dip, squat circuit?

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