Not EVERY post on this Blog will be about lifting. I don't think lifting is the end all be all, perhaps you've heard me use the phrase, 'Kick Ass in Life AND Lifting'? If not, read the book HERE!
Here's a bit of my day and how things are rolling for me lately...
I've had a slam packed day and normally I do more work, but today was different. Many ask me how I get so much done and still have so much passion and energy on top of such a hectic schedule.
Well, # 1, I focus on my passion, and that is my family, living life to the fullest and moving my body in any way, shape or form.
My alarm was set for 5:30 AM but I woke at 6:30 instead. I went to bed after midnight so I wanted to get 6 hrs of sleep. Most days I am up before 6 AM, especially when the weather is nice out.
I like to get up early, not just because it's quiet and allows me to get work done, but because I know many others do NOT wake early and I LIKE doing what others won't do.
I like to be different and ahead of the pack. Being a conformist or part of the pack always made me feel out of place, ironically.
Fired up my only cup of coffee for the day and then I cranked a bit of work on the internets before my wife and kids woke up, then I make breakfast for the family.
Egg omelets, french toast, chocolate chip pancakes... you name it, I make it. Today was pancakes and egg omelets.
Then, it was off to tennis in the AM with my daughter and my son came to watch and run around like a wild boy does 🙂 Afterwards, my son demanded a trip to the bagel deli, so we went! ha ha
The kid is GROWING, what can I say!
After brunch with Ethan, I did a lil' work on the internets and then got some new wheels on my skateboard.
I'm doing LOTS of stuff that I used to do as a kid and living by the beach is bringing me back to those good ol' days of playing all day and night.
I drove 45 minutes north and spent time chatting with my homeboy, Jonny Hinds, inventor of The Power Wheel.
We spoke about a TON of stuff, as we always do:
- bodyweight training (we ALWAYS get fired up talking training)
- life
- business
- skate boarding
- NYC & life in the city of Chicago
- jiu jitsu training now vs BJJ in the past
- the importance of recovery
- Rickson Gracie
- The Bartendaz
....and planned a mini hang out for a few days now that I fly 🙂
We always end up chatting about our passions and bodyweight training always brings inspiration, so, check out some of the guys we we were talking about who inspired the heck out of us!!
I got up north and shopped for the final prizes for the benefit. From there, it was time for Toys R Us.
Then, I shopped for birthday gifts for Ethan, he turns 3 this Sunday! I am psyched and wanted to get him tons of awesome gifts. The reactions he has when opening presents and tearing off wrapping paper is priceless!!!
I also bought my daughter a gift, I can't let her watch Ethan unwrap gifts without her getting a gift as well 🙂
I finished shopping and flew over to open The Underground and trained athletes from 4 - 6 pm. We tore it up with bodyweight, dumbbells and strongman training.
After 6 pm crew was done training, off I went, food shopping for Lift STRONG.
I bought 8 hamburgers and 50 hot dogs amongst other things. These Dudes better be
HUNGRY! I dropped the food off at my parents pad since they still live up north near my gym.
I had a nice home cooked meal from my Mom, chicken and brown rice, then drove home to crank some final work. I coulda called it a day but shit needs to get done and most peeps would quit, I ain't most peeps.
I went through a lot of blog comments and answered them and was really humbled by all the kind words people are saying on the blog.
Is every day this hectic?
Heck NO.
My days are usually very carefully planned, by the hour, broken down. Organized and committed to getting things done! Today was a wild day and I also need them here and again to get away from work, work, work.
After 2 days of heavy lifting, this was a rest day. A well deserved rest day! Train hard = Rest Hard!
I got time to spend with my kids and that really matters most to me. Time to hit the bed and get ready for a strong day tomorrow.
Question for YOU: What else do you want to see from me on my blog? Do you want me creating a specific product, training or non training? Please describe in the comments section, thanks!
PS: By the way, I just opened my USC Cert up, back in NJ again 🙂
Not all attendees are coaches, many attend for personal growth.
Many are looking for a weekend to challenge them both emotionally and physically.
They want to experience a life changing weekend that they will NEVER forget, a weekend that will solidify them as an Underground Strength Coach.
I am psyched for this cert, especially after traveling away from home, I KNOW the energy is always at it's best when I'm home, at Underground HQ, kicking ass and taking names with YOU.
Sign up and be ready for a life changing experience:
13 Responses
AWESOME blog Zach. I am certainly learning from your ways as an elite family man. Hopefully, I pick up the recipe for French Toast. That hasn’t happened yet.
Cool. I like the idea of incorporating a more wholistic approach to the blog! I look forward to reading more.
Web – ha ha ha, FAR from an elite family man, is there such a thing? There will always be flaws and every day I gotta hustle hard to allow me more time w/the wife and kids.
Some days are better than others yet each day must be better than the last!
Awesome post Zach!! You are so right about following your own rules and training styles! Done with maxing out and being beat up all the time. Need to shed some useless bulk and am following your real man training blueprint. Perfect blend of BW and Db’s. Though I will use KB’s instead. Too weak on bw movements and joints hurt. I have two yound boys, i need to hang with!! More outside activities for me!! All the best Zach!!
How do I get to the point where I can do just one of the things on that video haha?! Great post and respect and appreciate the work you do! Question: Living in Phx, AZ area, it’s hard to find a training environment like yours. Best advice on dealing with this? Recommendations? I train at a decent level but am looking to step my game up!
Inspiring to say the least Zach! it’s nice to see how someone who is so passionate about lifting doesn’t make it the soul purpose of their life. (Pun intended)
love the stuff Zaxh as always. Just make sure you have the correct info, the body weight group your showing is not the bartendez, but the bar-barians. Here’s there blogspot Anyway, let keep breaking records.
Jay – thnx, brutha, me and Jonny were “talking bout The Bartendaz” but also talking about the guys in the video: “World’s Strongest Athletes”
I Know Giant and Sub0 are from Bartendaz, I LOVE ALL of these guys!
Thanks, Jay!!!
Interesting read. My days start at 4 am with cardio, then getting ready for work and out the door at 0615, work from 0730 – 1600, back home at 1700 for my lifting before I have to head to baseball practice or games for the boy at 1830. Back home at 2000, then it is an hour with the 15 month old twin sons and 4 year old girl, before hitting the bedroom at 2100 and spending an hour with the wife.
Hectic? Hell yeah! I wouldnt change it for the world though and I cant wait until my twin sons are ready to be in the weight room and ready for sports! Thank God for WEEKENDS!!!!!!!!!
Rick WOW that day is busy, my man!!! But you have it ALL organized and in perspective, good 4 u, most guys woulda bailed on the lifting, NOT you!
Jason – practice often my man, have fun and practice the calisthenics, day by day, brick by brick my man!
hey zach, cool post! just wondering, do you train BJJ?
Rodrigo, hey bro, long time ago 🙂
I began with shootfighting, I musta been 23 or 24 I think, from there I began to concentrate on BJJ, until I tore my ACL
A few yrs later I returned to BJJ and trained for under a year, once my daughter was born I only did 1 session a week, and soon after I stopped
I was so busy at the time, teaching, internet biz, gym biz trying to be a father and husband
I stopped
Perhaps one day when time allows I will return 🙂
What about you bro, BJJ?