Another One Bites the Dust….from Bodyweight Training!


In a way I am shocked yet on the flip side, NOT so shocked.

Last week we had 3 different athletes throw up, simply from TWO bodyweight exercises, both of which are in Bodyweight University.

It was the first 10 minutes of the workout nonetheless.

The problem is, I have high expectations, or maybe not, you tell me when you post your comment.

There are FAR too many athletes, even high level athletes, who can not handle even the simplest workout using bodyweight exercises.

Last week we had an MMA fighter, football player and a basebal player throwing up in the garbage can numerous times - just from 2 bodyweight exercises.

Our goal is NOT to make them vomit, don't be misled, it is to improve their performance.

But, too many people experience SERIOUS shock from bodyweight training. Maybe because they can't sit down, lay down or let a machine do 90% of the work for them?

Bodyweight training is where it ALL starts. It is your foundation to fitness and strength, yet it can also be taken to highly advanced levels as well.

Now, let'sย look at the guys who are vomiting: MMA Fighters, Football players and Baseball Players.

I wasn't shocked to see the baseball player get sick, but a Football Player and an MMA Fighter? NOT good!

These men are supposed to be ready for WAR!

We have a lot of work to do out there, and we need to change the fitness abilities and levels of ALL people, but when I see combative type athletes getting sick from bodyweight training it tells me that their life is in danger if they decide to to keep their fitness levels at such a poor state.

It made me realize just how freaking important bodyweight training is. It goes beyond just the beginner. It goes into the possibility of saving lives and being ready to do battle - NO joke.

Bodyweight training can be a powerful weapon - for you, for an entire group of people, a fitness boot camp, an athletic team or a unit of military soldiers.

I;m telling you, we need to change the state of fitness in this world.

It begins with you, and from there, you must pay it forward.

Do it for yourself or for those who you train.

Tonight, the sale ends for Bodyweight University.

Get it Now by Clicking HERE.

In Strength,


PS: I was reading former NFL great and all around bad ass, Herschel Walker's old training program and he started kicking ass when he began doing 30 push ups and 30 sit ups during TV commercials. he also did uphill sprints, chased his Pony around his farm and even played dodge with the farm Horse! That dude is crazy but he was also built like a freaking machine - Bodyweight was his Main weapon for athletic performance and transforming his body!

Below, Herschel sprinting as a teenager - lookin' ripped & athletic!

Below, Herschel crushing the competition as a collegiate sprinter while at Georgia - look at those friggin' legs! Dude is built like a machine!


21 Responses

  1. Jon Le Tocq says:

    Hey Zach,

    Loving it! I have a long way to go on my hand stand push ups mainly but it’s always nice to embarass my ‘bigger’ mates who look the part but fail when it comes to crunch!

    I had a group wonder what the hell I was doing replacing our usual kettlebell kicking with donkeys, alligators, panthers, ducks and the gazelle.

    Never seen so much sweat in my life.

    And the one arm upside down kettlebell push ups are a good party trick. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Keep killing it!

  2. Yeah Zach – the verdict is in – body-weight training is the real-deal –

    By the way, you didn’t catch the vomitting on video? We want acess brah – that’s why we keep reading!

  3. I’ve always loved the way Herschel trained, and I do that my self at least a couple of times a week. Now when I put my clients through the paces of being outdoors, they always complain because they want the easy way by working with machines or just being indoors, but when one by one they come back to me and say that what we outside has them more in shape then what others do indoors, all I can do is look at them and smile. So you definitely have one of the best ideas with your bodyweight U. Our bodies are meant to be moving, not sitting for an extended period of time. I will be picking up my copy soon … on sale or not! As always …
    Keep risin tothe top!


  4. Dustin Sanchez says:

    Hey Zach I’ve been doing some of the exercises u sent in the free ebook, and have come close to puking a few times.

    when are u going to have a underground strength video contest for your subscribers?

    here’s a little something i did yesterday, hope the link works, if not feel free to delete my ass

  5. did I miss something??? I need to know what the 2 exercises were~ LOL…details Z-BOY… girlz love DETAILS~ ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Kasier – I do feel BAD if I record these guys yakking rather than leaving them alone – it embarasses them more than we can imagine!

    Lisa – the 2 exercises ==> partner wheel barrows and pull ups / recline rows on rope

    We didn’t even get to the bear crawls, push ups, sled and prowler

    if the bodyweight doesn’t get them, the prowler ALWAYS does!


  7. Zach,

    I couldn’t agree more! In an earlier posting I talked about building “Sweat Equity” – My belief is that body weight training is the best way to build this equity, and further to that EARN the privelege to use weights and touch iron.

    For the first 6 weeks of any program I design we use body weight- this is done regardless of who you are! If I can not see how you move within the comfort of your own skin why the F#CK would I endanger your development, assume that you are prepared enough, or have an adequate base to do more complex neuromuscular movements such as a Clean and Jerk!? – Ignorance on my part. It totally denies you of your individual athletic identity as an assumption is made!

    It’s time, as professionals in the strength and conditioning field, that we assume someone else has laid the ground work for us. STOP BEING LAZY! You it to your clients, the profession and ultimately yourself to have a sense of PRIDE in your work.

    Bit of tirade- I apologize but obviously this vomiting and sickness sh*t gets me fired up!!!!

    – Chris

    p.s. Body Weight is the first stone on a long and arduous journey- if you are not versed in Body Weight exercises or are seeking variety invest in the resource that Coach Z is providing! – Thank you for such an indispensible resource Coach!

  8. Couple of missing words in my tirade at the end—teehhee just noticed…my bad for being so fired up:

    Itโ€™s time, as professionals in the strength and conditioning field, that we stop assuming that someone else has laid the ground work for us. STOP BEING LAZY! You owe it to your clients, the profession and ultimately yourself to have a sense of PRIDE in your work.

  9. How funny. I started my son and his friend (both starters (Freshman)@ 5A Texas school) The first day last week we started and one of them hurled, wont say which one. We did one leg “hop” for 10 yds, wheel barrow, arm crawl 10yds, sled + keg carry. Keep em coming Zach

  10. Zach,

    It reminds me of my military training where guys would throw up all the time from pushing themselves harder than their bodies should be able to go. It’s something that’s fine to do once in awhile for fighters to shock and test the body while building themselves mentally, but for building steady strength that will stay with you it’s a terrible way to train.

    Interesting article as always.

    Rafi Bar-Lev

  11. Burkester says:

    Herschel Walker is a beast! I guess that workout kept him going all the way to legendary status! Anyone hear that he’s gonna be in a poker tourney this fall? it sounded freakin insane!!

  12. The partner wheel barrow gets you every time! I had some of my athletes do it the other night and I swear almost half the group came close RALPHing!

  13. Zach,

    True indeed. I just competed in Men’s Fitness’ Ultimate Athlete challenge this weekend and it was amazing how many people were putting up some good numbers on the bench press but got absolutely smoked on the marine obstacle course.

    Not only were they getting beaten time-wise by the nimble guys but they were completely wiped after one go round. I’m proud to tell my clients that their trainer did it four times–just for fun!

    Thanks for all the quality content. Keep it comin.

  14. Well, this is good insight on how I should arrange my workout area. Trash can should be in the middle of everything. I hope I don’t puke, but my fitness is still lacking so I guess I should just be prepared in case.


  15. not surprised about the baseball player or the football player actually. the plays in football only last a couple seconds but they need to have absolutely brutal strength in those couple seconds.

    the mma fighter though…i don’t know what their excuse is. when mma fighters get tired they get weak and sloppy…when that happens they get their ass kicked.

    fear of getting your ass kicked should be one heck of a motivator

    the sissification ends today!

  16. Joe Chizek says:

    Yep! I agree with what you are saying. too many people that simply don’t have work ethic or mindset they need to have to get shit done. America is becoming a nation that other nations think they can take advantage. We need to step it up and start kickin ass. We can’t become the weak. I will not stand for that.

    When I start feeling like I’m loosing my mental edge I go back to the high country which is where I’m from to regain that mental attitude. It works everytime.

  17. Bryan Babcock says:

    Dude love you Zack you do awesome work but if you think Hershal Walker wasnt gassed your crazy!

  18. AWESOME feedback guys!

    I had a brutal workout today at a friend’s gym, most of which was bodyweight mixed w/kettlebells

    I got ROCKED w/all the training for time rather than reps!!


    Bodyweight training is THE foundation, no 2 ways about it!

    More to come this week bruddahs!


  19. Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health. It is performed for many different reasons.



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