I recently stopped at my parent's pad to get some "work" done before tearing it up at The Underground Strength Gym.
This is where it ALL began, training athletes and training myself from my parents home. I began my journey as a strength coach and eventually a warehouse gym owner right HERE.
I had a few pieces of equipment I snagged from the newspaper classifieds, the local playgrounds and the stones in my parents backyard.
Sounds simple but damn did this basic training produce powerful results!
I LOVE getting back to my roots and training outdoors.
It keeps me grounded and reminds me to NOT get far away from the tried and true basics of what produces results. It reminds me NOT to be spoiled, NOT to discriminate against ALL the different methods available for strength and muscle.
Sometimes, we ALL get caught up in the overly fancy program design methods and forget that some good ol' fashion, gut busting hard work is what WORKS.
This is Part I & part II of The Backyard Stone Workout, where it ALL began .... more to come.
Check the vids and drop a comment with questions or thoughts.
[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a0M1lO0Ni8[/youtube]
[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4x_7NEZNKE[/youtube]
There are more vids to come from this backyard Underground Strength workout.
Drop a comment about the last workout you cranked outside of a traditional gym, would love to hear about it and see some workouts posted in the comments section.
Looking forward to your comments.
Recommended Resources:
Underground Inner Circle 30 Day Trial
Underground Strength Coach Certification
11 Responses
Zach the last workout I did outside was nowhere near this intense. I’m quickly working up to the intensity of the dirtyjerzee.
U can catch me doing some windsprints here
hopefully that link works.
beastly…something about the stone that builds that mental toughness
Great stuff Z. We met in New Jersey when Alwyn and Rachel were there for the Reps to Revenue weekend. I am in Lebanon and love the info on your site, of which I am now a member!!! My last crazy out door w/out was carrying 2 20kg buckets full of sand and rubble from a huge pile into our building and out the back of my apartment to fill the back wall with. It took me 2 weeks and I had to buy new straps after!!
Love all the honesty, nothing like it. Waiting for you here in Lebanon. Peace!!
hey zach
love the workout with the rocks some good stuff going on. Im diggin the music you put into it. I t really pumped me up. Can you tell me the artists. TAKEN ACTION ON YOUR SUGGESTIONS LOOKING FORWARD TO GIVEN YOU THE FEED BACK ON SOME AN SEEING HOW THEY TURN OUT
great stuff…. u have been sending such sensible messages the last few days that i’m always waiting for what u’ll give us next… don’t let the sense-talk slow down!!!
Love the videos and stone workouts! Did a stone workout at my sister-in-laws house in P.A. this past week end. Showed them there is no gym or equipment required. Ended up pulling their trailer around with all the kids on board as a finisher. Keep up the awsome work!
Nice Zack
Here is a simple workout I like to use.Perform each couplet twice
1a Plyo Push-up w/ tuck 10+ reps
1b Recline Row (Explosive) 10+ reps
1c Squat Jumps 10+ reps
1d Bear Crawl to sprint down and back twice
2a Mixed Pull 30+ reps
2b Push-up/Dips 30+reps
2c BW Squats 30+ reps
2d Sprint 30 yards Down and Back
Hey Zach,
Love the workout vids. Gives me inspiration to be creative with my own. Im out here on the west coast in Vancouver BC. Im origionally from back east. Alot of people out here are still into pussy bosu ball workouts, but Im teaching them! Yesterdays workout consisted of me using my daughters stroller for handwalks across a football field a couple of times.I put my feet in the seat of the stroller and bridge out on my hands. Man, talk about a great upper body and core workout!And that was at the end of doing a long round of endless squats, lunges, pullups and kettlebell work.
I admire you. You are awesome….It is great to watch someone so passionate about what they are doing. Thanks for sharing the tips and for being so “real”!
Zack man, I really like those stone shoulders and snatches! I have some busted up pieces of concrete at the weight room that are similar shape, and range from 40-100 lbs and those are two new moves that I’ll be doing for sure.
This week has been de-load for the varsity football team so yesterday and Monday I put them through a whole lot of mobility drills/moves a-la Smitty Diesel Crew, Cressey/Robertson, and also some of the tactical training bodyweight moves from Scott Sonnon.
Of course I do the routine with them, the whole team on the field, and at 46 yrs old, my body loves this type of bodyweight work! Next week it’s on to month 4 of the Beast program!
Zach, Great video kid! I love your up and at em attitude and negative people can kiss your arse thoughts. Oh yeah the dog needs a black ring around his eye so he will look like Petey of the little rascals.