BEAST Workout by The Va. Beach BEAST


Matty Wichlinski calls this a Freestyle Fighter Barbell Complex.

Matty and I tore up a 1 Day Underground Strength Coach Cert this past Saturday at his gym.

The night before we had some good grub, GREAT conversations and a few brews πŸ™‚

I even witnessed a dude get caught stealing liquor from a 7-11. Yep, in the "South" people are buying beer, wine and all types of liquor from 7-11. Strange.

Check out Matty in action below, the Dude is a straight up BEAST!

If you missed The Va Beach Underground Strength Coach Cert, you missed the best damn training and business methods you ever came across.

Lead from the FRONT.


PS: Wanna become a BEAST? It ain't gonna happen training like any ol' normal workout has you training. It takes something completely different. Click HERE for The BEAST Program.

5 Responses

  1. Very impressive strength and explosiveness here.

    I can appreciate it because I have tried all of those lifts before and a 135 long bar snatch with one arm is beast.

    Good lifting there.

  2. I featured this clip last week on my blog,, because I was totally impressed. Is there anything Matt can’t do? But if you “set your mind” to it, you can get it done if you want it bad enough! That’s just another way to go about life!

  3. Had a great time this weekend! Matty is a BEAST and you two shared some great training tips and strategies! Thanks again!


  4. Awesome!!! how does he catch the bar in the crux of his arms without hurting himself?

  5. Now that’s what I call training! Forget the fancy machines and chrome dumbbells boys and girls and pick up an Olympic bar. Why is it so hard for some people to figure out what works? I guess the truth has always been front and center but many people want to look around it for something easier. If you want the physique and strength of an animal you’ve got to lift heavy things and do unconventional movements. I know I’m preaching to the choir here but man I get so ticked off every time I walk into a health club. This country needs a revival in physical culture.

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