The BEST Strength Coach Marketing Tip



I am always asked this question, literally on an almost daily basis by Strength Coaches and aspiring Strength Coaches:

"What is the BEST marketing tip for Strength Coaches?"

I took time to put this on Video and you'll likely need to revisit my answer several times and as a refresher in the future if you lose your WHY?

Sit down and apply this tip immediately.

[youtube width="666" height="366"][/youtube]


The reality of this "Best Strength Coach Marketing Tip" is a few things:

  1. You can't fake caring. You either do or you do not.
  2. There are always exceptions to the rule. Some Coaches don't care but still have financial success.

Feel free to drop your comments / questions below.

Live The Code 365,



3 Responses

  1. Awesome advice, Zach. Thanks for this.

    Interesting thoughts on location…. going to have to spend some time thinking about this one.

    1. Yes.

      It also depends on your style.

      For me, there is a strong likelihood of reverting my gym back to fully private

      Ending all marketing, all promos, advertising, etc.

      โ€œwhen the student is ready the master will appearโ€.

      They will find me, rather me looking for them

  2. Goooooo Cocks!!! Great short!!! My Girlfriend went there on a full ride for softball. she loved it!

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