BRUTAL Bodyweight, Sandbags & Kettlebell Workout



I often find myself looking for a tough workout.

Something to give me a good ol' gut check.

My fear of becoming "normal" or "just like everybody else" worries me BIG time.

On this particular day I got to my Underground Strength Gym nice and early to test my mind and body.

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

This was a HOT, HOT day.... along with some brutal humidity and some fasting, I was starting to get an ass whoopin'..... But, sometimes that's what you need, a good ol' fashioned ass whoopin'.

Ya gotta make sure you're not falling prey to the norms of society, accepting weakness or even mediocrity. Average sucks and there's NO 2 ways about it, Stronger is better.

A Strong mind leads to a STRONGER body. Until you decide in your mind that you're dedicated to strength you will never be strong. Decide and commit with all your heart. THAT is when results will take off.

Comments or questions, drop em below and I'll answer.

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11 Responses

  1. I like the run within the lifting. I always feel like superman when I can do that. and I love the cheering at the end of your videos now! lol keep it up you crazy kid!

  2. ha ha ha

    Thnx, Chris!!

    Running + Lifting changes the GAME, BIG time πŸ™‚

    Love it!


  3. Love it! Will be using it in my boot camps this fall!

  4. Good job Zach! Must be hell breathin in all that diesel exhaust…you mentioned fasting…are you doing something like ‘Eat Stop Eat’?

  5. Whatup Zach!!! Makore achi? Good shizzle as always man… Very good to hear that you fast AND train at the SAME time! I do the same as well! There are ALOTTA benefits to the killa combo of Fasting & training at the SAME time, Ori Hofmekler (Israeli too!) talks about it on his site & he discusses it in his NEW upcoming book: Unlocking your Muscle Gene (wich I haven’t read YET… cause its coming out on the 4th of October this year!!!) He explains that when you fast & train at the same time you trigger the survival instinct & super reflexes & focus (like an WILD ANIMAL)… it’s a mechanism that we ALL have & should use in his opinion! You should check that article out! VERY DOPE & interesting info achi! Btw I use EXACTLY the same protocol he describes in the fascinating artcile, ONLY I use High Quality Hormone Free/Antibiotics Free Non Denatured Whey Protein Concentrate (wich he sells on his website btw)… I use 30 gram of that Whey Protein 30 minutes BEFORE Im gonna train (wich is FIRST thing when I get out of bed in the morning! BUYAAA!) & then I take another 30 gram 30 minutes AFTER I’m finished, NOT immidiatly AFTER the training is over (he explains why in the article)… I also use the Whey Protein (30 gram each time), every 2 hours AFTER I train, Untill I hit my second training for the day! SO I take it 4-5 times daily! Good shit man! You should try it out! But when you do achi, use the High Qualtiy Whey Protein CONCNETRATE of Ori Hofmekler or the ones from Dr. Mercola! I woulnd’t trust or put anotha whey protein in my body! period! Now I’m NOT saying that Whey Protein will make you stronger just by taking it, but it WILL make you (I noticed it when using myself) more healthy, will prevent muscle waste & it has a anti-aging effect + it gives high energy (again, for me it does!)…. But I say this: I ONLY ALLOW myself to take the Whey Protein If I trained HARD & Smart! I have to earn it! Still that is for ALL the stuff that I do… I have to earn it through Hard & Disciplined training each day (except for sunday that is, wich is my officially rest day!) Ok, man Im gonna quit cuz this shit is waay to long already! Peace brotha! Lehitrahot ve Shabat Shalom!

  6. NICE! Twice per week I beat myself with some crazy stuff just to break up the normal. Check this and let me know what you think.
    -100# plate power snatch(Max sets of 3reps in 30 minutes)
    *I nailed 31 sets in 30 minutes.
    -115#/hand farmers carry 90 feet(Best time for 22sets-that increases by two each time I do it)

    I have about 8 exercises that I mix/match. I always put one max set with a best time. Works for me.

    Keep cranking it!

  7. Hell Yeah man, i bought this product. It kicks ass, with this and the Underground strength manual you have ALL the info!

    Keep killin it on the blog brother.

  8. Great stuff as always! As I’ve gotten older (49) my shoulders and stuff cant handle the high rep stuff that I used to do! Too many old injuries. This bodyweight animal training you have hooked me up with is the best. Still do the lower rep heavy mvmts but tear it up with the sandbag and other exercises you have shown in your USM. I watch your little clips and try to mix it into my routine, which changes every few weeks……gotta keep it fresh! Thnk for making the inspiration to keep lifting and staying STRONG!

  9. always interested how to build strong muscles just by bodyweight

    1. Thanks, Rob! I have TONS of bodyweight articles! You can search my blog w/ the search bar and type in “Bodyweight” or “Bodyweight bodybuilding”


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