Brutal Kettlebell Workout



I've got a A kick-ass Kettlebell workout for you to test drive, inspired by Herman Goerner, aka Goerner The Mighty.

You will also see my close friend, Owner of Urban Athlete in Philly, Pamela MacElree - this girl is bad ass, watch and see how she tears up the Kettlebells and ask yourself why you aren't this strong yourself.... The only limits you have are the one's you set on yourself!

Do you have a favorite, brutal kettebell workout to add to the list?

Drop a comment below and let us know!

Lookin' forward to your comments!

Live The Code



10 Responses

  1. Pamela,

    Feminine Strength ROCKS!

    I’m slightly impressed ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Hey Z,

    Aewsome vids mate..

    BIG Congrats to Belton an co. for getting their gym up and running… 2 words.. BAD ASS!

    And that KB ladder… LOVE IT!… Z you barely broke a sweat who you kidding? hehe

    and Pam… WOW! Actually that deserves another !

    As Elliott said Femme Strangth Rocks



  3. Joe Chizek says:

    KB workout looked punishing for sure. Got to try that one! That gym is huge and looks like you guys can get some serious stuff done. Keeps us all posted on what goes down in Wasington.

  4. Coach Z,

    Lol…you can hear Pam having a Scooby Doo moment in the video if you listen closely….”curses beaten by the Underground!” – lmao gotta love a little friendly competition.

    I personally love to train solo but I like the fact that you are big on the camaraderie of strength training and the results it can encourage. Competition breeds success and strengthens mental resolve- personal feeling.

    To the boys out in Kirkland- it’s good to see you “running” things & reppin’ the Underground NW styles (especially since the last time I saw you Belton, you were in an ankle boot). Congrats and continued success gentlemen!



  5. Sweet Underground gym in Kirkland! Congrats to the crew for setting it up. Did he say one of them is MAT certified? Muscle Activation Technique ROCKS for rehab! If these guys got underground training and MAT, they’re set!

  6. that gym is bad ass for sure

    dude that keetlebell ladder looks killer, i am definetly gonna give a try

    i liked the way you focused the whole time on the ladder

    kepp it up man



  7. great job to Pam. 24kgs are a bear…especially for ladies

    and damn that gym Rommel and Belton got is huge. Both those guys look familiar. Were they at any of the bootcamp blueprint or ryan lee events?

  8. Keith Fine says:

    Pam,beyond words you kill those KBs
    I love using KB ladders in my training,no better way to get your ass kicked,lol.

  9. Awesome complex ladder…why not make that a BREATHING complex ladder??? Truly evil.

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