Check Out My Melody


Just wanted to give you a quick update on the killa shizza that's been getting dropped at The Underground Inner Circle. Or, skip reading this and crank a 30 day trial for one buck, click HERE to get busy.

- New Underground Movie of our athletes prepping for our Lift STRONG Fundraiser, training for wrestling, football and more. You'll see how we combine plyometrics, jumps and powerlifting to ensure we are not only getting strong, but explosive AND athletic. You'll also see how we use what I call "off set loading" to develop some SERIOUS strength, power and stabilty for athletics.

- Russian Wrestling Camp video footage 15 minutes in length showing uncut footage of how Russian Wrestlers train to become the longest standing dominant force in international wrestling. This video is what "sport specific training" is truly all about. Even if you don't wrestle, this video will blow your mind regarding how we should ALL be training to develop animal type strength, speed, power & athleticism. This video itself is worth the membership investment alone.

- New Underground Strength Coaches added to our Expert Panel. Yep, we've added THREE new Coaches, ALL of whom have gone through The USC Certification, own their own warehouse gym and walk the talk. Ask these guys anything about training, nutrition and business. The forum is available 24-7 for you to take advantage of while connecting with like minded Undergrounders. NO egos or Assholes! BOOM!

- Underground Workout of the Month. As always, I break down the workout of the month for you via video and telling you exactly why and how we apply what we do at The Underground. You can take this workout and use it for yourself or your athletes. Program design is the magic, it's where everything gets put together and allows you to get the maximum result from just the right amount of training. Optimal training is the focus rather than maximal training which often leads to injury and burn out.

There's a TON more, every month, including regular forum posts with QnA, detailed workouts from my gym as well as other warehouse gyms, garages, basements and backyards around the world. Undergrounders around the world, sharing how they go and tear it up.

Click HERE for a 30 day test run for only one buck. BOOM!



PS: The next USC Cert has been announced, check the info HERE to experience this life changing weekend.

7 Responses

  1. Nice Production! Just what I needed to get going this morning!

  2. Zach,

    I love those old training videos and old training footage. It’s funny how I still to this day find new ways and ideas of training from the old footage. But then it is all about applying it to my and my athletes training programs!!

  3. SICK!!! vid Zach. Love the old Russian stuff. Can’t get enough of their info. FYI you might want to check out Michael Yessis Soviet Sport Review . He has a ton of the old Soviet training methods. I’m sure you can reproduce them at your Kooul place my friend.

    I did this back in the 90’s. I used to coach fitness competitors on jumping skills for national and international performances and used a lot of the Soviet plyo techniques to get the job done.

    Keep rockin it bro. By the way hate to rub it in but my old high school had 4, thats right 4 state wrestling champs this year :))) I haven’t stepped on a mat to wrestle since 1979 oh my…..

  4. Jerry – these coaches were educated IN the trenches, to be the wrestling performance coach you were also THE wrestling coach, so overseas coaches were trained in ALL aspects of the sport, making them WAY smarter and better than coaches in the states πŸ™

  5. Jeff – thnx, brutha!! 4 state champs is SIC!!!! Not sure that EVER happened in NJ!

    I’ve had Dr Yessis’ books for a loooong time, they are beyond amazing, especially when I see the Soviets were ahead of the states today, yet this was in the 70s. Soviets were at least 40 yrs ahead of the states!

  6. Love that song!!! and great video! your athletes work hard! love it!

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