DESTROYING Your Sensitive Mindset & Choosing STRENGTH in Mind AND Body


There's lots of sensitivity floating around nowadays.

Everyone gets offended by your words, not just from people but from words on the internet, from people they don't know and will likely never meet in person.

People argue over politics, training programs, taxes, etc - then they waste hours on end posting their thoughts and feelings on websites or comment sections that will never create change in this world.

The truth is, your Instagram or YouTube comment is NOT going to create change.

If you want to create change, then get up and get OUT.

Get out there and be heard. Speak YOUR truth in front of crowds. Share HOW to create change vs wasting time arguing in the comments of a Instagram or LinkedIn post.

I've seen Coaches troll every post of other Coaches for NO reason. They post a comment to every post, and the comments are NEVER positive. They are senseless, whining, complaining type comments.

You either choose to be offended or you choose to be strong. You choose to be weak or you choose to utilize your time like a BOSS. You choose to add positivity or you choose negativity.

The difference is simple: Some people are weak and some are strong, not just in the gym but in LIFE.

Remember, TRUE strength will always transcend the gym walls.

If you're reading this, it's likely you are not a complainer. You are likely a DOER. Someone who finds a way while others find excuses.

But perhaps you have found yourself wasting time and energy on senseless things. Then THIS is for you.

This is where I am reminded of when I was younger and came across the struggles of some of the strongest guys in the gym. In my early teens, these guys looked like Gods. They crushed the gym. They were the biggest guys of the gym.

But in my late teens, having gained 60 lbs, they began to talk to me as if I was worthy.

Some of them would share their struggles with me. Life struggles. I realized far and few between had answers for their life struggles. They were simply complaining. Some were giving up. They were allowing circumstances to control them.

Ironically, for me, I was feeling the complete opposite. I was fresh off winning a battle with years of on and off depression. I began viewing everything as an opportunity, as a gift! I felt unstoppable not just in the gym but also in life!

I was starting to read daily, with my minimum goal of 2 pages every day to get better. Of course, 2 pages often became 10 or 20 pages.

By changing my mind and I began changing my life. I have never looked back. I keep moving forward with an Iron Will. Advance and Conquer.

I quickly learned that Strength is a Choice.

I also learned that TRUE Strength will always transcend the gym walls.

It was of NO use to be strong in the gym yet so weak in life.

I also believe that by training HARD, you develop grit and durability of the MIND, not just the body. Below is a sample from a recent training session. It is also insight into how we train athletes. If the training is easy and not challenging, then they will crumble when struggles in sports arrive. If they crumble when sports challenges arrive, they will certainly crumble when LIFE struggles arrive.

This is what is taught during portions of The Online Underground Strength Coach Course.

Training is always mind AND body.

Training Hard IS training Smart and vice versa.

My Warm Up was 3 Rounds of:

A) Standing Leg Curls x 10

B) Belt Squat x 10

C) Bulgarian Split Squats x 10

D) Breathing While on Glute Ham Bench

E) Sled Work x 100 ft


1A) Box Squats 5 x 3

1B) Fat Bell Snatch x 3

1C) Fat Bell Swings x 3

1D) Fat Bell Bowler Swings x 3 (Swings Outside the Legs)


2A) Fat Bell Rotational Deads 2 x 5

2B) Belt Squats 2 x 10 - 15

2C) Hanging Leg Raise 2 x MAX (Hollow Position)

Training the mind and body are 1 of the same. I don't know anyone who is strong willed yet weak in the body.

Do NOT allow yourself to get caught up in the trivial arguments and drama on social media comments. I have ZERO time for it and so when it happens, I just remove those people from my circle. You should do the same.

Being around positive people is always more powerful.

Until the next time, keep attacking life!

Live The Code 365,


The Online Underground Strength Coach Course with These Powerful Bonuses!

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