Don’t Fear It, Chase It!


Arnold BackSometimes we have new athletes training at The Underground Strength Gym and I see fear in their eyes. They are in a NEW World and have never been pushed to these new areas.

I see the Fear in their eyes clear as day.....

- FEAR against a heavier weight

- FEAR against pushing into a pain zone

- FEAR against the feeling of throwing up

Let me give you some advice:

Don't FEAR the pain, CHASE it! Stare it dead in the eyes and say "F**K YOU!!!"

Go for broke when you lift, NO limits style!

Unless you are truly busted up with injuries or have a serious limitation you need to stop fearing the Pain.

Once you begin chasing it, you stop feeling the pain because you no longer view it as pain, instead, you view it as pleasure.

It becomes something you are numb to and something you fall in love with all at the same time. griffin kettlebell back

And.... NOT ironically, you will become more successful in your life, in ALL areas.

I've applied these rules to my life and overall business ventures and it helps me kick ass where countless others quit or stop short. It has been a HUGE driving force behind the success of all actions I take in life and business. If I always allowed Fear to control me, rather than let it work FOR me, I would never have experienced the success I am today.

I haven't given you a workout in a while, so try this one on for size.

Monday should be a day of battle for you.

It starts the week off on the right note. Don't be that typical gym nerd who does Chest every Monday.

Time to stop following the rules and "conventional wisdom".

Here WE go, we're in this battle together:

** Warm up thoroughly First **

1) Farmer Walk with Dumbbells or 5 x 200 ft.

2A) Handstand Push Ups 5 x Max Reps

2B) Rope Climb 5 x

3A) Squat Jumps 3 x 10

3B) Lunge Jumps 3 x 10

4A) Kettlebell Swings 4 x 10 reps

4B) Sprint x 100 Meters

Finish with some hard ab work.

I'll be hitting this workout myself today.

Let's rock this sh*t together.

Strength & Honor.

REMEMBER: Don't fear the pain, chase it and DOMINATE.

Adjust movements above for your own strength levels.

Lead from the FRONT.


PS: If you're ready to be ultra committed to training with me, then this is for you:

===>ย  The Underground Strength System

PPS: Please check out my New Fan Page, click HERE

3 Responses

  1. Brutal workout, Zach.
    Here’s something I concocted yesterday:

    1. Wall push ups (Handstand push up where your chest touches the ground, courtesy of Jon Hinds)

    2. Sternum Chin ups

    3. Pistol (or variation)

    4. Power wheel (or TRX, Jungle Gym, etc) leg curls

    Every plane of motion will be hit.
    And this workout doesn’t require much equipment (leg curls can be done on a towel and a slick floor).
    As much as I love extremely heavy weights, it’s cool when I can kick my own ass in my apartment.

  2. Zach,

    I think the Navy SEALS have the motto: “Pain is weakness leaving the body” but one motto I know for sure is SEALS is “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.”

    This phrase describes to a tee the creed you are talking about above. Shut up and lift weight – period! If it ain’t hard, it ain’t worth it!

    You’re absolutely right, facing adversity in the weightroom makes you stronger when facing adversity in life – not only from a psychological standpoint but physiologically as well.

    Clinical studies have proven time and time again when an active population is compared to a placebo sedentary population for the onset of neurological stress markers (i.e. elevated levels of cortisol in one case) the active group had lower anxiety and stress symptoms.

    If you put together gruelling workouts and consistantly push your limits with training protocol -breaking the rules (F#CK RULES)this is when the best results come about.

    As I continue to spend more time under the bar the more I realize that the pilgrimmage is inward and becomes a matter of refining what specifically works for me.

    “Age Quod Agis” “What you do; Do well.”

    – Christopher

  3. Zach —

    I’ve got to say that I was having a day of poor motivation yesterday. I got under the bar and this post pop’d into my head followed by a new back squat pr. I missed my first attempt, stripped the weight, reloaded the bar, and nailed it. Thank your for the continued motivation.


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