Dungeon Gyms are Heaven


Dave Draper said it best, "Dungeon Gyms are Heaven".

Unfortunately, Dungeon Gyms are as rare a finding as is finding Sasquatch.

Check the Video...

Was that gym sweet or what?

I never saw Joe D look so nervous, ha ha

Sorry for the speedy tour, I had to get my ass back to Edison and open the doors to a HardCore Gym.



PS: Stay tuned, The Lost Secrets of Strength: The Biz Files are coming soon

PPS: I am laying low on holding my own Underground Strength Mentorships in groups, and taking 1 on 1 or business partners on individualized coaching instead (e mail me if you're serious and want in).

But... Elliott Hulse is hosting the final Underground Mentorship in Florida, December 5th. If you wanna learn how to start your biz, click HERE for more info.

21 Responses

  1. Joe Chizek says:

    Nice gym! There is no doubt you could get freaking massive in that place..

  2. What an AWESOME gym. I absolutely HATE Spandex palaces.

    Tell your friend Joe DeFranco that he was great as Captain Robau in “Star Trek.” j/k

  3. Tommy Butler says:

    That gym was insane!!!!!!!! Too bad there aren’t too many like that left.

  4. John Trapani says:

    Keep up the good work. Trying to get a GYM like that up a running in New Orleans. Happy Thankgivings to All. JT

  5. Walter Dorey says:


    Cool vid and a great gym!

    Reminds me of this old gym I used to go to. It was set up in what used to be an old run-down grocery store.

    Floor was all wasted as in missing tiles and cracked floor, ha ha! Hardly any mats, except some around the equipment.

    But tons of old weights, bars and dumbbells. A lot of the equipment was painted red just like in your vid.

    Once I saw this old dude, he had to be in his 50’s, squatting out of these old racks made from pipe sunk into concrete-filled car wheels, you know, the old steel ones.

    I was doing front squats at a homemade welded up rack across from him, but what blew me away: that old dude (he dosen’t seem so old now) was squatting 600 pounds! Deep “O” style, high bar squats!

    I was like 25 at the time.

    That effort is still etched into my mind.

    Nothin’ beats an old time gym!

    Thanks for sharing,


  6. Fantastic. I hope you guys really do buy it. Don’t know if it’s a smart move business-wise but that place needs to remain open!

  7. wow that was great guys

  8. Wow I’ve never seen a health club like that. The closest thing I’ve ever been in was the Training Center at my dad’s Air Force Base. When I was 14 yrs old I would go with my dad at night onto the Air Force Gym when pretty much everyone was off. It was in a big jet hangar and there was a room about the size of that one you were just in with a bunch of dumbbells, barbells and a sum cable machines. The equipment was old. I used to love going with my dad to train in that place.

  9. That was awesome bro and yeah I could see how nervous Joe D was haha!

    Dude you cant let that place die it is just like letting an endangered animal die!

  10. Scott Gough says:

    man that place rocks. old gyms like that are few and far between. snatch it up quick before it becomes an office or a storage facility.

  11. mike rayburn says:

    love the gym. heavy duty equipment . not for people who don,t want to go heavy!!

  12. Awesome gym hope everything goes well for you guys and that you buy it. Hopefully the dungeons come back to life so we can get the whiners and wanna bes out of the gym. Also where is that gym located?

  13. Robb Francis says:

    Coach Z, That is such an awsome looking hardcore gym. I can only imagine tha BEASTS that have come out of there! What got me really excited is the fact that I have been recently going to a Gym just like that one. Gotta plug HURCULEES GYM on the North Side of Syracuse,NY. Hard Core as it Comes. Dumbells go all the way ip to 225! Chains, Bands, Rusty Weights & all. When I saw your video I thought you were inside Herculees. Looks almost exactly the same!I’m Blessed to be only 20 mins away. Cool Gym Coach Z!!!!!!

  14. juan cerda says:

    great video!! i remember the first time in a gym, was 85 i was 15 , chilean national champion trainme, i was in the bus station 30 minutes after that , no moving only pain.. gtear times..dungeon gym are necesary, extremely
    great job!!!

  15. Erich Mende says:

    Nice work coach! Love the posts, the videos, the philosophies, everything. Keep on keepin on because there are lots of us out here who identify with and love what you are doing…even lots of us here in Canada.

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