STRONG Life 105: Training to Be Dangerous & Why Convenience Is Your Enemy



STRONG Life Podcast Episode 105 - Training to Be Dangerous & Why Convenience Is The Enemy.

This episode comes to you from a question that came in from a Strength Coach who attended a business seminar I held some 6 or 7 years ago.

With my fires charging, I had just handed in my key after clearing out and moving the FIRST ever Underground Strength Gym.

It brought to me many memories of the Savages we worked with at The Underground.

Here's what I cover inside this 25 minute, power packed episode:

- Why you MUST train to be Dangerous.

- Why Convenience Destroys Your Success.

- The 1 Thing you Must NEVER Stop Doing.

- Training for Appearance vs Performance or BOTH?

- The Story of the Disappearing Sandbags.

- Weak VS Strong in both Mind AND Body Explained.

- Convenience VS Excellence & how this can change your life for better or worse.

- Stand for Something or Fall for Anything.

- Stories from my Days as a Physical Education Teacher; How & Why I almost dropped out of the teaching certification in college?

- Your Life is NOT that Hard.

- NEVER ask Zach this 1 Questions for the Rest of My Life :)!

- The story of Mark who trained on a Friday evening when the gym was closed and How this relates to The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence?

- What is the common trait among our most successful athletes vs those who live closest to the gym?

- Why we Need TOUGHER Coaches & TOUGHER People.

- Get Comfortable Being UNcomfortable.

- The Answers are in front of you at (Read the site, search all through the site)

- To be Strong, to be Successful, to be a Savage, you need to do These things?



Enjoy the episode and then OWN the day.

Punch your excuses in the face.

Thanks to for supporting The Underground Strength Gym and The STRONG Life Podcast.

"Pain is Not my Enemy, It is My Call to Greatness."

- Henry Rollins

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4 Responses

  1. man – this is a fakin mean rant.
    luv it! its so fakin mean i went outside the airport i’ve been stuck for hours and went running down the parking lot to get that adrenaline outta my system.
    in yr face and the best i’ve heard from anybody in a long time.

    here’s a little story:
    my son got cracked up in the ribs in sparring yesterday by some guy thats competing in muaythai and older, stronger and bigger. anybody who’s experienced such knows – that shit hurts as hell.
    what do you do as a parent? of course you have the urge to comfort your child. i did that. but i also told that its part of being devoted to combat sports. there is ALWAYS some bigger, meaner guy. does it mean to give up? no! you relax, you take your time, you evaluate what went wrong. but then you show up again at the gym. you do that over & over again and eventually you will harden up.
    that is just the way it is. thats life!

  2. Eric Pritchard says:

    Good stuff as always Z! Sorry to hear about the sand bags, that’s beat…

    1. Pritch don’t be sorry!

      It’s sorry for the weak person who took them w/. out asking!

      Every time he touches the sandbags he will KNOW he didn’t have the balls to ask for them.

      You can’t fake strong!

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