143 | Dr. Tom Incledon | Injuries, Cancer, Nutrition & Strength Training


STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 143 with Dr. Tom Incledon.

WOW, Mind blown in this episode and a part 2 is already in the making because we have MUCH more to talk about.

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Here's what Dr. Tom and I discuss in this episode:

- WHY is There such a dramatic increase in cancer & obesity through the years and decades since our 70s and 80s childhood?

- How does the environment and the soil effect our health, even if we are living off the land, farming our own foods?

- How do organisms in your body effect your health?

- What does Tom think about today's over abundance of technology and how it relates to the abundance of injuries we see in athletes nowadays

- The story of Ed Coan deadlifting almost 800 lbs with no belt and what Tom learned from THE GOAT of Powerlifting

- Is The Keto Diet a fad? Is it a blanket statement to suggest Keto is the best thing for cancer patients?

- How and why does Dr. Tom recommend we train our brain FIRST, especially in our "older years"?

I wish we had more time but we were both on a time crunch so you'll have to standby and while waiting, leave us a 5 start review on iTunes πŸ™‚

Dr. Tom's resources:




STRONG Life Resources:

Online Training with Zach

Underground Strength Academy

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