STRONG Life 157 | Bret Contreras & The Art of (STRENGTH) Coaching


STRONG Life Podcast ep. 157 with The Glute Guy, PhD, Bret Contreras!

Holy heck this was super inspiring to chat with Bret via Instagram. Our video below shows a tour of his gym, The Glute Lab located in SoCal!

We chatted till the very last second of our 1 hr Instagram limit.

Bret's Glute Lab is an awesome Gym. Not just for women but for anyone who wants to get STRONG.

We discuss the Coach's Eye, learning through coaching on the ground floor vs book smarts.

We also discuss staying healthy, avoiding / working around injuries, the business of running your own warehouse gym.....

Why did the bodybuilders of the 60s and 70s not have the injuries we see so often today: pec and shoulder injuries, low back injuries, etc.

This is an info packed conversation so dig in and prepare to get fired UP!

Prepare to be Inspired BIG time!




Connect with Bret at:

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2 Responses

  1. Zach Great podcast with Brett!


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