177 | Jim Steel & Zach Talk Leadership, Bodybuilding & Life


STRONG Life Podcast ep. 177 with my man, Jim Steel.

GREAT times during this chat as Jim and I discuss the following topics:

- Leadership lessons learned from sports as well as what we see today on college teams

- Our lessons learned from Football & Wrestling

- Thoughts on Football for kids

- Bodybuilding in your 40s and 50s

- Jim's recent bodybuilding experience

  • Why did Jim take his Strength & Conditioning staff to learn from pro bodybuilder, Kevin Levrone?
  • The beauty of garage gyms

  • Why the best therapy is "Iron Therapy"

Time to get your learn on.

Connect with Jim on his web site HERE.


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2 Responses

  1. David Jaffarian says:

    Awesome podcast! Love your show, especially when talking old school bodybuilding and life with Jim Steel. This stuff fires me up to train! Love your idea of filming a podcast with Jim at a hardcore gym! These shows remind me of a lot of great memories when talking old school training! Keep up the great work and thanks for the inspiration!

    1. David, thanks for the comment and apologies for the delay.

      These podcasts w Jim were always great!

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