Well I'll be damned, I am hearing more excuses from people of ALL ages who must be infected with some sort of an excuse virus.
From teenagers to parents of athletes.
From adults in their 20s all the way into their 60s.
You either want it or you don't. I can sense it from a mile away, your actions tell me everything about how badly you really want something.
I've heard these weak excuses, way too often.....
It's too expensive
I'm too busy
It's too far away
I'm waiting until ____________
I can't do that anymore
That doesn't work for me
I used to be able to do that
I want to but ____________
Listen, You are either willing to stand up and FIGHT for what you want or you've got a laundry list of excuses ready to go. The choice is yours.
But let me tell you, those weak ass excuses sound pathetic. They get you nowhere and with every excuse you make, that is time passing you by that you will never get back. NEVER.
When I hear these excuses I always have a memory of someone who found a way while under much more difficult circumstances than the excuse maker.
I've seen guys training in their driveway during the winter, lifting barbells with cement wheels on them.
I've seen the gym packed at 5 AM with 30 guys who looked like they were half way done with their training session (I thought the gym opened at 5 AM???).
The latest STRONG Life Podcast brings me to the only option we have in this life if you want to actually accomplish anything worthy.
The only option is to punch your excuses in the face. Advance & Conquer.
Strength or Weakness. YOU decide.
For those of you that are done with the e books, done with trying to learn from YouTube, DONE with the frustration of trying to figure things out on your own and you are READY to transform your life......
I am accepting limited clients for my online VIP Coaching.
To begin, we start with a phone call / skype call to see if you are TRULY serious and not just a talker.
I have ZERO time for clock punchers.
If you're serious, start HERE & let's set up a interview. I only do 1 interview per week. So take action NOW & destroy your excuses.
2 Responses
Z – Absolute FIRE of a podcast!!
I loved your thoughts on setting an example for your kids when it comes to training & lifting. Like your kids, mine are both athletes. I know, that when they were young teenagers, they thought their dad was out of his mind, lifting in our basement, dragging a home-made sled in the school parking lot behind our house, running ladders & sprints in the school yard….but when my son, who is a baseball player, started messing around with my barbell in the basement and started feeling himself getting stronger, and seeing himself putting on muscle, he got hooked – Now it’s hard to get him out of the basement!
I knew all along what I was doing – Setting an example. Leading the way. Had I been a couch potato, his trajectory would be different, I just know it. I’m proud of him for seeing the way and for walking down the path. And I know that now, he’s an example to his teammates and gym buddies.
Keep leading, Z. The troopers out here are doing the same. We’ve got to keep holding the line and showing those coming behind us what it takes to climb the mountain – Cheers, Z!!!
Bob my man, NO doubt about it, your example lit the fire in your boys eyes and now he’s gonna be a Gladiator!
Keep leading, my bro!!!