301: Scott Mendelson | Nutrition for Fat Loss & Boosting Testosterone in Your 40s


STRONG Life Podcast ep 301 with Scott Mendelson of Infinity Fitness.

Nutrition for men in their 40s on fat loss and boosting testosterone naturally.

This was a great episode to help men get rid of the confusion and go straight to the expert source on how to eat to dial in fat loss and boosting your testosterone naturally.

Time to get your learn on!

Enjoy the show.

Topics Discussed in this episode with Scott Mendelson:

  • Is it true that The average 20 year old now has the testosterone levels of a 70-year-old when compared to the year 2000?
  • Is technology and constant sitting / phone envy the major factor in destroying the testosterone and health if our generation of young and middle aged men?
  • Why does the nutrition you followed in your 20s not work for you when you are in your 30s and 40s?
  • What foods are common place when looking at men who have excess body fat?

Scott answers all of the above questions and more in a simple, easy to understand manner so you can listen, learn and most of all, Take ACTION and get RESULTS.




Extra Thoughts:

- I've been attacking the calisthenics / Bodyweight Bodybuilding again.

If you don't know what to do, we ALL know to run sprints. If you have injuries, you can walk.

We ALL know to do push ups. You did them in phys ed class. Push Ups are GREAT. They are done in every great training program.

I spoke with Jim Wendler recently and he's been attacking bodyweight workouts every single day, often times twice a day. Our conversation inspired me to get back to high volume bodyweight training.

I have one day a week where we do a lot of calisthenics with the athletes but I am going to bump it up even more so. Why? Because they WORK. They just don't look cool on Instagram. Oh well. FK social media. I do what works. Period. End of Story.

Get out there and do the work.

Live The Code 365,



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