499 🎙️ Dealing with Bullies – Helping a Dad Turn his Boy into a BEAST


STRONG Life Podcast ep 499

Dealing with Bullies - Helping a Dad Turn his Boy into a BEAST 

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Today, I often remind athletes; You guys are training for sports. In the 80s and 90s and likely prior, we were training for life.

Why? Because if you were weak and skinny, you were a target. Yes, back then, there was no such thing as an anti bullying law. You handled yourself through street justice or you got your ass kicked. The fear of getting beat up and the pain of getting beat up inspired you to train.

You were inspired to watch the 80s action movies.....

You would watch Rocky, Blood Sport, Commando, etc and under your bed were always a pair of dumbbells, maybe a Weider Crusher and of course, we had the floor and the street; push ups and running.

Today, can athletes even run without a coach up their ass?

Can athletes run a mile? Do 50 push ups? 10 Pull ups? But they STILL need a "special program".

In this episode I talk about:

  • Exercises I want this father to have his son doing.
  • What is needed in training to build confidence and muscle, size and strength.
  • Sets and Reps for this young teen.

This was a great episode and I am glad I was asked to help!

Enjoy and keep crushing those 5 star reviews HERE.

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Until the next time, keep attacking life and keep doing the WORK!

Live The Code 365,


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