The latest crew of Certified Underground Strength Coaches show you how they progress through a full body workout.
In the previous show you saw the burpee + broad jump combo.
Now, the crew attacks the thick bar deadlift for 3 rep sets.
What always amazes me is that people think if you have kettlebells, sandbags, sleds or tires that their program is equally effective.
Or, all we use are tires and sandbags.
Those accusations of course flow hevaily from the mouths with blazing insecurity and a lack of understanding of what we REALLY do here.
On the same token, what is MOST important are the clients / athletes who go through the program and the results they get.
I look at the results, which speak for themselves. More than 1/2 of the wrestlers who train at The Underground qualified for the state tournament, placing them in the top 16 of the state automatically. Pretty damn good numbers considering they have hundreds and hundreds of others in the same weight class. See for yourself HERE.
Noone takes shots at # 2, so for those blazing your own path, have your thick skin ready as the naysayers will cry and complain due to their jelaousy, naiveity, insecurity and overall weakness.
Blaze your own trail as only great one's do!
Now, before we move on to our video, if you're a cry baby, a naysayer, complainer or insecure whiner, my message to you is.....
And now, on with the show 🙂
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
PS: The Next Underground Strength Coach Certification is Open for April 25 & 26 and we already have a sign up! Take action HERE.
PPS: The Bodyweight U resale rights are almost shutting down. Click Here and be a Go Getter. Not a Lazy Ass.
PPPS: Yes, I'm in a mood today 🙂
8 Responses
LOL, thats crazy you had a guy with a wyoming cowboys shirt. I live in wyoming and its good to see wyoming representing.
Halen – yep, Joe Chizek, now in Omaha, he’s a kick ass dude! He will represent BIG time, that’s for sure!
YO Coach Zed
How do i get involved in this man? I am sick of pussy footing around strength training.
Saw the burpee + broadjump combo … what a awesome exercise that is. What weight are the guys deadlifting in the video?
Love the thick bar!
Made one myself, it’s 2.5 inches in diameter. It is a bear!
Yo DL,
Get your ass to the cert bro! Coach Z will take care of you and show you the light!
Those were some awesome lifts! Over-over grip on that thick bar is hell.
I rate that weekend one of the best I ever had in a weightroom. Coach Z and the rest of the guys were awesome. It was like another family. Gives me goosebumps thinking about it!! Joe