Episode # 32 – THE Rant!


I'm not one to rant, but, man, some of these situations seriously irk me.

Why are poeple taking part in life to be average?

I say we set these half assers straight....

What do you think of half assers?

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: Read more of one of my favorite books and was loving the story of the former NFL athlete, how he grew up on the farm, the work he had to do and why he was so damn strong. This book should be in the hands of every serious strength coach and athlete.

PPS: a few spots left for the November Underground Strength Coach certification - do you want in? If so, take action or watch us from the sidelines killing it and developing beastly athletes! Click the "Get Certified Link" at the top of the site!

13 Responses

  1. Hey Zach,

    I had very similar situations when I was a Flair Bartender in South Beach. I would practice Flipping Bottles in the Park on the Beach ect. So many Bartenders would approach me, and say they would pay me out the Wazoo!! I made my money Bartending, so I was like I’ll train you for free but don’t waste my time! I used to practice 3-8 hours a day and then go to Work. Everyone was all jacked up, and no one ever showed, the 1-2 that did, dropped out when they saw how much work was involved.

    Everyone wants to be a Rock Star but no one wants to rehearse. Everyone wants to be a NAVY SEAL, but no one wants to go to BUDS! Sad but true! I feel bad for these people, and in truth I was one, people can change, and this is my one hope, that they figure out, the only one or thing stopping them is them!

    Yours in Strength

    Pedro A. Morales

  2. I can totally relate to what you are saying, and I love how genuine you are….If they don’t want it, forget them! Others who want it bad enough can be trained, and can get great results from guys like you.

    I love your stuff, and love what you are all about.


    Matt Phelps

  3. Don’t sweat it Zach. Some people just don’t get it. And they’re not worth it. Hard work’s not for everyone. But look at Joe D- the strategy of selecting who you train andbusting their balls works. Plus, you’re developing a solid following here online, and I know that there are many of us who live thousands of miles away who would otherwise be there with bells on for every session at the USC gym.

  4. half assers…very irritating

    everybody says they want it…only a few are willing to work for it

    I definitely hear ya on that Zach

  5. Hi Zach,

    Cool video, hopefully it’ll inspire some of those sort of people to get their head down from their ass and go train hard!

    Do you think those half assers are the same in life as they are in the gym?


  6. ok, first the book looks HARDCORE! i’m definitely going to check it out. with your concerns/rants, i feel you man. the last thing i wanna do when working with clients is find out they’re not as serious in actions as the words that come out their mouths. and i’ve told couple of the other trainers in my gym, don’t just take someone that wants to train without a specific goal, and want to put in a long term commitment, chances are they’re looking to steal a few routines and not resign with you … or just go through a session with you with no intention of signing up. you know how that is. so i looked around for the best ways to pre qualify someone coming to me, and now i have the words to turn someone down without feeling bad, because i want people that are serious about the goals that have been set. so i can understand why your making harder for anyone wanting to train with you to get in. keep risin to the top!

  7. dudes – thanks 4 posting! yes, I believe these gym half assers also half ass it in life.

    My nerves are up b/c we’re tlaking about military – people who are fighting for their own life and the lives of others, plus, this dude was saying “I’m in a pretty serious fuckin’ situation and I’m a serious fuckin’ guy” – BULL SHIT!

    Then mma fighters – this is not a game, once again, fighting for you life!!

    The Basketball team….what a pity to show your coach and your teammates that you will turn down an opportunity to make yourself and your team that much better!

    When I was wrestling and received a phone call from my Coach to go here or do this, or do that, I DID IT!

    I forgot to mention this one….

    My close friend was asst wrestling coach at a high school, one of their starts was going through a tough time…father just passed away, ACL surgery, lots of probs….

    They wanted to see if I could help rehab his knee…. I said yes, bring him here for FREE…

    he came once, got his underground shirt and beanie, NEVER showed up again!

    Those coaches were so pissed and embarassed!

    Then I heard he was wearing the shirt and beanie!

    That *^%$# @!%&* *&^%$#@! (fill in w/curse words)

    I asked if he was ok and the coaches said yes, he just decided to bail….

    Now, you need to earn the shirt and underground gear….

    If I see you’re dogging it during a trial, you’re gonna get smashed for it….

    Not everyone makes it in here, and I will always rather have 1 killer beast who is insanely motivated than 100 half assed whiners!

    Keepin’ it Underground!


  8. I hear ya Z. We have the same policy NO WHINERS! We simply don’t invite them back out. No exceptions. Most of the guys who train with us quit after the first trial workout, which is mandatory to see if they deserve to train with the rest of us, but the girls LOVE it and keep coming back.

    I agree with you I would rather train a few hard chargers than a lot of half ass whiners any day. Besides the half assers would not reflect well on our program!


  9. Zach, you remind me a lot of my first martial arts instructor, Master Sang Kyu Shim here in Detroit. The first time I ever saw him, he was breaking big blocks of ice with his head on Wide World Of Sports–I was a kid at the time. About fifteen years later, I was training with him and his hardcore blackbelts, and I saw those pics from TV on the wall.

    Anyway, that school signed up many, and few survived beyond the first couple of belts. They didn’t try to talk people into staying, either–you either wanted it, or it was “see ya.” There were always more students signing up, but the number who kept at it were like “The Chosen Few,” after awhile. It took me three years and a few broken bones, but I got my black belt in TKD there, and I’ve stayed involved in martial arts training (not competitive fighting, that was never my thing) ever since.

    You would like his book, “The Making Of A Martial Artist.” It’s not about techniques, it’s about the mental makeup of someone who commits to a path. It’s about the same kind of commitment you’re talking about here. I still dip into it occasionally, for a little booster-shot.

    Here’s a little history on Master Shim’s school, may he rest in peace:

  10. I am tired of dealing with half asses (like that word…).
    Some people just don’t get it… some people are just not made for this…

    Dealing with half asses is just a waist of good energy that can be put into helping real kick ass athletes who want to fight and need us.

    I’m totaly with you on that one Zack, it so frustrating, but I am not sure we can do something for them… What the hell…

    Let’s save our energy for those who deserve… there’s no others…

  11. I agree with you Zach- I have the same policy- Work Hard or go home! The book Purposeful Primitive is excellent. Old School training with a modern day perspective. A great fire up book. I am currently hooking up my EFP [Enhanced Fitness and Performance]- with Strongstyle Martial Arts/Fitness Center to become their head trainer. This will be an extention of my own training methods. We have developed the BOLT System -Body of Limitless Training- multiple methods of training are utilized to achieve the desired goals. The Underground methods will defintely be a major part of my programs. You will be hearing a lot more from me. Kill it!!!

  12. I hate it when guys waste opportunities that others do not have, but would give their left nut for.
    I live in a rural area with almost no exposure to great opportunities afforded to those in industrial areas.
    I would love to live within driving distance of a great training facility such as USC, but I do not so I have created my own in my backyard and I have 1 workout partner. We have trained with many, but only 1 has stayed the course with me.

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