Episode # 46 – Neck TV, Part Deux!


here is part deux with the crew, of Neck TV.

I began to realize through photos of various angles that my neck truly is skinny, damn it!

When was my neck biggest? When I was wrestling and training in BJJ. The constant pulling on my head was manual resistance for neck strength and growth.

Aside from talking neck training, listen in as the crew talks strength building, old school bodybuilding, muscle building, mental toughness, goal setting and of course, my horrible jokes get poked in every other second 🙂


I've be adding lots of killer Underground Bodybuilding info to my membership site at http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com - make sure you check them out.

Enought talk, it's time to train.

What have been your experiences with bodybuilding style training?

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: - Speaking of bodybuilding, mucle gaining, strength gains and Underground training, stay tuned for the announcement / open registration for my next 2 killer seminars (see the LIVE Events Pages).

December 6 and 7: Lost Secrets of Strength Development with Joe DeFranco

January 10: Brute Strength and High Octane Performance Seminar with AJ Roberts (we will also be holding an informal gathering the night before tl tlak business, marketing, training and anything else)

** Better watch your e mails for these announcements because they will sell out fast! **

2 Responses

  1. Well first “love” the title! that is to funny. for real though, the knowledge that was being shared had me glued to my screen and it shocked me when it ended LOL!! but the talk on volume, visulisation, having a goal and knowing where your coming from to get to where you want to be … that’s the truth! something i preach to my clients. keep up the serious sweet work with “neck t.v.”

    Keep risin to the top!

  2. John Dougherty says:


    You really have to start hanging out with people that actually have necks!;) You shouldn’t feel self-conscious since you are a normal, but well developed human being!

    Years ago in the early 70’s, I used to get Strength & Health and Muscular Development magazines. There was an article about building neck strength. The author, whose name I cannot remember, took an old football helmet, somehow mounted a dumbbell collar/pipe fitting and bar to the top of the helmet. The rig stood straight up from the top of the helmet. (Freaky, I know, but these were serious dudes.)
    Then, he added plates and another collar as you would on a regular dumbell. He and his training buddy would kneel, brace themselves on a lifting bench, elbows flat on the bench,fists touching and with the chin almost touching their fists. Then they would slowly and carefully flex their necks forward/down and up. They didn’t use real heavy weights, but you’d have to work up to anyway just to be safe.

    I cannot say I tried this, I was young and didn’t have the resources to try it. However, these two guys made the guy sitting to your right in the vid look like a “pencil neck”.
    When your neck sticks out past your ears, you know you’ve arrived!

    Thanks for the inspiration as always!


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