I never invented anything.
People were lifting heavy shit ages ago.
I admit my psychological issues in the wide open here....I can't afford therapy, so crazy I will remain.
Maybe you need to get crazy to get results.
I'm not talking results in the gym, I'm talking results in life.
It's not over yet, trust me kids, I got more crazy shiz where that came from....
Crazy Marketing = http://killitmarketing.com
Crazy training = http://UndergroundStrengthManual.com
More craziness coming soon π
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
5 Responses
amazing vid’s comrade. thank you for YOUR influence
Hey Zach, I am lovin the show keep em coming. Have you done a show dedicated to neck training? I need some tips for neck training, I never train neck but really suffer from skinny man pencil neck syndrome help!!! although my traps will soon be level with ear lobes!! I have a neck harness on order, so some tips on using this equipment would go down a treat bro. Thanks Zach.
Hell Yes! Give credit where credit is due, especially to all of the “cellar dwellers”. Lovin’ the Underground Strength Show – Thanks!
You’re right, I’m an addict too. Keep it real brother!
Never cease to amaze..haha