Episode # 91: New Years Eve Pull Up Contest


Here's what busted out the morning of New Year's Eve....

10 + peeps testing their pulling power against one another 🙂

The grand finale is coming, but, watch who has been eliminated till' the next time...

No kipping, no cheating - anyone who broke the rules was eliminated...


I always said we eat pull ups for breakfast.

Wait and see who is in the finals in the next episode.

Thoughts or comments, post em' below, I would love to hear your thoughts!

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

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4 Responses

  1. Whats up Zach! I not able to see the vid? Love the show I will check back later to see if it is up and working! Later!!

  2. nice vid, would have liked to see them compete doing bodyweight pull ups though

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