Eric Cressey, Mobility, Breathing Better & Your Health



This week I learned perhaps MORE than ever how critical mobility is and how bad it can fuck you up if you don't pay attention to your own mobility and health.

Check out what just happened to me and I am sure you'll pay close attention.

For well over a year I had serious pain in my ankle. So much pain, that I was convinced I was walking around on a broken ankle or broken foot.

Walking after getting out of bed in the morning was brutal. Playing Tennis with my daughter was painful as all heck. Skateboarding with my son left me in major pain.

I did it all, but, NOT good enough.

I did mobility. Compression and voodoo bands, ART with my Chiro, hell, I even spent a shit ton of money on a stim machine!

Still. NO better.

Mobility needs to go next level, just like training. In fact, it's ALL part of the training. So, after over a year and having NO options aside from getting an x ray, I tried one last thing.

I went to someone that I knew had a reputation for being the best around (Stay tuned, I will see if I can snag a STRONGCast with him and introduce you to his methods).

To make a long story short, he did an assessment. GREAT Coaches can assess you the moment you walk through their doors. This PT did just that amongst some other assessments and then, instead of ART, he used needles.



Acupuncture? I have NO clue.

I felt those freaking needles and it freaked me out, but, it's amazing how pain can motivate you to do whatever it takes to get your health back.

Without all the details, yes, I was nervous and YES, whatever he did, WORKED!

I woke up the past 2 days with OUT pain. The needles were used to get deeper into the tissue where my t spine is SUPER tight. Hence, my lack of mobility caused major ankle pain to a point that I thought my ankle was broken.

Now, hopefully I have your attention regarding the critical importance of mobility. Pay attention to this video carefully. Pay attention to detail. The details can save you from a year or more of pain. Pain that interferes with your LIFE.

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

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3 Responses

  1. Years ago I was training heavy rack deadlifts when my grip gave on my left side. I didn’t feel or hear anything until I re gripped and I almost feel to the ground in pain. I thought I tore my bicep but everything looked OK. I went to a doctor and he told me he wouldn’t refer me because and I quote,”I don’t help people that take steriods or drugs.” Life time drug free athlete. So I asked for a drug test and he said,”No one can lift 700# without taking steriods.” I wasn’t going to agrue with a fat, chain smoking doctor. So months went by and I could barely bend my arm.
    I finally went to a chiro and in one session the pain was gone. I also was able to squat more because my lower back was impinging the nerves for my legs.
    Today I do less chiro because I take care of my body through mobility training.
    Good stuff Z!

  2. Nice pic of Leblanc-Bazinet right there! πŸ˜‰
    Chek out those hamstrings – puh!

  3. Thank you. I have lower back pain and could not figure out why. I have the issue that Eric talks about where my lower lumbar is definitely too arched and my upper ribs are sticking out with my chest. I was thinking I had some strange back issue. Maybe not.

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