Fedor Emelianenko won a hard fought battle this past Saturday night.
I was worried it was over. Scared this was going to be it, that he was going to be dethroned by the BIGGER Rogers.
But his experience in the ring, his long, hard years training.....they payed off.
While others train in fancy gymnasiums and around countless other people and camera crews, Fedor goes about things differently.....
He trains in seclusion, eats properly, doesn't party, gets the rest he needs, spends time on recovery to maintain his health and longevity
See for yourself below, especially around 6:20 where Rogers is pounding away on Fedor!
Here is Part II where Fedor makes the comeback:
And here is a small clip of some of the Underground Training Fedor goes through....
It's been a while since I've watched an MMA fight. Years ago I rented every UFC and PRIDE event relentlessly.
I began to remember the MANY times Fedor got knocked down or hit extremely hard.
It looked ALMOST as if it was over, but it NEVER was.
He kept getting back up....again and again and again.
He pushed forward, regained composure and emerged the victor...EVERY TIME.
Now, just so we're clear..... This post isn't just about Fedor training Underground.
It's about getting back up....EVERY TIME you fall.
Do you get my point?
Drop a comment, let me know your thoughts.
PS: I'd love to send Fedor and his Coaches The Underground Strength System, they would love it and so will you.
21 Responses
Don’t lie! You know you were excited when you saw him out training in playgrounds with kettlebells and shit! You’re right though. He has taken some ridiculous shots, and doesn’t EVER get flustered. You should have put video of him fighting Randleman. that suplex is STILL on MMA highlight reels everywhere. Great example of taking it on the chin and powering through. KNCOKED DOWN SEVEN TIMES, GET UP EIGHT!
Beautiful. Thanks for posting this. Gives me mad motivation to hit the books and reach those goals. From desk to gym and back to desk. Practice HARRRD and the game is easy (and so is the exam). peace.
I’m glad that you’re posting this…a lot of people are starting to say that Fedor has lost it, or that he’s been exposed (despite winning in dominating fashion, which boggles my mind)…but these people just do NOT understand the fight game.
In MMA, you have 15-25 minutes in ONE night to get it right. Anything can happen and even better, more experienced fighters can have “off days”. But I would hardly call Saturday night an off day for Fedor…the bottom line is that the dude is 31-0 and no one has yet to figure him out.
Hells yea seeing him rockin the playgrounds, kettlebells, sledge hammers and training in dingy environments hypes me up BIG time.
BUT, most fighters die off, Fedor has been in some form of combat for several decades now, and is nearing his 40’s
Most MMA Fighters, even the greats, disappear in a matter of several years, minus a select few.
His mind is in the right place, no doubt.
Fedor is by far one of the hardest working fighters ever to lace up 4oz gloves. his training is old school and his work ethic is old school. he can’t be beaten.
This post reminds me of Walter Paytons book “Never Die Easy”. It’s a great read man. Payton had that attitude instilled in him through his college coach. This quote sums up his attitude on how to play the game and how to live life: “Never die easy. Why run out of bounds and die easy? Make the linebacker pay. It carries into all facets of your life. It’s OK to lose, to die, but don’t die without trying, without giving it your best.”
If you ever saw the way Payton trained, running the big hills, underground type of stuff I think you’d agree he’s definitely part of our tribe!
He had a tough fight against a much bigger guy….
Technically, Rogers is not at the level of Fedor, and you see how Fedor and his coaches found his weak area, which is hands down staying open
But, Rogers has stamina, and can take punches, and is very young, which can pose a problem for Fedor next time
Then again, Fedor will be more ready next time, and might dismantle Rogers next time
thnx for posting bruddah
I liked the fact that you mentioned that he has been rocked hard in the past by punches or takedowns (Randleman Suplex). He is by no means infallible, or without any weaknesses, but what truly makes him invincible is his warrior spirit, that no matter how hard he gets rocked, he will find a way to get up and turn the tables on his opponents. I find his entire stoicism and training approach fascinating. That’s what Underground Strength Training is about!
Fedor is the man!!! Him and Anderson Silva are my favorites. Such amazing work ethic and relentless drive. Also the same with GSP thats why these guys are so good at what they do and continue to get even better every time.
Just like you said its not the style of training, even though the underground training is part of the equation but its their work ethic of what they put into it and how they use it.
we all know about Fedors training regime, old school and simplistic no fancy gyms etc etc….what separate him from others is his calm demeanor, his respect that he shows toward other, and how humble he is. He truly is an example to athletes and just ordinary people…an insiration! thanx for posting Z.
Thanks for posting this up dude… More than happy to watch it over again.
Fedors underground video was awesome… one thing i have ALWAYS wanted to do was set up a KILLER underground training type barn (aka Rocky 4) and just kik some serious ass in the middle of winter when it is freeeeeezing cold.. maybe even pull a heart muscle dragging some big biatch on a sled LOL
Thanks Zach… Hope your kids are doing much better
Pat, wow man LOVE YOUR quote on Payton, wish I coulda seen him train!
I can’t wait to meet U bruddah!
Francisco, thnx bro, damn dude, Randleman rocked his ass!!
watch at 50 seconds
I know a few people who knew Randleman, some who trained him even!
He f**ing dominated college wrestling and senior year didn’t wrestle.
He was so damn physical, BUT, his ground n pound skills eventually stalled him as he shoulda learned big time BJJ skills
I actually watched him fight Live, in atlantic city, where he was beating randy couture in the UFC and then 3rd round Couture mounted him and put a hole in his nose!
Still, I have HUGE respect for Randleman and what he did as an athlete!
Matty – he trains his ass off, he trains 8 hours a day and no distractions
imagine if he lived in los angeles or vegas like the others do?
when pat miletich bred his fight team, they worked on the farm and trained all day, no distractions!
things have changed, but Fedor stayed where it was best for him and his family.
i wonder who will beat him?
AT – I always wanted a gym in a barn. In fact, on my vision board is a BIG ass remodeled barn, something I plan to own myself one day, with a Rocky type gym in there
Barn Gyms are plenty in areas like Ohio, Pa., Minnesota, etc.
The parents of these wrestlers hang climbing ropes and build “farm boy” gyms.
I used to call some of my workouts “Farm Boy” workouts!
I heard someone say they signed him to fight Brock in the UFC, thats the only person I can think of where it would be a REALLY good fight.
I like the whole no distractions part, I do my best to have that and turn off my brain when I am training. I like how he has kept it in the roots of what worked, if it aint broke dont fix it, just tune it up.
Fedor is definitely in a league of his own. I agree, I equate his success to his underground training. I think it gives more motivation when you earn your muscles and strength. The underground type workout lets you do just that. It gives you that natural strength. Nothing against the gym strength because it has its place to. There is just something about training unconventially and getting big gains.
One more thing that I’d like to point out is that in all of the training videos I’ve seen of Fedor, it’s almost as if he takes a “workman” type approach to his training.
He’s working hard, but you don’t see anything like some of the convulsing on the ground type efforts that you see in other guys’ vids. Fedor has no idea about HIIT, crossfit, or whatever else but has never gassed in a fight and has looked fresh and explosive every time out.
Just some food for thought.
“Seven times down, eight times up” (Old Japanese addage usually credited to Funikoshi) Fedor has sure given us a glimpse of how to measure the unmeasurable. Heart. To Dustin’s previous post, thats how we should all approach training, like a pro. Great post “Z”
PS 57 and still doing it in the parks:)
Hey thanks for the video, been missing out on watching fights been busy so plz keep uploading them on your site its great. Fedor is actually the fricken man