Freak Strength Friday


sergio lat spread

On some Fridays I send out an e mail to you guys and give you a "Freak Strength Friday" workout.

Here and there I skip it and people cry...literally.

So, here is a Freak Strength Friday workout for you to give a go and when you're done, drop a comment below and let me know how it worked for you.

This is an Upper Body workout. The intensity is what YOU will decide to use. By intensity, I mean the % of effort you use with how heavy you train and how far you push each set.

1) Barbell Push Press: Work up to 2 heavy sets x 5, 3 reps

2A) 1 Arm Kroc Rows (Dumbbell Rows): Work Up to 2 heavy sets in the 15-20 rep range

2B) Weighted Push Ups: Work Up to 2 heavy sets in the 15-20 rep range

3A) Barbell Cheat Curls 3 x 5 - 8 reps

3B) Tate Presses 3 x 8 - 12 reps

4) Grip Training:

- Hex Holds 3 x 10-20 seconds

- Captains of Crush 3 x 5 reps

For the weighted push ups, it all depends how strong YOU are as to how you will add resistance.

Are you strong as hell? I do have e mails where people tell me to stop sending them workouts as they are already "strong enough".

My daughter told me not to go to the gym today, her reason? "You're already too strong, Daddy"

ahhhhhh...if only I was already too strong, just like the people who e mail me πŸ™‚

You can add resistance to your push ups with chains, weight vests, weight plates, a person standing on your back, etc.

Cheat curls will be aggressive and will attack the upper back, shoulders, traps, biceps and grip! I don't wanna see strict, girly mon curls. You dig?

Tear it up and let me know how it goes.

When you're done with the workout, you better eat BIG if you wanna get Big and Strong.

If you're already "strong enough" then please, by all means, let us know your secrets!



PS: Keep an eye out on my E Bay Moving Sale HERE. I will be adding more and more stuff through the next few days.

PPS: Aside from e mails telling me they are already strong enough, people always tell me they hate their job and they wanna follow their passion.

They ask if it can begin part time and the answer is YES, it can be done part time to get started.

The smartest thing to do is to learn from those who are IN the Trenches, making shit happen in the real world and earning a living doing so.

So learn the start up secrets and my training system at an Underground Strength Coach Cert & Mentorship, because 5 year plans SUCK!

Nov. 14th in NJ, More info HERE

Dec 5th in Florida with Elliott Hulse, More info HERE

6 Responses

  1. Z,

    Nice workout man! I did some Freak Strength Thursday stuff yesterday…haha. I had the team in getting a workout so I had to hit it quick and heavy. Weighted Pull Up’s, Dips, Heavy Bench, heavy barbell rows and some other assistance work. I can’t wait for the 14th bro!

  2. Pat, that sh*t sounds just like the Golden Era workouts.

    I’ve seen workouts that Sergio and Arnold would do, it would be benching supersetted with pull ups for 10 sets, then dips supersetted with barbell rows for 8 sets, then tons and tons of arm work performed with heavy weights!

    I saw numbers on the lying extension for sergio being 200 lbs!!

    Barbell curls with 200 lbs!!!

    Pat, you’re a beast Bruddah!

  3. Dustin Sanchez says:

    hey Z where are the pull ups in this workout? kidding. what is a respectable krok row weight? I’m going to try this workout, but will probably use bands for the pushups instead of weight. Thanks for the post bro.

  4. tom babyak says:

    hey zach….what are tate press or how are they done….hope you had a fun halloween

    p.s i talked to you at fast tarck..i was the p.e teacher from jersey…your right middle school sucks

  5. Dustin – Kroc Rows and strength in general is relative to ea. individual, so try to break your OWN records bro, that’s what it’s all about.

    I use 130’s for up to 30 reps with NO straps.

    The 150 DB I have is a globe dumbbell and VERY tough to grab b/c the handle is bent and it keeps rolling out of my hand.

    I have done 12 reps w/the 150 before, NO straps, but need to work on these again more often to get my numbers on the 150 back up there again.

    Hope this puts things into perspective bruddah!


  6. yo tom!!

    middle schools sucks unfortunately due to the status quo that most administrators and teachers allow NOTHING to happen in PE and the bar is set super low, so, boring shit gets done for the kids, nothing challenges them and it’s the same stuff that teachers were doing back in the 50’s

    playing sports w/no skill development, no physical fitness that motivates or challenges….NOT cool!

    I’d rather see gymnasiums converted back to physical culture centers and ALL students are expected to elevate their performance levels!

    And… Tate Presses….here you go:

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