Full Body Strength Workout, Part I – Sandbags, Anvil, Thick Grip / Globe Dumbbell Training


I cranked the tunes. It was one of those days where I needed to break the "rules of strength & conditioning". I had to get away from the science and everything being so perfectly organized. 


Because in competition and life, when do things go so perfectly as planned? It is very, very rare.

I Warmed up.... calisthenics of all types - recline row on the ropes, bear crawls, pull ups, t push ups, leg raises while upright on the dip bar, v ups holding a 10 lb med ball.....

Then it was bands for shoulder health, soft tissue work on the rumble roller, glute ham raises, and more ab work with a med ball ....

3 Rounds of high reps to get the blood flow, start sweating and to prepare the mind AND body as ONE. 

After the warm up, I lined up the strength training tools..... Sandbag, old school globe dumbbell, thick grip dumbbell, atlas stone, anvil....

Then, it was time to Destroy my Inner Weakness and get to WORK.

Part I, Enjoy.

Exercises in this segment of my full body strength training session:

  • Dumbbell Snatch
  • Sandbag Shouldering
  • Anvil Curl to Press
  • Atlas Stone Lifting / Shouldering
  • Thick Grip Dumbbell Snatch

Sometimes, you need a workout that includes an ass kicking.

Have you not read DINOSAUR TRAINING?!

All full body lifting. Total Body Strength. "Where is the science?" the experts ask!?

I've been watching weak athletes get injured and lose since the mid 90s. I experienced myself. Full Body Strength is needed for athletes and for Men. Why? So you can build Strength, Power and a physique that sends a message.

In the real world, criminals attack weak, frail looking men. You become a target for criminals.

In athletics, the other team judges you by how physical you look. Your appearance sends a message of strength or weakness, YOU choose!

I cranked a few rounds of this full body strength circuit. If you want more of a conditioning based session you can also set a time limit, say 20 minutes, and keep attacking for 20 minutes and see how many rounds you can do.

Here's a sample with athletes using a Power Circuit of DB Snatch, KB Swing and Push Ups for Speed:

Lead from the Front and DO THE WORK!

Once a week I suggest a full body strength training session for a few weeks. 

If you are training middle and high school athletes, total body strength sessions are great but not like what I have done, instead more like what Bill Starr programmed in Strongest Shall Survive. 

If you have questions or comments, post them below or inside The Underground Strength Academy Forum.

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16 Responses

  1. normaly in portugal we dont have gym´s with the kind of material that you use,thing´s like stones and bigorn´s and even ropes to climb are thing´s that we dont see in the gym´s they the owner´s dont like OLD SCHOOL they just want to have the new technology but some time we find in PRIVATE GYM´S more old school material like sand bag´s or even puching bag´s and tires and some other thing´s that can be use in your trainings.
    I train freefight “vale tudo” in a gym that have some material that i can use to do a kind of your trainings and is very good to me to have some one like you to teach me more about more exercises to do.
    Thank´s a lot.
    jose from portugal

  2. Jonny Elliott says:

    Zach lad,

    That anvil lift is mental. How much does that weigh cuz?

    chur bro

  3. Zach,
    Your vids always make me want to leave work early and hit my outdoor Iron Dog workouts. Heavy bag carry 100 yards to an oak tree out by my house where i crank out pull ups, knees to elbows, then corkscrews with stones. Carry the bag back and do it two more times. Damn! can’t wait.
    Keep bring the vids!


  4. zac..you look lean..and mean..your forearms looked jacked,,your condition has gotten better and better,,it shows,,i know your trying to surpass that pic of you at the beach on the rocks,,make sure you frame that for the grandkids…but your looking jail house jacked serious,,your back looks wider and denser.you can tell in your t-shirt when you turn around,see you soon rich c,,,,,,,

  5. Rich C, damn bro, don’t drop too many compliments, ha ha

    I am more fired up than ever to get bigger, leaner, meaner, faster and skyrocket my conditioning!!!

    Thnx Bro!

    Still fired up after 21 years!

  6. Jerry, ha ha, thanks, I knew YOU would appreciate it!

    How is everything going?

  7. Nice workout. Keep it that way.
    On my today workout I listened to the same Eminem’s track.
    Really feels good to workout with music like that.

  8. Zach,

    Just sick! What makes this most impressive to me is that you are doing these lifts after having had knee surgery – what? 4-5 months ago? F#ckin animal br’ah! Love the tunes too Eminem – ‘Til i Collapse, heavy tune; the kids I’m training now wanna rip the walls down when this plays.

    Keep it up dude and I would say your lookin’ Beastly but that’s the norm for a guy that continues to lead from the front! Congrats on the sponsorship!

    “AGE QUOD AGIS” “What you do; Do well!”


  9. U truly rep the beast inside u man! and the f unny thing I had a morning client do something close to your beast workout, then I saw your vid … and was like WOW! Great mids think alike!!!! Keep them comin!

  10. Chris, Mike & Keith, BIG thnx 4 the props broskies!

    I’m just warmin up fellas!

    Crushin’ Time!


  11. Njama heck yea, who wouldn’t wanna lift atlas stones, anvils and sandbags 🙂


  12. Awesome workout. the only problem I see is that the Dumbbell looked to easy for you. Its obvious your just warming up.

  13. Zach,

    Always appreciate the content you share with all!

    I’m familiar with the stone molds for making your last implement, though your’s seemed to bounce. Was that due to the mat thickness underneath, or was your stone made from other material besides concrete?

    Thanks – Guy

  14. Hey Zach,

    we can`t see this Vid in Germany, because Sony Entertainment have blocked the Video because the Music!

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