Genetics, Lame Excuses & Muscle Building



"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.

Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.

Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."

- Calvin Coolidge

I explain to the athletes I work with on a daily basis how DEDICATION & Work Ethic is the key to their success in both sports AND life.

I explain to them that 90% of athletes or their parents QUIT as soon as adversity appears.

The 10% who DO stick through the tough training, a solid 5-7% of them will have excuses on nutrition, or, will eventually believe they are "too good" and will stop training. They go and train with their friends at a nice globo gym where it's comfortable.

What should you do when it gets tough in training or life?

Press ON!

I don't ever recall saying how training in ANY endeavor, be it for sports or Life, is Easy.

I never said it.

I always find a way to make it tough instead of easy. Easy is for those who don't want results.

TOUGH, Hard Work is for the few who understand that you only get what you earn.

You're an adult now.

So grow UP and accept the fact that strength and weakness are choices, not some genetic gift or curse.

Execute with discipline and STOP with the lame, weak, pathetic excuses.

You ARE capable of being as successful as you WANT to be.

Read that last sentence a few more times.

Then, understand this.....

You are exactly where you want to be. Be it in your strength, your life success, etc.

It's ALL you.

[youtube width="700" height="400"][/youtube]

Remember, the obstacle is the way!

Now get out there and OWN the day.

Be the BEST at your career or business.

Crush your training.

Eat clean.

Train Mean.

Get it ALL!

Live The Code 365,


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11 Responses

  1. Scott Adams says:

    Every word you write is sublime. Thank you for helping vanquish the persistent beast which is mediocrity. Eat clean, train mean… I love it! American children could be so much more if your philosophy and techniques were allowed in “PE” and embraced by the masses. Sadly, mediocrity is like a drug, to which so many are addicted. Slay the day brother! Thank you for everything you give!

    1. Scott, thanks my brother.

      I would get FIRED in the schools.

      Admin doesn’t like people like me who want MORE than laying low and not making people uncomfortable.

      I said this last night re modern day PE:

      These lessons in toughness OFTEN come from our sport coaches, or at least they USED to come from them.

      So when parents never engaged in sports, they raise kids who are INTOLERANT to hard work, tough coaches, etc.

      Excuses are the death of greatness. As is “good enough”!

      1. Zach, You are the man AGAIN. As you have stated before, the pussification of America is rampant! Young males are afraid of real work. Even more disgusting , adult male are full of crap about their abilities. They claim to be able to perform lifts or bodyweight activities they have not done for 20 years and/or can not lift more than a 14 year old girl. I am 60plus and can outlift and outperform 99% of assholes walking the streets. Zach you speak the truth, even though many do not want to hear it or believe it. .

        1. John, you are an animal all fired up!

          We need parents who say YES to tough coaches.

          We need coaches who can lead, motivate, teach and inspire.

          We need more toughness! BOOM!

      2. Scott Adams says:

        You’d be fired because their status quo would be challenged. They fear success and the responsibility that comes with it.

        Watched the vid…

        Solid truth…


  2. Lynn Cowan says:

    Thank you for this article. I have ben slacking lately with my training, but these words have put the fire under me that I need. Thank you.

    1. Lynn stop driving the speed limit and floor it.

      Your body AND mind want some tough training! Get it ALL.

  3. Zach – Thanks for the motivation and especially the Persistence quote which I printed and put up on the wall.

    It reminded me of something from years ago. I did a lot of Sipes style stuff as a teenager including LOTS of weighted inclined bench sit ups. When I turned 40, after a week of lifting heavy stone garden ornaments, I went to bed with a lot of pain down my legs. Woke up with my right leg totally paralysed and pretty much unable to pee. Not great. I am now stuck on the bedroom floor in unreal pain if I move.

    By mid morning my wife goes out and I feel the need to lift. Clearly this is unwise, but eventually I drag myself to a set of dumbells in my office at home. This takes about 30 minutes and I eventually manage some kind of work out on my knees. With the beast fed for a while, I drag myself back to the bedroom, with a token pee from Hell on the way, and lie there innocently.

    Doctor eventually got me a scan and I need emergency spinal surgery as my disc has exploded and crushed my main lower back nerves etc. Told to never lift or even sneeze again. I ignore the Dr, easy enough as spine surgery is very scary, and switch mainly to body weight exercises for six months. I do these every day and little by little the pain reduces and everything starts to work again.

    Many years on my lower back is 95% and has calcified. I still lift and will do as long as I can breath. The human body is awesome.

    Live long and prosper Zach, you inspire so many people to go for it.

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