Got Squats?


Here's a compilation of squat workouts and videos from The Underground. Throw some weight on your back or somewhere on your body, KIDS!

Front Squats

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In Strength,


Recommended Resource:

The Gladiator Experiment

9 Responses

  1. One of my favorites, and probably the lift that takes the most out of me, is a bearhug squat with 180lbs of sand and a weighted vest (40lbs). Five sets, each to failure, with 90 seconds rest in between each set. I’m 190lbs as a point of reference. I usually have to lay down for 5 minutes after I’ve finished. I just keep track of the total number of reps between the 5 sets as a way of tracking progress over time.

  2. Love these videos and ideas for training at home or the gym or anywhere! Thanks for sharing. I’m going to add you to my blogger list 🙂

  3. I absolutely love Zercher squats with a bar, log or sandbag. When I wrestled in the military we used several variations of this before I knew what they were called. Going to full depth with each rep really hammers away at the entire posterior chain.

  4. Goblet squats with chains are a fun one! Like to place a cinder block under me and dont come up till my butt touches the block!

  5. BEASTS!!!!! You guys are deadly. Whens the next shipment of shirts comin in?!?!?!

  6. Vince – zercher squats are a wrestlers dream…. or nightmare! ha ha

  7. This article is very fitting, seeing as today is Squat day.

    You dont become a motherf*cker skipping squat days.

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