3 MORE Reasons For A Gut Check Workout - Pt 2
1) You will lay in bed at night proud of yourself, knowing you didn't cheat yourself, knowing you didn't leave your potential out there, knowing you lived differently than the majority of men dare to live in today's day & age of softies
2) Hard work teaches you to harden your mind. You develop thicker skin when you blast through a brutal workout compared to being a softy as you train in a plush gym with air conditioning, machines, gossipy adults and lack of intensity
3) You will learn more about yourself and what you're truly capable of in life when you go head to head against a tough training session. When life throws you a few curve balls you won't lay down and cry, you will rise above and kick the shit out of anything that dares to stand in your way.
[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amBG996I-nk[/youtube]
Thoughts on a gut check workout and how it relates to life? Drop a comment below.
Live The Code,
12 Responses
4 horsemen by Metallica!
What a great song to train to – they dont make that kind of music today anymore. Still have that song on vinyl back from 1985.
Shiz – I guess I’m a bit oldschool. hahaha, …
Interesting points you made about the changes you made about your nutrition.
There is no 100% way of attacking things. Everybody is different in different times. Means something that has worked for you for 4 weeks doesnt have work for the next 4 weeks. Constant evaluation of the mind & body is the key to good training, good life with good habits.
Love it.
Hellz NO, that music is long gone as are those guitar rifs!
Awesome stuff Zach! I am a coach and although I know how important everything else is to business I just don’t feel it in my heart. I don’t feel the urge to use social media to promote mmyself. I might do a video here and there but that is it.
Last night was a prime example. I had a wrestler train with me late after practice. He 12yo and under 100# up to a month ago he trained but not like this. I have been really hitting his back with reverse hyper, glute/ham and stone good mornings ( along with a few other). Four weeks ago he racked his ankle bad. Air cast and everything. I used my rehab model along with training. I two weeks he was squatting and doing db olympic lifting. Last night was four weeks. His dad jokingly said I want him to deadlift 150# by January. I knew he could do it sooner. So last night we work the system. Taking breaks as we went higher to roll the back out and reset the spine. I put the weight on the aluminum bar because it bends at 80#. He pulled 155# with ease and had probably 10 more pounds in him. I snapped a picture at the top of the lift.
When I told him what it was and showed him the bar bending he lite up.
That is why I am here! That is my purpose!
I also like how for your gut check you went back to Edison. Old school and put things into perspective.
Keep working it coach!
Coach BiGD
Another nice video Zach. It’d be very interesting to know a bit more about the effect intermittent fasting had on your blood work. Was your cholesterol up? Hormones affected?
Doc – yes, all things were pretty bad…. living a high intensity life, running multiple businesses, family man, traveling a lot – I don’t even know what normal life is, a 9 – 5 job, etc?
I have NO clue how that would feel like
Maybe when I’m 50 I’ll back down but things are dialing in!
Zach this is perhaps your greatest evolution and ironically a return to your roots… in the gym / transforming lives… minimal to maximal. Great video and perspective. Thanks.
Thnx, Chris…. just an evolution, not sure about greatest! ha ha The greatest is yet to come!
Right on bro. So tired of the bullshit marketers who talk about sales copy being the most important thing in the world… We live in 2013. Integrity and substance, honesty and good product is the most important thing in the world. Caring genuinely (not for monetary , or egotistical status reasons) is most important.
Great post Zach!
Being a long time reader I had noticed a few people looked to be liberally lifting from some of your work. Not a cool thing to do and readers will see through that nonsense as your personality shines through your work.
Keep up the great work. The site and posts are inspiring and I love the focus on the basics.
Carl BIG thnx for your support, such a shame to have thieves in a profession that is at the core of my heart…. the truth will prevail
Hey Zach,
reading through the lines and listening to you lately it sounds like you’re a bit worn. That doesnt have to be anything negative – its part of day-to-day life but has to be aknowledged
Hell, I’ve been on this blog for some time now and I can say you’ve been giving yr all from day one. As a former teacher of mine told me once: “Being a teacher is not a profession but a vocation”. Meaning that to truly being a teacher you need the talent of giving.
Thing is – if you’re always giving the giving away part has to be filled up again. How you do it is probably very individual. Most important thing though is to always listen to your body and leave time during a day to rest and recover (physically & mentally). If you’re not used to it you need to implement it like you do your daily training. I think this really is essential.
Anyway – you’ll figure things out.
Hey Zach,
I went through the exact same thing as you did a few years back. I went back to school for an MBA, while working a full-time job, had a little one at home and my wife was pregnant with our second. I was trying to get in shape doing very high volume weight training (a la Serge Nubret) and I was doing IF along with it (Nubret did a type of IF). I was cutting into my sleep time to fit in my 2 hour workouts and was sleeping less than an hour some nights…not just a few times, but a few times a week. All of that rolled into one just torched my adrenals and thyroid and it took me several years to recover from all of that. But I learned a lot along the way, I healed myself with some help from some online ‘friends’ and my chiropractor, and have worked my way back into decent shape, not awesome shape, but pretty good for a guy getting close to 50 y.o.
It’s funny that some of the best pieces of advice I have found online has been these little pieces of info that I find in some of your blog posts. Maybe just a bullet point from an article here or just a sentence there, that when I try it, it works like gold. I now use MS OneNote and try and copy that stuff in there so I can find it when I need it. (That’s why I like the written articles better than the videos…most of the time, LOL!)
Thanks for the great info Zach!