Underground Hotel Workout Adventures


No matter where you are....

No matter how much or how little equipment you have..... or don't have....

You can still kick ass and have an awesome workout. It's ALL about the mindset you bring to the table, it has NOTHING to do with the equipment, OR, the lack of equipment. This is why I created Bodyweight Bodybuilding - I wanted Dudes to have the ability to pack on serious muscle and strength without needing to even worry about a barbell or dumbbell.

So....Check this out, I call this Underground Hotel Workout Adventures.

Things just might get a lil' crazy....

[youtube width="640" height="390"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMjRuDM1fpM[/youtube]

I hope you enjoyed this workout along with our bloopers! ha ha

QOD (Question of the Day): What's a kick ass workout you've done when you had NO gym or perhaps a lame hotel gym? Drop a comment Undergrounders, share with us how you've used a minimalist approach or a bodyweight only workout and still tore it up. I wanna hear about blood, sweat and tears!

Live the Code



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9 Responses

  1. Z,
    Mate I don’t use a gym. I have a single bar (only standard – not oly) 120kg of standard weights (so lower to ground than oly weights), 3 Kb’s (8kg, 12kg, 16kg), adjustable DB’s, a tractor tyre, sledgehammer, some car tyres (rope attached), homemade oly rings (they are awesome!), skip rope and a few bands. Need more weights now tho.

    Yesterdays workout. DL day on 531 day (Wendlers – week 3). 3 workup sets then 90kg x 5, 105kg x 3 & 115kg x 1. 4 sets of 10 of GHR (feet locked under fence), lying leg raises & 30kg bicep curls (gotta work the guns – its summer here Down Under!). After that did 2 rounds of 100 skips, 10 burpees, 30 each arm of sledgehammer slams on tyre then ran/towed car tyre (with 32kg in it) 60m. = WRECKED!

    This is how I train my clients as well. They fucken love it!!!

    1. @Matty C: Matty right on, homie! I’ve got my garage gym set and I’ll be training in there, Minimalist Style!!!

      1. Yeah Winter Time Is Here, But its all good. Actually in winter is better more peaceful the park. Also training in the winter gets you mentally strong. Looking foward to meet you one day Zach and get a workout session with you.


  2. Yeah Winter Time Is Here, But its all good. Actually in winter is better more peaceful the park. Also training in the winter gets you mentally strong. Looking foward to meet you one day Zach and get a workout session with you.

  3. During last summer I went to visit my girlfriend at her uni, and so had to miss one of my workouts (and I was on Starting Strength). But I never miss a workout, so I replaced back squats with girlfriend-squats (see sits on my shoulders), overhead presses with handstand pushup negatives and chinups with pullups off a staircase (similar to what you did in the video).

    No excuses.

  4. Hey Zach, I love it when you post about training without equipment, because that is my favorite type of working out.
    I was down in Florida staying in a condo with absolutely no workout equipment. but what I did have was a playground just down the street.
    So here’s my workout: Warm up run to the park (about a half mile), down and back on the monkey bars with a pull up at the end, 10 dips on a horizontal bar, 10 reverse rows on the horizontal bar. I did 2 sets and i was EXHAUSTED, but I felt great because I just finished a brutal workout. That’s one of the best feelings ever.

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