How an Athlete Gained 60 lbs of Muscle


Travis began training at The Underground when it was just a garage gym.

The workouts were furious, in fact, I still miss those days, as do ALL the original Undergrounders.

keg carryTravis was 160 lbs, soaking wetΒ and he looked like a little boy.

But he trained with us 2 - 3 days a week and ate exactly as we outlined for him.

He didn't complain when he had to trap bar deadlift with only 185 lbs for months on end because his backΒ could not handle any more weight.

Today, Travis deadlifts near 500 lbs, benches 340 and squats 405.

In 2 years, he piled on 60 lbs of muscle and walks around at a solidΒ 220.

Imagine having 10 guys like Travis on a High School Football team!

Check out some footage of "T Woods" going through some training at The Undeground and drop a comment below. I always love to hear your thoughts, comments and questions.

You may not want to gain 60 lbs, but what about 10 lbs, or even 5 lbs?

I've met too many dudes struggling to get stronger and unable to pack on solid muscle.

It's time for some Beast Training, no doubt about it.

Drop your comments below,



PS: If you want to add brute strength and pack on solid muscle then simply follow the Beast Program I outline for you at

PPS: If you are a Coach and want to learn how you can apply my methods into your program or fitness business, then check out my upcoming USC Certifications HERE

20 Responses

  1. Zach the UNDERGROUND CREW was representing at Joe DeFranco’s Charity Strength Event. I got to link back up with Sal. I have not seen him since the strength gathering in the winter and he was even killin it in this video

  2. What a transformation! More athletes need to see that they too can get strong, big, and fast if they BUST ASS!! Too many kids looking for shortcuts these days. Nice video, props to you and your athlete!

  3. What a novel concept, hard work and dedication actually paying off!

    More folks, adults and young athletes a like need to learn this! I agree with John C. There are just too many people looking for shortcuts. They want twice the results with half the work. I just don’t get it!

    Congrats to T. Woods for his hard work, you can tell my the video it has definitely payed off for him.

  4. Yo bruddahs, thnx 4 droppin comments.

    Nii, yo bro, yep yep, I had The USC Gym License Course and could not make it!

    The event was originally slated for July 11!!

    We sent 12 beasts to compete, I believe we had the most athletes reppin with a lot of top finishes and a victory in the college division, 2nd place in law enforcement / military division.

    We could get a ton of athletes to transform like this, they just gotta be willing to work their ass off and not invest in crap like “size on” or some other gimmick!


  5. Joe Chizek says:

    Gotta love it. Thats why we do what we do. If I only had a place to workout like the underground when I was in high school. It would have been scary.

  6. Z

    awesome job once again! no sissies allowed in the underground strength gym!

    Eric Moss

  7. Coach Z!

    Many may be surprised by the results listed above but I am not! After having visited the Underground myself- and seeing first hand the blood, sweat, and fun your athletes have while training I can easily see how anyone (athlete or otherwise) can put on the rip they want to.

    With the Beast plan that you have outlined serious results are sure to be delivered. Hats off to you and your athletes for all you have and will continue to achieve.



  8. Rick Daman says:

    Yo Zach,

    That’s the best bio about an athlete ever. You’ve not only made him a bigger and better athlete but, you’ve made him a better person as well. Most people overlook that aspect of what training can do for young athletes. Now, everyone run and get some “SIZE ON”! Thats hilarious…. RICK (Daman’s Strength Training) (Licensed UUDERGROUND STRENGTH COACH)

  9. Jonathan Jurewicz says:

    Major props to him in the Strength and Muscle Building category…I went from 165 to 230 (Sophomore to Senior year) for my football team like alot of guys, but we never had the strength nor the diet instruction to go with it like this kid. My “protein” supplement came in the form of eating a loaf of PB&J with a 2000 calorie chocolate egg cream every night. Keep killin’ it!

  10. Joe thats why we need the Underground to TAKE OVER and it will brothas, with my help as much as possible!!!

  11. It’s always great to hear success stories of people who’ve won against their weight problems. Do keep helping people out with their weight-loss goals. And thank you for sharing this inspiring story, too.

  12. Eric – U KNOW how we roll bruddah, NO sissies πŸ™‚

    And, unfortunately, training that goes down here is too hard for too many people.

    It’s amazing how these athletes have a hard time referring their teammates here for the # 1 reason, “It’s probably too hard for them” – they say to me.

    We need groups and teams and droves of people digging deep and training hard.

    Or they ain’t livin’!

    Thnx Eric!


  13. Joe – no kidding bruddah, that is what I always say and that is what every adult / former athlete says when he passes by the gym and sees how we roll!

    Miss U and Big T!


  14. Ricky! Thnx bruddah, I can NOT wait to see your gym bruddah! Pittsburgh will NEVER be the same dude!


  15. Jonathan – PBnJ rules! ha ha

    In high school I used to pound the chocolate milk and PBnJ. Lucky for me though, my Mom was BIG on home cookin’ so I also chowed down on plenty of chicken, rice, eggs, pancakes (every Sunday morning), steaks and turkey sandiwches!

    I do miss the days of Mom’s hom cookin’, I can’t deny it!


  16. Chris Reed – Ur comments are awesome. Your words are ALWAYS so true, and, your Quotes always kick ass.

    U rep the Underground of Canada fo sho bruddah!


  17. Great vid, that’s what it’s all about. You only live once, gotta work hard! I don’t want to be 50 saying to myself, man, wish I would have put more into it.


    Keep up the great work Zack.

  18. Thats crazy! I never even knew it was possible to gain that much weight that fast.

  19. whIFa8 sxlvedtkjvhl, [url=]rwdpxmmvnigz[/url], [link=]dkwzaicpsmdk[/link],

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