"Kettlebells for Combat"?
I started this "Kettlebell Combat Complex" back when I began using Kettlebells around 2002 and studying their best use for wrestlers.
Before you move forward, let me preface this Kettlebell complex by emphasizing that this is NOT just for combat athletes - it's for anyone who wants to improve strength and conditioning, test their mental toughness and hype up your metabolism.
Many of you have e mailed me telling me that you are diggin' the hybrid complexes I have been sharing with you through The Underground Strength Insider (Subscribe HERE & Claim your Free Training Course)
Whether you're short on time or straight up want an effective style of training, this is Kettlebell complex is going to get the job done.
Before we move forward, the only rule is this:
This is a tough complex, many people will quit or use a weight entirely too light and thus never reap the rewards. Challenge yourself and make it hurt!
Check it out below as I tear through this complex with a 70 lb Kettlebell.
This was TOUGH.
I challenge you to try this for 3 rounds and I encourage you to focus on technique first and foremost, NOT on the weight used.
I've seen people post videos of their "Kettlebell Combat Complex" and the technique was poor at best, making the workout dangerous and less effective.
Let's break down The Kettlebell Combat Complex:
1A) Snatch x 5
1B) Clean & Press x 5
1C) Goblet Squat x 10
1D) Goblet Lunges x 10 (5 ea. leg)
1E) 1 arm high pull x 5
1F) 1 arm row x 5
1G) swings x 10
In a nut shell, anything with 1 hand gets 5 reps, anything with 2 hands on the kettlebell gets 10 reps.
Today I plan to use 3 versions of complexes: Barbell for 2 rounds, Dumbbell for 2 rounds, Kettlebells for 2 rounds.
I will thoroughly have my ass kicked when all is said and done, BUT, if you wanna be a Beast, this is what must be done.
Try the Kettlebell Complex Workout and post your comments below.
Live The Code
8 Responses
I’m looking into getting some kettlebells to work with. They’re expensive as hell though. What do you think are the essential weights to have for kettlebells? For instance should I have a 32, 48, and a 56?
the KB you choose depends on your strength
I always encourage peeps to find a place to get a few private workouts in from an experienced coach or attend a seminar
once you learn the technique, you are able to use a heavier KB, this way you don’t spend money on a light bell and outgrow it quickly
sick complex, that combined w/ the barbell complex was an a** kicking workout and i’m dead now, YYEEEAAAA!!!! love the material z-man thx a lot
hit the gym early this morning (6:30) after warming up – Im 66 man I need to warm up – did a bodyweight workout – squats, dips, pullups, farmer walks, and battle*n ropes.I will do your complex this week, looks like a real challenge. Happy Fathers Day and thanks for all you do. Own your life, or someone else will.
Rich, love that comment…”own your life or someone else will.”
Did 3 rounds with 40lbs kb, was a good cardio kick!! Thanks for your inspiring Z!
Oldie but goodie… Goal is complex this ENTIRE complex w/ 24kg Bell