"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~
You're "hurt".....
You're "injured"....
Time to stop training, right? Even your Doctor will tell you to stop. Amazing to see how weak society has become and even worst, that being weak and an excuse maker is accepted by others.
Not here, though. 20 X or not at all.
Your ankle is broke.... maybe your leg.... maybe your hand? Maybe your leg is in a cast, arm in a sling....
You Were Put On This Earth To Advance and Conquer.
What The Fuck Is Up With All These Excuses?
Two videos. Watch BOTH & start being GRATEFUL for what you CAN do.
[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_OvMFi2Mt0[/youtube]
This is a movie you should watch on ESPN 30 For 30.
The Terry Fox Story.
What an amazing man, proving that the limits we have are only the limits we choose to accept.
[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjgTlCTluPA[/youtube]
Part of Living The Code is being honest with yourself.
Have you been making excuses for yourself? We're human, we've ALL done it. I've done it. But NOW is the time to step up & Conquer.
Draw a line in the sand right now, refuse to go back to the petty excuses, the lying to yourself....
Instead, push to make yourself better.
20 X All the way.
Advance & Conquer.
Live The Code.
The NO Excuses Workout - Click HERE For Details
9 Responses
I had never heard of Terry Fox before, what a remarkable, focused, determined young man he was, such an inspiration and a very moving video all I can say is MASSIVE respect to the man an his legacy!!!!
Matt, check out ESPN 30 for 30, I would watch ALL of them as each of them are amazing. Beyond amazing!!!
Love it when you preach. Amen. and Amen.
I’m sick of hearing excuses too. Train around the boo-boo and stop whining.
ps. Terry Fox grew up a half hour from where I live. π Local hero.
Jackie π I HATE preaching, but man, I can’t tolerate all the bull shyt excuses, people are getting weak in mind, body & spirit, it’s OUT of control. I’m gonna push and get peeps to change!
HA… actually I wasn’t saying ‘preach’ as a bad thing, more like ‘you’re preachin’ the gospel again, bruthah, sing it’ …!!
I agree with you about society getting soft… and it IS out of control, so just keep doing what you’re doing and waking people the hell up!! π
luv ya
Awesome post Zach.
I completely agree – people always look for an excuse not to train, but being injured should never be one of them.
I’ve been lucky that I’ve never been badly injured, but haven’t missed a training session in the last 4 years, even with tendonitis in vary places, strains, tears, etc. You can always do SOMETHING.
I always send this video to clients when they’re thinking about skipping training for the tiniest injury – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooQKUYQ_WgQ
key word, brutha: ALWAYS
So true, there is always something we can do!!
Doc’s told me my knee was arthritic and I would most likely not be able to “workout” anymore a year and a half ago after I suffered a severe mcl/acl sprain while playing tag with my kids. They told me I needed to lay off of weightlifting and running and anything strenuous and that I would need surgeries. Fact is I had let myself go and wasn’t training properly eating right and in general being a big a-hole. I opted to research and rehab myself not only physically but spiritually. I now run painfree and lift painfree and I’m not such an a-hole anymore(at least I dont think I am). I am in the best shape of my life and am getting stronger. It’s not really over for anyone if there is a will to move forward. It’s crazy how wrong the Doctors were about my knee injuries. I thank the Lord everyday for what I have and strive to use the gifts that have been given to me. Thank you Zach for being an inspiration as well, the daily emails are sometimes that kick in arse that I need to push harder in my training. Keep striving and pushing Z.
Cross Education! Essentially train the good side hard, and the weak will retain it’s strength. Some cases show improved strength in the injured limb without training. I like to use mild stimulus like squeezing a ball or towel as hard as you can, and then train the good side.
When I strained my pec I stopped benching and dumbbell presses, but found incline push ups didn’t hurt. So I cranked them out!
My percentage of disablity on my knees is enough to have disabled parking, but I don’t take it. Back squats are a beast, but thanks to Louie I am rocking box squats.
Improvise, Adapt, Over Come!