Inspiration Behind Live The Code Creation


I'm often asked how Live The Code came about.

Like all training programs, people are flawed. We're all flawed.

We're not perfect. But, we deep down know when we are unethical and doing the wrong thing. Here's what it takes for me to work with people whether it be training them at my gym or business. I feel this can help you start controlling your life rather than allowing life to control you.

Let me know your thoughts....

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Live The Code!


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16 Responses

  1. I hear you Zach! I use to work with general population on losing weight and getting fit but I was lying to myself that I enjoyed it. Over time it became a drag. They couldnt pay me enough to stay.
    With my opening this Friday I will start the ground work to building a business that I am proud of. 1% better every day.
    Creating a legacy. I already told a big time opportunity to get athletes no thanks because they wouldnt give me anymore more than 5 m I nutes to talk with the coaches. I told them how much time I wanted and that is what they gave me. Yeah I dont have a packed house but that is ok. In time they will come as long as I stick to what I believe in.
    I am told to facebook,tweet,youtube advertise here or do this and that but that isnt me. I dont do that personally so why do it professionally.
    I see so many people sell out for the dollar signs. Living this hardcore image and never letting on their flaws. I am not a perfect being and no one is. Telling people that isnt lessing your teaching it helps them understand that everyone needs to work a little bit harder.
    Good stuff!

    1. DW I am so psyched for your success, brotha, I love how your gym looks and I know that every person who walks through your doors will have their life changed!!!

      Respect, Brotha!!

    2. DW,
      so its takeoff time? So cool,…
      Hope everything is coming your way.
      Do you have a page to look into your box?

      I’m living in Italy right now, so its a bit hard to come by and check it out.
      Keep rokin,…

  2. Much respect for this post Zach. This is why you are one of my mentors!

    1. Rommel!!! Thank U so Much, brotha man!

      I wanna connect and hear how you’;re doing, homie, keep me posted!!!

  3. I live your code.

  4. The code for me is the 12 Spritiual Principals of working a 12 Step program. Been in recovery for a long time, over 33 years now. We all have been taught in our early days right from wrong. To be honest. All of this to me take continous work. Each day I have to admitt when I am wrong. And to see what I can do to live better for the next day. Improvemnt, and progress, not perfecton. I have a good life today. The truth doesn’t make us look good yet, it frees us up. I am taught to detach emotionally and spiritually from others, their actions and words. I cannot change anyone, sometimes it is hard to change me. I take it just for this one day and do my best for this day. What I am not to crazey about that some people do is that they cannot think about others. When it come to work or to just give someone something. Or when when we do give them something, it seems like they just don’t appreciate it. I still give to others, regardless of a thanks or not, when it is apporpiate to do so. I also work with others and expericenced a lot of stuff. Some people are real, some are not. Some are my really good friends, some are not. I have learned to give me what I need, cause some people just might not have what I do need. I am to kind, tolerant, patient, and loving towards all. Even my emineys for they just may be spiritually sick, and I do pray for them on how I may be helpfull to each and every one of them. I usually get back out of life exactly what I put into it. I can open a door for someone. Then they want to open them for me. I can smile and have some good stuff to say. The principals evan go before my personality.


    1. Great stuff, my brotha, keep kicking ass, Respect

  5. The training for life is what really drew me to the underground . When I first signed up there was a problem with my account and instead of working it so you got more money, you made sure me as the customer was satisfied. Now you have an underground strength nation member that is always trying to spread the word and live the code!

    1. Justin, I do my best bro, not perfect, that’s for sure, but I am beyond grateful for anyone who supports what we all do together

  6. Zach,
    the words of the code are strong by themself – the meaning behind it even stronger. Even if its hard to live day by day it is something we should strive for – day by day, everyday. Being a Spartan at heart, living the code, having simple yet strong principles in life is something you have to live every day. In the it sums up and you will’ve lived a life not wasted.
    If nothing else – thx for that

    1. Sven, BIG thnx brotha man!

  7. Z, truth is a powerful thing, many people don’t handle it well. I am glad you speak the truth, keep up the good work!

    1. Frank!!! I am ALWAYS honored & humbled by your kind words. You’re one helluva MAN!!! proud to be your friend!

  8. Bro! This was my facebook that I asked you
    I asked it because I follow you and like many things I hear from you. I have read Mack Machowiz book after one of your posts.
    I love that code. I see many fitness gurus who are like you say, all sales…no substance.
    Thanks for sharing your attitude and code, it helps inspire me and acts as a hand pulling me up to live the code too.
    There are a few very good, real coaches.
    One is Ross Enamait and another is you, Zach.
    Thanks man.

    1. Sean I am psyched U dig it, brotha!!! Thnx for all the props and to be in the same light as Ross is an honor. Ross is a TRUE BEAST of a MAN and I have utmost respect for him!

      Thnx Brotha!!

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