You've seen my past few blog posts and videos, ALL of them are always inspired by something DEEP within. In the video below I explain who, what, where and why.
You'll also see another video by a Navy SEAL who has influenced me as well.
Watch those videos.
Learn from them.
Take ACTION and DO something with your new information.
Check it out.....
[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]
The Date of The Underground Strength Conference is June 8, 9 and 10.
Lock down those dates. There is a possibility of needing to make it June 7 - 9, but either way, lock those days down NOW, you will NOT wanna miss this shyt!!
Now, on to a video that REALLY solidified some of the things I've been missing in my life, please check this out, special thanks to Doc Frog, David Rutherford for these videos....
[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]
4 Critical Mission Steps to TEAM Life from a Navy SEAL:
Mission # 1) Commitment from the HEART, nothing less will suffice, 100% or it does NOT count
Mission # 2) You MUST Train HARD to make you and your team better, every day, something MUST be done to make your team better
Mission # 3) Communicate Openly, do NOT expect people to read your mind. Be clear & precise with your message through words AND actions, don't assume your team understands you, commit to effective communication day in and day out
Mission # 4) Embrace Your Role As A Leader. Sometimes you are doing the grunt work, other times you are not. That is fine, it's NEVER perfect 50/50 blend so be willing to LEAD from The Front. That means if you gotta pick up the slack then DO it.
Please let me know your thoughts on these 2 videos by dropping a comment or sharing it on your facebook page. Thanks for being part of Underground Strength Nation. MUCH Respect & Gratitude!
Sign Up for The 'Train 4 GOLD Seminar'. This seminar is for coaches, athletes, parents and competitors.... Anyone with an open mind to learn. Time is running short and only 4 spots are left. Click HERE for Details
The Austin, TX USC Cert is 4 weeks away. Next year I will travel elsewhere, if you're close to Tx, mid west or west coast, make it happen rather than waiting for it to happen in your back yard.
We regularly have international attendees who change their life. The lifetime of support AFTER the Cert has been priceless, below a few Coaches speak....
[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]
[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]
Austin, TX Underground Strength Coach Cert
6 Responses
Loved the SEAL video! No matter where you are in life you are a leader whether at the bottom or top. Keeping your focus and looking at your position as a leader is key! Great post!
@William: Thank You, Sir!
Yesterday I took my team out for a walk about. Just me and my sons out in nature. On the way back they had to stop and rest so I took that time to explain that this is the point in your life where you can stop and give up, or get up and keep moving. This will make you stronger physically and mentally.
The proud daddy I am my boys looked at each other, and then me. Got up and started running.
I see too many kids that come from houses without a leader, general or Alpha. They are messed up, and lack discipline. If you want your children to grow up to be successful parents, students or participants in the world you need to show them, and demonstrate what it takes. Like Zach says, “Lead from the front!”
A great general knows the 13 rules of engagement, and how to implement. The Art of War may have been written over 2,000 years ago, but it is relevant in life today because life is a conflict that begins when your feet hit the floor.
Great stuff Zach!
@Dustin W.: hells yea, brutha, good stuff, reppin’ for Dads and the family 🙂 I respect that!
Hey Zach,
Gotta give a little message here.. Before I came down to the Underground Cert, I had been watching your videos for at least a year. The gym where I trained my clients had burned down, and I had opened a studio in my basement. I was getting pretty depressed, and was losing clients and I couldn’t figure out why. I was a great trainer, won my city’s best trainer of the year stuff, so I couldn’t figure out why people weren’t continuing to train with me.. I had a great private studio in my basement with it’s own private entrance from outside, had a great set-up, but one by one, my clients were dropping off.
It finally dawned on me one day when I read one of your emails and then watched the video, and I really felt like you were talking directly to me. It’s because I was losing myself in the work I was doing. My own passion is to train people who are as passionate about training as I am myself. And spending hour after hour training people who are only there because their doctors told them to get a trainer was slowly killing me. I had been doing it in a bigger gym before and I guess with all the distraction I didn’t really notice how I felt inside about it, but when you spoke about your passion to just train athletes… I realized that for me, I had to train people who were already fired up when they walked in. No more taking on clients that looked like ghosts.
So I came down, did the Underground Cert and came back up and 6 weeks later opened my own training facility and now 1 year in business and as you say Z.. Kicking tail and taking names!
My gym is filled with people who walk in ready to hit PR’s every damn day!
Thanks so much for your passion.. it helped get mine right back where it should be!
Now.. people are thanking me left right and centre for opening my facility.. they come up and shake my damn hand after every workout and thank me like I just saved their life!
Simply.. AWESOME!
Shane, you’re an ass kicker! You committed like a MADMan last year! HTKA, Masterminds, USC cert….. MUCH respect!!!
I am psyched when I hear about your success! LOVE it!