Intern Wanted for Underground Strength Gym of Edison, NJ


I'm looking for a hard working, open minded, eager to learn intern at my gym, in edison, nj.

The internship will last 8 weeks, unpaid.

You WILL get the experience of a lifetime though, I can guarantee that.

Be ready to learn a boat load, and, you will be training WITH our athletes.

I can't have an intern who doesn't walk the walk and never gets under the bar.

Your hands will get dirty, rusty and possibly bloody.

I'm a crazy guy to work for, I have high expectations from people.

I hate lazy, I mean...I HATE lazy.

Be on time, all the time.

Be a person of your word.

There is a possibility of being employed here as a Coach after the intern. this is is not definite though.

If you don't live up to your word or my expectations, you may not make it through the entire internship.

We are open from 5 - 8 pm week days, sometimes open at 4 pm.

I would expect 3 days minimum from you if you are accepted.

This is for male or female. I don't discriminate on sex, I discriminate on laziness and poor manners / attitude.

If you are in my area of central nj and want in, please reply to this e mail with your resume and why you think you will be a good fit for the program.

Looking forward to killing it with you πŸ™‚

--Coach Z--

3 Responses

  1. Hello,
    I am a high school student, looking for internship work. please advise your location. I live in edison nj. my cell # is 732-910-6873. Thank you.

  2. This opportunity sounds fantastic. I come from Manchester, England and would love to come and learn a ton of stuff at your gym. Please consider me!!

  3. I am a college student looking to be an intern. i live in east brunswick and am available weekdays. I am a fitness fanatic and would love to work under you to get to a new level.

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