Iron Roots Podcast Ep. 5 | Strength & Health Magazine


Here we GO!

Iron Roots Podcast Episode 5.

This is THE magazine that I WISH I had when I began training.

For me, it was Muscle & Fitness ad FLEX Magazine.

These magazines were all about training for asthetics and appearance. It was very rarely about heavy lifting and performance. I still remember telling my friends, It doesn't matter how heavy you lift, you gotta squeeeeeze the muscle and feeeeeeel the muscle.

Hence, why I struggled with my sports performance.

Check out the inside look at 1 of the best magazines, EVER!

Strength & Health Magazine.

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I've found old Strength & Health magazines from MANY places.

Many have been gifted to me, believe it or not. Lifters older than me have mailed them to my gym as a gift, knowing that I would cherish these magazines and pass them on to my son.

I've used eBay and not long ago picked up a BIG stack of Strength & Health magazines that were sitting around at a gym equipment store. I told the salesman that I've seen these magazines sitting around here for years, I'll take them off your hands for $40 bucks ๐Ÿ™‚

I must have picked up 30 or so Strength & Health magazines!

Let me know in the comments what is your favorite Old School Strength book or magazine! PSYCHED to hear your feedback!

Live The Code 365,


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8 Responses

  1. Frank DiMeo says:

    Good stuff, Zach, as always!
    I liked the part about Indian clubs, which are often very light
    Our Mace Fit ยฎ classes are done using plate-loadable clubs and maces.Therrs a huge difference between swinging a 2 or 3 lb club and a 55lb club..
    Heavy clubs will challenge even very strong athletes.
    Great podcast, once again!

    1. Frank I thought of you immediately, knowing how you use those loadable clubs, you’re changing the game my man!

      Psyched for you!

  2. Talk about getting fired up!!! Listening to the Iron Roots podcast makes me want to get lost in a weight room and it takes me back to growing up on the dairy farm! Work hard in life and the weight room, drink raw milk and lots of meat! Thanks for sharing the old school goodies!!

    1. My bro I hear ya, something super primal about these old school magazines and books. Keto Diet!!!???

      These guys were doing that 60 years ago!

      I am psyched to bring this info back to the forefront!

      Thanks for supporting, please share with other lifters and coaches!

  3. frank kiefer says:

    The better, less commercial magazine was Iron Man, edited and published by Peary Rader. It was especially friendly to us “odd” lifters…bent press, one hand snatch, etc. I still have a bunch of 40 + year old copies that are fun to re-read even though I am long out of the game.

    1. I love it, I have MANY of them and I will dedicate an episode to this magazine as well, my brother!!

  4. It was great to listen to this podcast again! Thanks for sharing once again! Gladiator Strong!

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