Pay attention below as The Iron Tamer drops some serious nuggets of gold for you!
This is Kettlebell training secrets at their finest, bound to get you stronger, add more muscle and skyrocket your conditioning.....
I'm about to tear it up in the backyard using my 70 lb Underground Kettlebell, mixed in with some sprints. While everyone is out working a regular ol' 9-5 job, it's just another day in the office for me!
PS: The October 10th USC Cert is fast approaching. The success stories that stem from attending The Underground Strength Coach Certification are never ending. I posted a video a few days ago of the bruddahs in Omaha, NE opening up their warehouse gym.
Here is another Underground Success Story from THE Go Getter, Action Taker....Matty Wichlinski of Va. Beach, VA
17 Responses
U da man, Elliot. I’m trying to get all my stuff together, and I’d like to train and get some video’s with the big dog’s, bro. I’ll be workin on comin to St. Pete next!
Fucking rights u bring out the beast in all of us zach
I’m already in the mits of talking to the bank selling my house ,buying a pease of property and putting a double wide on it and buiding a 1300sq ft whare house style gym and my familys a go with it. I got an email asking if i would train this girl for 10 days before she goes to aussy land 1 on 1 that $400 bone in 10h Thank Zach u the Biggest Brudda in the game yo. I wont let u down…pease EH
Matt is a stud!! what a great and inspiring video. keep up the great work kid!
Coach Z,
The vid with you & Dave Whitley was good. Some good info about kettlebell complex training and Dave hit the nail right on the head with neuromuscular adaptive curve. Change the motion even to the slightest extent and it will change the way in which your mind recruits muscle to perform the exercise.
As an example: a variation on rowing grip (pick any fellas and ladies I’m sure we know a tonne)- because of the change in grip the manner in which we use our muscles changes…developing better overall strength in the back. With kettlebells the best way to improve in kettlebell lifting is to be creative (as Dave always is) and never limit yourself.
Van Damme said best in Bloodsport: “you told me to using any technique that works- never to limit myself to one style…to keep an open mind!…” the same is true of training in any form…find new ways to get your body to respond; there is always new ways to train.
This brings me to the video at the end- WOW CONGRATS!!! That really is an inspiration to watch and what a kickass tune too! I even picked up a few new exercises that I will use with some of my clients; my thanks for sharing! F#ckin’ awesome posting all around Zach- thanks for the gold!
I don’t think people realize how brutal that combo Dave showed us is. He made it look easy.
anybody who can get past 4 has my respect
awesome video, very inspiring. We are trying to get a warehouse gym started in the uk, almost there!
kettlebells are amazing!
that combo is killer, especially when you dont rest the weights on the floor
love the comment he said ” you are limited by your imagination”
No excuses
keep beasting it out!
That dude does everything with like NO effort. His face never shows any sign that he is trying hard or getting tired!! What a beast. Can’t wait to try the ladders. Don’t have a idea of how high to go with it though
Eric, I did 5 and will post video!
U guys rock 4 the comments!
next vids will kick ass, as usual ๐
peace bruddahs!
ps: video requests? post em’ below?
Fantastic video of warehouse gym created from scratch. Inspiring.
The ropes are a great idea. Hardly any large commercial gym has ropes (except the tricep rope pushdown at one end of the cable crossover machine!)
Great vids, first one very simple, yet informative. Some beast of weight there!
2nd one was inspirational – plus you can’t beat a slice of classic AC/DC! ‘Back in Black’ was one of the first albums I ever bought ๐
these blogs rock!
loved the talk about complexes. I love them doing them with barbells. but with kettlebells and in this manner, they are brutal! great stuff to try!
thanks for sharing this Z,
and mattys video is killer. inspiring for anyone! I am currently also building a new wooden gym at home.
Amazing info as always Zach. Def gonna try that KB ladder complex out.
Matt’s video is brilliant and inspiring. Some great exercises in there too.
Keep up the strong work.
I was wondering what was the name of the gym in Virgina ? My brother is in the Navy & stationed down there. I know they have been trying to put something together but nothing has panned out for them. So I was gonna drop the name of that gym to him & all his buddies to help them as well as the owner. Thanks for all the post & workouts my life has changed cause of them.
15. Brian
I train a few guys in the Navy down here. I’m near Dam Neck.
The Strength Shop
2424 Castleton Commerce Way
Unit 1111
Virginia Beach, Va 23456
Dudes, I’m excited you guys dig the vid. I got some more killer ideas. Hope any of you can come down and check The Strength Shop out sometime if you’re in Va Beach. I’ve been inspired by a few people in my life, and I’m glad I could put a little crumb of something good back out there.
Hey Matt thanks for the reply back. I talked to him and he wanted to check it out. I was pass this info on to him. Good luck and I hope YOU KILL IT.