Kickin’ Ass & Takin’ Names at Age 35!!


franco columbu back

You just saw a little insight into some training that I've been going through over the past 2 weeks. You'll see a mixture of:

- Strongman Training / Atlas Stone Lifting

- Old School / Golden Era Bodybuilding

- Speed Training via Box Jumps, Speed Deadlifts + bands with varied stances

- Kettlebell training via high rep swings

Training is feeling overall pretty darn good minus the shoulder, so, I am laying low on overhead pressing and full range benching. When I perform dumbbell and barbell presses I perform them with a neutral grip to ease pain on the shoulder.

I'm also following The Mobility WOD & implementing K Starr's methods daily. It's the shiz, no doubt, SON.

As you get older, you get wiser.... or at least you're supposed to get wiser. Age does NOT mean you have an excuse to get weaker.

I'm chasing more strength, more muscle, more speed and MORE challenges.

The mind needs to be pushed for the body to grow.

Question For You: What have you done this week to challenge your mind and body? Post your thoughts, comments or perhaps your toughest workout of the week. Looking forward!


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11 Responses

  1. It’s cold as hell here in beautiful Ohio. I’m in the midst of some heavy carrying done for conditioning and structural integrity. Monday I hit some 80# heavy bag carries in Zercher, shoulder and back position. At 7 AM tomorrow I’m taking the 100 pounder and attempting to carry it for 8 minutes continuous. I hope it’s a f’ing white out so I can get after it Rocky Style. This can only help me kick more ass on the mat.

  2. Christopher Reed says:


    Love the speed deadlifts & boxjump couplet – that is the sh*t! Monday workout for me was 10 sets of barbell Hang Cleans with a 30 second interval of play doing whatever I felt like doing in between sets with 30 seconds rest MAX

    First 4 sets progress weight up to 2 rep max Clean and maintain 2 rep max for next 6 sets with play intervals. For the 30 second play I did sledgehammer work, battleropes, skipping, medball throws, kettlebell work, jumps and bodyweight conditioning drills. Just needed to get it out … I beat the crap outta myself. My traps and lats are screaming today & I love it! I feel like I could rip the top off of a beer keg with my bare hands! – haha

    You have really inspired me with the soul lifting appoach to training. I have started to use a combination of “phases” and lift by feel thanks to your insights & influence – love it.

    C.A.R.P.E. D.I.E.M.

    ~ Christopher

  3. The John Grimek-Squat Workout, from Brooks Books Chalk&Sweat….
    Squat x20,x15,x12,x10,x8,x6…each Set with more weight….

  4. Tabata style of lifting using the power snatch for 8 sets of 20 seconds (trying to get eight reps, but by set five it was about not passing out) with 10second rest (by the time you stand up you’re going back down).
    Farmers carry at 150 foot sprints with 110# and 20 second rest between sets for 8 sets. Snow coming down and steam from my body going up!
    Good stuff! Today I will pull my boys by sled/harness a quarter mile to do some sledding. Which will entail hill sprints, sled drag and laughing!

  5. After building a solid base using high volume kettlebell swings for 3 weeks I am now doing Extreme Kettlebell cardio workouts on my conditioning days, these workouts last anywhere between 7-10 minutes of continuos kettle bell work. Taxing the mind and body to push through. The workout DVD was from the instructor is Keith Weber, the guy is a kettlebell beast. There are 7 KB workouts, they are tough.

  6. Nice video…gave me some ideas with the atlas stone. Thanks!

    Dude, lose the hair…starting to look like Fonzie…hahaha.

    Just kidding…work it brudha ; )

  7. This week I reached out to a couple of guys who always push me harder when we workout together. It’s been too long since we got together in my bsement gym, cranked out the tunes and challenges each other to dig deeper.

    Plus I just ordered a new set of heavy kettlebells.

  8. Garry Atkinson says:

    Hi Zac
    Just wanting to know in the latest video that you posted where did you get that Atlas/Heavy stone from that you were training with?
    Also to let you know that I am 39 years young from Australia and love lifting the old school way.
    I feel sorry for those little gym bunnies that lift Barbie weights and think that they are getting bigger all the time at the gym with their mobile phones, I hate it when they are there and I am trying to lift the way a man should
    To you in strength and old style lifting

  9. Hey Zac,
    I turn 45 tomorrow, I’m working on doing 500+ deadlift in a couple of weeks, yesterday was my last Deadlift day until the big day. Did 195 kg for 5 reps. The 500 should be no problem. I’m hitting weights at 45 that I didn’t hit at 25. I’m also shooting for a 300 clean and jerk, I’ve Cleaned 130kg and C&j 125kg. Needless to say I’ve been hitting it hard, and will continue for the rest of my life.

    Keep up the excellent work, you are great asses to the community.


  10. Judah Dokos says:

    Made up a workout about a year ago called the 525 workout. It’s basically doing 75 reps of 7 different exercises. This week I decided to add a twist and go slightly lighter than normal but then for every rep I did, I did kettle bell swings with a 53 lbs. 1050 total reps with the kettle bell swings! One of the best workouts everm! if not the best!

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