There is so much to learn and be inspired by when we look at the training of the early 1900s, the era of Physical Culture.
The strength is astounding and the physiques were built with limited equipment and the most basic nutrition.
See the photos and Videos below to learn about Hermann Goerner The Mighty and see what you can learn and how you measure up against this Strongman!
In the Video, you'll see me going through a modified Kettlebell complex that Goerner The Mighty would perform with 18 lb Kettlebells up to 118 lb Kettlebells. You can add this to some barbell training or it can also be a full blown Kettlebell Workout.
Watch the Videos below and I'll explain....
After performing 2 or 3 rounds of the Kettlebell chain I will finish with a bodyweight workout and very likely a mixture of sleds / prowlers / sprints.
You gotta try this Kettlebell workout inspired by Goerner The Mighty and of course, drop a comment and let me know what you think, AFTER you actually DID the workout
I love Kettlebell training and often go through all Kettlebells and bodyweight for a few weeks when I need a break from the barbell. The older I get, the more breaks I take from the barbell.
Enjoy the training and put in the work! There is NO other way to get STRONG.
Live The Code 365,
16 Responses
Hey Zach,
That is an awesome workout. I tried it out and it was awesome. It was a quick ass kicking workout. Thanks so much for the great training advice. I love workouts like this. They produce great results and you do not have to spend countless hours in the gym.
Coach Z,
Kick a$$! I did this same drill with my bootcamp as a “cooldown” hahahaha- sadistic I know but I gotta love it. Hard work produces the sickest results right?
Keep it going- loving the dual posting action with you and Dave “The Iron Tamer” Whitley; sick!
No comments yet?! Come on dudes!
Done similar workouts over the years and really love how they rock the body. I’ve done complexes with rocks and barbells even. Anything works.
Sorry Zach, I couldn’t rock this one right now. I just had surgery on my right leg and just got clearance from my doc that I could start walking a little. It will be another 3-4 weeks before I can actually lift anything. Laying around is killing me! I miss training!
All the best to you guys!
heal up quickly brother, make sure you continue to train around your injury bro!
You make it look so damn easy throwing those bells around. Looks like a time-efficient workout, we’ll give it go in the not so distant future.
I am gonna hit this today for sure I am on quest of minimum 100 swings a day untill the end of october so I will line up 9kg all the way to the 40kg and see what happens after my 100 24kg swings. I cant wait!
I fully agree with what you said about training in groups and the camaraderie and such. We have a hell of a lot more fun and motivation training in my Boot’s Camp with our tight knit group than in any gym I have ever worked at.
Michael, I’m a beast, what can I say, ha ha
that is sick!!! after 100 swings to hit that!!!
ur a crazy bruddah!
keep us posted on the workout via feedback!
Hey Zach im going hit it up tomorrow But limited supply of K.B. so i will triple it up, just ordered more i will have doubles.Keep it up on the vids, there awsome, what a life u have brotha, Mine just starting the beast has arived.Im taking action.
Groener style chains & complexes are the business. I often use them with my guys and they’ve become a firm favorite with the regulars at the Kettlebell Fitness classes since I introduced them last year.
They’re so deceptivly effective that one of my female athletes couldn’t believe she’d just put 50% her own bodyweight over her head, she just saw it as the next link in the chain, I told her the weight of it AFTER the workout
i’m on strict diet of elevated pushups kettlebell swing and snatch,and some punching bag,it feels great,great COMBO bodyweight and kettlebells,thnx
Hey big z
love what ur doin!!! Keeping track all the way over in Scotland!!
You seriously have made major changes in the way I train and the way I treat the life style! Keep it up u inspire me dude!!!!!
Only question is? I been doin this chain every other week 4 a while now cause u posted same 1 a while ago?!?!
Can we have a new one please???
Live it
Yesterday I did some KB ladder work that was a great strength endurance workout. 24kg Kb. I did one handed swing left then right, then c&p, then front squat then finished with a snatch. I did a 1-5 ladder and was sucking wind. Going to try and work up to 2-3 sets. Thanks for the chain remeberance and maybe i’ll try that after.
Great stuff. I’m always looking for kb complexes to use with my HS soccer team. Many of them are experienced enough to do the clean, clean and press, but I need to get more of them comfortable with the snatch. At this point, I have a 16kg, 20kg, a pair of 50 lbs. and a 24kg. With my birthday coming up in May, I’ll probably get either a 28 or 32kg. I’ve been following the Enter the Kettlebell ROP program for about a month, after doing the Program Minimum for two months and love the results. That program is all about simplicity and effectiveness and it’s easy to teach. Keep up the great work!
Bill Reed
Landon School
Hey Zach
It is a awesome workout have to buy me some more bell’s
Tray this one, i do this 2x a week in my workout program and i,am a 55year old guy
One arm swing, high-pull, clean, clean and press 4 times with the 20kg than 8x with the 16kg and 12x with the 12kg
Do you know if there are more brudda’s in the Netherlands who are doing underground strength training?
Thank you fore motivating us