Know Thy Self & Live for the Iron


sig klein kettlebells

Soul lifting.

Here we go, 2nd workout of the day. First workout involved dumbbell quick lifts, bodyweight training and plenty of soft tissue work and mobility. Sweatin' was easy since it was almost 100 degrees.

Want a second workout but the experts cry a river and say, "NOOOOO!!!! Rest!!"

I do what I feel and I feel what I do. My advice to you... Know Thy Self. Live for the iron and Live to train. Harley Davidson would dig us, NO doubt.

I've been using LOTS of ladders lately with both Kettlebells & Bodyweight. I'm feeling AWESOME on these. Although my shoulder is a bit bothersome, things are on the mend and I am WAY better than the last few weeks.

I'm also back to running thanks to this course, mountain biking and of course, it's time to hit the beach and soon enough the water will be warm enough to hop in and learn to surf!

Time to get this day rollin'. I'll leave you with a few words and thoughts.

- To know thy self you must ALWAYS search deeper.

- Train often and train with variety, expose your weakness both physically and mentally.

- Get comfortable being UNcomfortable.

- You can train anywhere, any time, any place. Don't discriminate against training - use the many effective methods and dig deep, you will find yourself and eventually, you just might "Know Thy Self."



PS: I'm unleashing 7 BadAss gifts HERE. It's not like everything and everyone else. I unleash everything on the "other side". Click HERE to dig in. Enjoy.

5 Responses

  1. For me the toughest thing is pullups (wide grip) – I always brace myself for the onslaught whenever I prepare for this!

    So I try to do it once a week at the start of my back workout, when I’m freshest, to get it done.

  2. Good Morning Zach,
    Can you break down the kettlebell snatch movement for me. I am having trouble performing correctly. I am also using a lighter kettlebell to achieve the technique. Can you help?


  3. Big Z – this is the #TRUTH!

    Training takes me to other places that I can’t sometimes describe.

    Sometimes you must lose yourself by pushing beyond your personal barriers to discover your TRUE self…

    Only those that are what you call “SOUL LIFTERS” would understand this completely.

    I’ve been tearing into two workouts a day for the last 5 weeks or so and I’ve been feeling amazing!

    Keep busting it up!

  4. I would like to make a recommendation Big Z! Pick up a copy of Sun Tzu-The Art of War. I like James Clavell because it is straight forward the 13 steps of engagement in war.
    Read it as a strength coach, and it will blow your mind!
    My enemy has been pressing movements. Bench, shoulder press etc! It has plagued me long enough! Time to get to work!
    Great stuff as always!If you’re interested in the Art of War and how it can help shoot me an email. Ancient Philosophy was my emphasis while getting my degree in Philosophy.

  5. Jonas Deffes says:

    Love the post bro! Keep at it bro!


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