Learning Some NEW Stuff


You're NEVER too old to learn new things. NEVER too old to become better. It's OK to change.

Many people take pride in the fact that they will never change. Change means you're evolving. If you evolve, you are growing from within and that is of utmost importance.

Without growth, You die.

I'm going to challenge you to do some things that you may not be doing..... perhaps you've NEVER done these "things".... perhaps it's been a long time ago.... I'll ALWAYS be here to challenge you. I do the same to my athletes and I do the same to anyone I connect with on a coaching level, and by reading this blog, I see myself as your Coach.

Many think I'm too hard on them or too hard on others. Too harsh, tough and not forgiving enough. I simply see it as tough love and if I don't tell you the truth I am cheating YOU and lying to myself. I lay the law down with my athletes and I truly see no other way.

These athletes MUST realize the opportunity they have and how the world CAN be their if they WANT it.

[youtube width="640" height="390"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oOzse2Ez8s[/youtube]

I tell the parents outright how pissed I am at them when they allow their child to quit a sports team because practice was too hard. I tell them how pissed I am when they allow their child to blame the coach for not starting. Whatever happened to responsibility? Why do we enable how soft people are getting.... America is SOFT. That is #TRUTH and it pisses me off.

Excuses SUCK and so do the people who use them.... got excuses?

YOU suck. Period.

Why are so many athletes quitting in sports.... quitting in life.... and why is it ALL allowed & accepted!?!?

A BIG reason I left teaching was because parents would blame teachers and attack teachers when their child wasn't getting straight A's.

I HATED how this "system" was contributing to The Pussification of America.

I refused to partake in the lies, excuses and bull shit so I left it ALL..... built my own world.... Underground Strength Nation.

[youtube width="640" height="390"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8dIj37_Ni0[/youtube]

Do I have excuses for things? Absolutely. I am NOT perfect but I RAGE against it when I allow Mr. Resistance to get the best of me and I fight back, tooth and nail, blood, sweat and tears.

When I catch those excuses I slap myself in the face and kick my own ass and do a complete 180. NO quitting, just brutal honesty with myself, you need to do the same for yourself if you want success.

When I saw 4 comments on THIS Kick Ass Blog I told Underground Strength Nation to check their pulse because that video was so f**ing inspiring that it fired me up how no one had words to evoke after such a video!

How are you NOT fired the HELL UP by intense videos!?!? Come on, Undergrounders.... Lead WITH me or get the Hell outta the way!!!

[youtube width="640" height="390"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxUnKB_f4no[/youtube]

Some NEW things I am learning:

- Saying "sorry" more often and accepting my mistakes....

- Saying "I love you" more often to those who put up with my craziness and love me unconditionally. I am NOT an easy person to deal with and I imagine it's tough being on the other side of the relationship with me....

- Nutrition consulting with my friend, Jason Ferruggia. My health has taken a priority like never before since late last winter after experiencing so much pain in my body due to abuse in training and average nutrition. I am pushing more and more for better nutrition and health from the inside out.

- Reaching out to people I've lost touch with through the years....

- Refocusing my business to the select few things that I can deliver best in. These areas of my business allow me to bring my best foot forward, giving you the best I've got makes YOU better. What makes YOU stronger makes US stronger. That is what Underground Strength Nation is ALL about.

Make NO mistake about it..... These changes have NOTHING to do with a new year or a resolution. They are driven by passion and what is important to my family and Underground Strength Nation. Period.

When I want something I F**King DO it, I don't wait for dumb ass new year resolutions or any other shit like that. NOW is when I do everything I want. NOW.... not tomorrow or later, NOW.

[youtube width="640" height="390"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz6oxIlmw_M[/youtube]

I suggest you do the same. If you have demons, face them now. If you've been putting shit off, do it NOW. You MUST be honest with yourself, dig deep, look yourself in the mirror and look those you love in the eyes and tell them the TRUTH.

The world has enough liars, con-artists, bull shit artists, blame artists, excuse makers and enablers of the weak and lazy.

NOT in THIS House. Undergrounders are a RARE Breed. I know it and so do YOU.

Drop a comment and tell us how you're going to change for the better. We're an Army of Bad Mother F**kers, Be PROUD and stand TALL.

Underground 4 Life


PS: If you think my Blog is loaded with passion, wait till we connect at the next USC Cert. Austin, Texas it IS.

I LOVE The #ATX, don't hesitate and say "I'll go to the next one....". WHAT "next one". To Kick Ass & Take Names the time is NOW.

Sign Up HERE, it's time to change your life.

42 Responses

  1. Justin Bosley says:

    I’ve finally stopped pissing around and got my training biz off the ground. Can’t wait for the journey to begin!

    I’m going to also start doing more random good deeds for people, focus more on warm-up and recovery. Lately with my athletes after every training session I ask them what they have learned that day, it can be ANYTHING. Since doing this I’ve noticed more energy during training sessions and they’re generally happier to be there!

    I love posts like this Zach! Makes me want to run through a wall!

    1. @Justin Bosley: nice brutha, LOVE your athletes and care like crazy for them, they will see it and feel it and it is KEY 2 building that familiy!

  2. Kaizen- countinuous improvement

  3. Matthew Hausrath says:

    Mornin z,
    I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now, and regrettably haven’t commented. You’ve inspired me to change a lot over the past few years, and I’m sure there will be more to come. As requested, these are my things that I’m changing to better both my families and my life:
    -I’ll be starting a new career soon with one of the biggest and most diverse companies in the country. That I can attribute to your morning inspirational videos, I went to the first interview and rocked it after watching that one big dude you posted on Facebook this past week. Haha that guy is awesome. Today I’m either getting an offer or a follow up interview in a few hours.
    -working on my health. I lost my love for weights a few months back due to nothing but pussifcation (thrown out back didn’t help).
    -enjoying more time with my family. I was in the marine corps for 5 years, and haven’t gotten nearly enough quality time since.
    -have a little girl on the way, and I feel like I need to become stronger and a better person to set a good example.

    These are just a few. My life is constantly changing for the better, and I’ll fight to the death to keep up the progress.
    Thanks z, keep up the good work, and make those changes happen.

  4. Well said Zach! Love the inspiration to keep being/doing awesome! Thanks

  5. Scott Burden says:

    This year I turn 40 in June, I’m in good shape physically but really want to push to the other side of my physical fitness.
    Last fall I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. As tough as it is not being able to consume anything with Gluten, ie. Beer 
    I looked at it the other way, I only need to eat cleaner as in whole foods as a medication to stay healthy.
    So for now I gave up all alcohol and keeping my diet as lean and clean as possible. Making sure I’m hitting my Underground gym in my basement. Currently I’m working with Clubbells Kettlebells TRX and bumbells.
    I’m training for a 30klm race for March then will be working on Mtn Bike endurance for a race in June and training for a Tough Mudder that will take place in August. Oh and will probably a Duathlon in July.
    So lots of events on my plate with no room for excuses, or habits and people that may slow me down.
    I’m firmly embedded in the trenches of “my” work under ground and love it.

    1. @Scott Burden: I LOVE your new take on life and getting after it w/training.

      Be sure to check Brian McKenzie & his crossfit endurance methods as they are awesome, I love them.

      One of our coaches is a triathlete and he is KILLING shit now that he follows their system!

  6. Dustin W. says:

    “What is this that stands before me? Covered in black it stares at me.”-Black Sabbath/Black Sabbath
    Mr. F!!Kn Resistance!
    I do as you say every F!!kn Day! Lead from the front! I can not make my boys into men by telling them how to do it. I beat my chest and say follow me! When it is freezing outside I am training. When I am tired I am training. I always tell them that failure is part of life, but what you do with it will determine who you are as a person. Will you sit and cry, or stand up and move on!
    There are three types of people in this world. Victims(destine to die due to lack of desire to “Live”), those that run from every conflict, and THOSE that stand up, look certain death in the face and scream “Bring it on!” I may die during this conflict, but I am taking someone with me!
    The world wants men that are not aggressive, calm, and soft. For the most part they want B!tches! Not offending women that read this blog because you are in the minority, and not the majority. Like my wife that encourages me to be who I am not what others want me to be you beat the war drum as hard if not harder than most men in the world.
    Underground Nation stand up! Show up! F!!kn Represent!

  7. Jim Thompson says:

    I have been and will continue strive to be a better husband, father, friend. I will lead by example by working my ass off everyday to reach my full strength potential both in powerlifting and in the underground methods. Thank you Zach for the motivation and guidance. Jim

  8. Hi, Underground Chief.

    As Mr Schwarzenegger said in one of his 6 Rules of life.
    “Break the rules, not the law but the rules”
    (If someone wants to listen to it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuJ4hbkLiY0&feature=BFa&list=PL87005693B92E6C81&lf=mh_lolz )

    I love doing things no one else is doing. As i was training in a fitness center, i didn´t do the same things as anyone else. (Only when i started, because i didn´t knew better)
    Sweating until my towel was so wet that you could wring it out, working with free weights, doing exercises no one else was doing. And i made progress the others didn´t. They for sure thought i would do drugs.
    HELL NO – i did hard work.. As i learned from you and all the other great coaches out there. HARD WORK pays off!!

    I LOVE YOU!! You are great!! Always inspire me, motivate me and kick my ass from far away!! (I´m from austria. So lots of distance for a kick in my butt 😉 )
    And thats why i LOVE you!! THANKS and keep kicking ass!!!!
    We don´t need to talk about your Underground manual or bodyweight manual. Which are also “fucking” awesome, that declares from itself!

    Be sure I also read your Monday Motivation. I read all the things you post.

    People step out of your box.. start living and conquer the world!
    Set your mind right. The iron tamer sad in a interview for a film about strenght.
    ” If Patrik thinks he can do it, he will”
    The same is guilty for everyone else.. if you think you can´t you will fail.
    If you think you can do that, you will.
    For excample if you think you will not be able to lift that weight.. you don´t need to “try” it you already failed. NEVER TRY only DO IT!! (Master Yoda said something like that to Luke in Star Wars)

    Ok now i have to go and train X-) i can´t sit longer.. i´m damn motivated.

    Undergrounders conquer the world!!

  9. Thanks again for all your greatness, keep it up. Like you i am always trying to better myself and am trying to keep stepping everything up.

  10. There have been times when I have stagnated in my life. Times when I looked around and thought “yea this is good enough”.

    Those were dark times. They felt hopeless and full o despair. Looking to the horizon always affords the best view. No one respects someone who keeps their gaze down to the ground.

    The 3 pleasures in life. Yearning, learning and earning. The less of the three in our lives the more miserable we become.

  11. Ben Hoben says:

    I’m right there with you Zach. I’ll bee 38 in June and I want to continue to make positive changes/choices that will continually improve myself every day going forward.

    In today’s society is it easy to find an excuse because they are readily available for you.

    I consider you the “Motivator In Chief”.

    I’m really looking forward to hearing more of what you have to say about how your dialing in your nutrition. This is my weakest area. It’s almost as if its a paralysis by analysis for me.

    I read a lot about it. I like Jay’s stuff with the Renegade Diet but then read Never Let Go and see him say several different times about eating a big breakfast. Then I read stuff about intermittant fasting. Reading your recommendation “The Warrior Diet” right now.

    Maybe its best to just find something that works for me but I really want to hear what you have going on.

    Keep the motivation coming!

  12. Now is the time for me to rise to my feet Wipe your spit from my face Wipe these tears from my eyes

    Now is the time for me to rise to my feet Wipe your spit from my face Wipe these tears from my eyes I’ve got to take my life back One chance to make it right I’ve gotta have my voice be heard And bring meaning to this life

    Cause I trusted for nothing I’ve been led astray I’ve been tried and tested But i won’t accept defeat Now I’ve done things I regret And it’s time to reverse the roles I just want to make good on all the promises I have made

    I will be I will be I will be heard I will be I will be heard

    Now is the time for me to rise to my feet Wipe your spit from my face Wipe these tears from my eyes

    Through the worst we prevail. So our voices will be heard x3 so our voices will be Now is the time for me to rise to my feet Wipe your spit from my face Wipe these tears from my eyes

    Now is the time for me to rise to my feet Wipe your spit from my face Wipe these tears from my eyes I’ve got to take my life back One chance to make it right I’ve gotta have my voice be heard And bring meaning to this life Cause I trusted for nothing I’ve been led astray I’ve been tried and tested But i won’t accept defeat Now I’ve done things I regret And it’s time to reverse the roles I just want to make good on all the promises that I have made

    I will be I will be I will be heard I will be I will be heard

    Now is the time for me to rise to my feet I will be heard Wipe your spit from my face Wipe these tears from my eyes

    I will be heard I will be

  13. Thanks for this kick in the ass! I am doing it, taking control and building on a dream: opening my own gym in July 2012! This helps me remember why I am doing this, not just for me, but my kids. To see their Dad l
    Work for his dream and build champions every day.

    Thank you.

  14. Many times people become so entrenched with their ego that it tends to kick out all the true qualities a person has. The big dogg on the sports team wont’ be there for long if they keep holding others down so most quit. Not one of us is perfect, but it’s good to remember to ask your self if your treating others as you would like to be treated. If your business or sport is suffering look at what going on where you currently stand. Collect your thoughts, turn the frown upside down and get work with your fellow man. Tuff!

  15. Always passionate and inspiring passion. Thanks Zach! Making things happen!

  16. This is true as of last Friday I had an addiction to something that was making me weaker and when I found out what it wa I just stoped doing it and now it has been a week since I had sexual thoughts even.

  17. Jeremiah Enloe says:

    I dont agree that America is soft… Getting there? HELL YES!!! And we have the power to change this, but we must first remember the change starts with us as individuals and then we can can lead others into a lifestyle of “no excuses”, “no quiting”, “no bitching”, and just sucking EVERYTHING up and give a new meaning to what it means to be an AMERICAN…..
    What am I going to do to change: i pre-qualified once for spec. forces and was given honorable discharge due to getting hit by an suv as a pedestrian. But am I making excuses or giving up? HELL NO! I know who I am… “I AM A CHAMPION”… and belief will be a huge change in going after “SF” again!
    -I will be going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier and when it comes time to prep for sleep deprevation I will sleep 4 hrs for 2 days, 3 hrs for 2 days, 2 hrs for 1 day, 1 hr for 1 day, and then take 1 day with no sleep. I will do this multiple times before I leave and I WILL BE PREPARED!!!
    -My diet is going to change drastically and I will be making a log to keep track with my meals and nutritional facts!!!
    -before I head out I will complete 250 burpees, 500 push ups, 500 situps, 100 pull ups, and 250 scissor kicks in ONE DAY… AND I WILL ALSO DO THIS MULTIPLE TIMES!!! And if I can increase reps, then yes I will be doing so!!!
    -I will be finding quotes from scripture and Inspirational people and will be memorizing them… from these people I will draw strength and become a better AMERI-CAN MAN from it!!

    As of now… this is all i have, but…. Will this list increase? Yes!!! And from it I will be stronger, better, and a huge influence in the lives of those around me!!!

  18. Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency is the name of the game! People spend too much time pissing around thinking of what they should accomplish instead of actually accomplishing their goals “hmmm what should i do now”. Pick a task, accomplish that task. I’m cutting down on the transition time between my activities and compartmentalizing my life more. When I’m in class i’m actively listening, when i’m at the gym i’m 100% pursuing my physical goals, when i’m with family or relaxing thats what i’m focused on NOT stressing while i’m supposed to be relaxing about “what I need to or should do”. Life is so much more fruitful with this mindset I’m already reaping the benefits. People! you know what it takes to succeed! Enough with this half ass do just enough approach to life. Where’s the harm in going above and beyond? There’s isn’t any! Do just enough and those of us who go above and beyond with wave as we pass you by! Lead from the front! Thanks Z keep doing what you’re doing brother!

  19. Focus, Intensity and Death,
    No one comes out alive thru this mess…

    You say bring it,
    Let’s get it on.
    Some do it with words,
    Some do it with song.

    Others gotta grapple to feel strong…

    Push it to the limit and then relax,
    Gotta have balance in the attack.


  20. Randy Maddux says:

    strong medicine, but true

  21. I also would like to focus on some nutrition more. Any books or websites you’d personally recommend? With so much out there I don’t know what to listen to. I trust you and all the Undergrounders big time so anything will help.

  22. Chris Mullen says:

    Awesome post Zach. Love the Mr. Resistance thing. I always think of him of as a man in my head that wants to stop me from achieving my goal. Can’t let him win though! F**K HIM!

  23. Thanks Zach another great post I love your blog man!! you are an inspiration to me and many others thanks.you have inspired me to get off my ass!!I just enrolled for the HK C entry level for the RKC.I have little experience with kettlebells but i said f**k it I wanted the challenge.As you say get comfortable being uncomfortable.Thanks Z.keep up the good work!!

  24. I’m 17 years old, a high school senior, about to go compete in 3 wrestling matches. My team is missing 4 starters due to illnesses, skin diseases, injuries, and one kid is taking the SATs again instead of competing. Even without those 4 starters, we’re going to go kick some ass because we’re one of the hardest working teams in the state. Thank you for giving me the tools to transform myself into a beast. Voorhees High School Wrestling, Only the tough survive.

  25. Z awesome post.

    Sometimes my kids and even other coaches say, “Why do you travel so much and go to so many seminars?” They think I know so much already, but the bottom line is I KNOW to be on the top of my game I constantly need to invest in my education and be around other ASS KICKERS to stay ahead of the pack and lead!

    So what am I going to do to get better? Continue to learn from the best in the industry like yourself and connect with other like minded in individuals to make sure every day a get a little better than the last.

    “If you aren’t getting better you are getting worse.” PERIOD end of story.

    Keeping leading the way Zach!

    -Coach Gaglione

  26. I finally found a home…

  27. Z, I still remember the first time you stepped on stage and as i sat there, the hairs on the back of my head stood up. Never turned back as I made two more trips out to be a part of the Underground Family. Awesome blog! Keep it up bruddah!!!

    Coach Belton

  28. Dustin M. says:

    Hell Yes!

    That’s what I am talking about! Just what I needed to hear, just what I wanted to see from the Underground Nation. We may be the Underground Naton, but we sure as hell RISE above everyone else!

    When I was reading the bottom half of the blog post, the commments, my right fist was clenching so hard I felt as if I could CRUSH bricks into a fine powder! Man, talk about being fired up!

    But it’s game on now…I lost 110lbs, gotten mighty strong over the years, but now it’s time to take it to the next level! Gonna DIAL in my mfkin’ nutrition like its nobody’s business, gonna forge my muscles into hardened steel. Im not settling for average, hell NO! Not to mention, right now I have/am gunning for a high fkin’ position in the career field…not backing down.

    Thank you, Z!


  29. Too Tall Tim says:

    Ok so I must have crossed the line for rude, and you deleted my post. Sorry about that. Here is a critically and hopefully not rude edit of same.

    Too hard on us? No.
    Too harsh? Again, no.

    The blogs might get more response, but sometimes it seems like we see the same 10 or 20 motivational phrases over and over. Another approach might be to just write in regular English with fewer catch phrases. We’ll still get the message!

    The material you present is good. Solid workouts and good advice.

    Live the code!!

  30. F*ck yea!

    I train harder than most people in my area. But that just isn’t enough. I’ve come to know that, but this post really REMINDED me: what I’m doing right now flat out isn’t enough. It’s these reminders I get from reading your posts that really push me FORWARD. I got to push myself, eat well, be a good citizen.

    No excuses. You are a hell of an trooper and I find inspiration in that. Peace, Heading out for some un-pussification!!

  31. My favorite saying (may not be verbatim): A man who wants something bad enough finds a way, if not, he finds an excuse.

  32. YES! Ray Lewis is the man! Of all football players, he is probably the MOST inspiring, motivating and hardcore. No excuses! Something I gotta deal with when working outside or with different things and I get fed up with inanimate objects. It’s my fault, it’s not working how I need it to! My fault that I’m not way stronger! My fault I don’t have a job!

    I’m tired of people saying it’s the government’s fault they don’t have enough money or they don’t have jobs. Forget that! Man up. Work harder. Get smarter. Do something! There’s always something more we could/should be doing, such as cutting out the expensive cell phone plan, the satellite/cable bill, the unnecessary magazine subscriptions, the junk foods or junk drinks, ETC, ETC! There’s always something you can sacrifice.

    Thanks for the motivation, Zach! I’m gonna go work some hill sprints and some conditioning drills now. 😀

  33. Alex Gresham says:

    I just turned the Big 4 0, but I do not plan on letting it slow me down! I am still getting stronger in mind and body. My family needs me to be. In order to continue growing, you have to challenge yourself both physically and mentally. I always have and I always will. It is absolutely amazing what hard work and determination will accomplish! This is definitely a quality that alot of kids and adults lack today. “Live the Code”!!!

  34. Jesus Revezzo says:

    Change isn’t always easy and can be scary. I recently quit my job as a financial teller in Florida to go drive tractor trailers hauling water in the oil fields of North Dakota. Why the hell would I do that in the middle of winter. This job will enable me to save the money needed to start my fitness facility and bring a better life to my family and those who train with me. Taking this job was scary as hell and risky but did it and I am having great success with it. Get comfortable being uncomfortable right? I also just invested in the bodyweight bodybuilding secrets to give a new refocused direction to my own training.
    Thank you Zach for telling it like it is and keeping yourself and the rest of us accountable.

  35. I think you will be remember for years to come in the strength world!
    You talk from the heart and to the people, not above them.
    Keeping it real every week and true to who you are!

    1. @Vincent: wow, bro, that is too kind of you, thnx, my man, MUCH respect!

  36. The day you blame yourself for everything is the day you can accomplish anything..

    1. @Marcus: WOW, bro, so true, peeps gotta take responsibility instead of blaming others.

      Thanks for sharing brutha!

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